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400th trip on Boardwalk Bullet

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As for the Voyage pics, the reverse-banked hop going into the 90* turn is one of my favorite parts of that ride. It's not brutal, but it is aggressive (and YES, parts of Voyage are brutal). The second Voyage pic (small transition, bottom right) is the turn right before the midcourse brake. I never found that part to be rough at all.


I never said that these parts were rough, I simply stated that they were poorly shaped, possibly causing excess stress.


My pictures might not be correct, but my main point that CCI and GG rides are designed in such a way that excess stress occurs throughout the ride causing an extra amount of maintenance and roughness is true.

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All the coaster developers know of any weakness in the structure at any point. GG and CGI etc simulate all the stress points of the coaster on their PC's using 3D CAD before they build it for real etc.


It's down to the Park and designer to agree what type of coaster the park wants, if they want it fast, G's and Brutal then they get a ride like the "Boss".


If the park wants an enjoyable ride they go for something like "Balder".

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Going back in time to the first page...

I'd blame location.


How can you expect to put a wood coaster next to water with all its moisture and climate changes and expect the thing to last without constant maintenance? When I saw the POV (which was awesome and really made this ride look like fun) with the ride next to the water, that was the first thing that popped into my head which would be a long term problem.


Have you ever heard of Blackpool Pleasure Beach? They have 5 woodies next to the sea, dating back decades and it rains hard in the winter and (as proved by the TPR trip) it can get pretty hot during the summer too. Location has little to do with it really, blame a crappy company...

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I rode it the first week it opened on a slow crawling Thursday. I remember my first experience as "rough" Some were saying that it wasnt rough but aggressive. Now I believe that the first drop to the second big drop was both rough and aggressive to the degree that the next day I felt whiplash in my neck and left rib cage. The bay side had some bad slamming I do remember. I went to ride yesterday and it was closed for repairs..... bummer : (

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  • 3 months later...
I'm excited to be taking a mini TX tour next weekend. Bullet was a strong influence on the trip planning as I'm a sucker for wooden coasters


Maybe I'll be lucky enough to see one of the TX crew hooting and hollering on my hours of riding the Bullet.


Glad you were finally able to make it out to ride the Bullet. I can't believe the hours you guys drove in two days time. The Texas triangle in one weekend is quite a feat.


The Bullet was running decent for your visit and I'm glad you enjoyed it. The front seat is by far the best seat now and was really performing when we rode.


Hope you make it back in the future for some 'ERT' on a weekday!



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