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Six Flags Announces World's Biggest Christmas Tree

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This just in....




Majestic Tree to Symbolize Holiday in the Park, the Biggest Holiday Celebration in California


VALLEJO, CA – Standing at 125’ tall, the towering presence and iconic symbol of California’s biggest holiday celebration, Holiday in the Park at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, will be a gigantic Douglas fir – the biggest Christmas tree in the world! The tree is expected to arrive at the park on October 30 from a tree farm in Oregon, traveling first by truck on Route I-5 and finally, ceremoniously delivered via Chinook helicopter into the park. Park guests will be able to enjoy this exquisitely decorated and lighted tree when Holiday in the Park kicks off on Friday, November 23.


“Having the biggest tree in the world will make Holiday in the Park one of the most exciting and magical places to visit this holiday season,” said Martin Lathrop, park president. “If you can imagine the sheer size of this magnificent tree, and add to that the dazzling display of holiday-themed areas all around the park, it really will be the biggest holiday celebration in all of California.”


The Christmas tree, which has a trunk diameter of four feet and an expanse of branches up to 55 feet, will be placed in the existing Dolphin Fountain location, a centrally-located area which will allow guests to view the tree the moment they enter the park. Each night, guests will be asked to “search” for Santa Claus, whom once found, will light the Christmas tree and the actual park simultaneously unveiling millions of twinkling lights in an extraordinary visual display.


The 125’ tree, transported from the Egan Acres Tree Farm/Willamette Evergreen Tree Farm in Salem, OR will be considered the tallest cut Christmas tree found this holiday season. To transport the tree to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, the park has enlisted the services of expert transport service Total Quality Logistics and Redmond Heavy Hauling of Portland. A 75’ tractor will be attached to an 18-wheeler and the truck will journey from Oregon to California on Interstate 5. Large banners will identify the special cargo as the biggest Christmas tree in the world, as the truck makes its way along 580-mile rural route, stopping at various towns before arriving at its final destination.


“The public can literally track the tree’s journey on our website and make plans to see the biggest Christmas tree in the world as it passes through their hometown,” said Lathrop.


After the approximate 2-3 day journey, the tree will be air-lifted directly into the park by a BV234 Chinook helicopter, the biggest and heaviest lifting helicopter in the U.S., piloted by Columbia Helicopters of Oregon. Members of the media will be invited to photograph what will no doubt be an incredible sight, as the tree is set in place inside the park. The tree will be decorated over the next few weeks and be on display throughout the entire run of Holiday in the Park.


For Holiday in the Park, the park is being transformed in familiar and time-honored holiday themes. Guests will enjoy millions of dazzling lights, life-sized toys and ornaments, non-stop entertainment and festival-like ambience to get everyone into the spirit of the season.


Among the myriad Holiday in the Park offerings: Santa’s Workshop, where kids can visit those industrious elves and pose with Santa and Mrs. Claus; Candy Cane Lane, a canopy of larger-than-life candy canes and lollipops; Toyland featuring an enormous Nutcracker soldier, teddy bear and other giant-sized toys; the Christmas Tree Forest with the fragrant aroma of a variety of trees and Winter Wonderland where Frosty the Snowman has set up house.


The entertainment lineup will include an array of all new holiday-themed wildlife shows including Dream, starring Shouka, the killer whale; Super Spirited Sea Lions Save Christmas, and A Dolphin Holiday. In Toyland, toys come to life in the original “Toy Box Christmas” show and at the Jungle Theater, an all-new marquee presentation, “Discover Christmas.” Additionally, a new holiday movie, “Santa’s Late,” will premier in the 4D Iwerks Theater.


The inaugural Holiday in the Park event at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom will begin on Friday, November 23 and operate on weekends through December 16, daily from December 17-23 (closed December 24 and 25). Special holiday dates are December 26 through January 6, 2008.


Someone local to the area, be sure to post a Photo Trip Report!



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I wonder though, I think it would be kind of cool if the GP could donate personal/homemade ornaments to the park for tree decoration. Then again, it would be a logistical nightmare, but I think it would be kind of profitable if you could have your own ornament on the world's largest Christmas tree.


And I echo what everybody else is saying, that's a big tree! I hope the smell of pine tree can be smelt all over the park. I love the smell of Christmas tree.

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Someone local to the area, be sure to post a Photo Trip Report!

Unless we already have a bunch from other locals who have posted photos by the time I get a chance to go, I will certainly post one. Can you say Christmas tree porn!?


All I have to say is that this will give me yet another reason to go during the holiday season. I'm assuming most of the rides (excluding the water rides) will be open for this. Also, we may get to see early construction on Tony Hawk's Big Spin.

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Do I smell a religious offense lawsuit? Or what ever the hell someone would call it.


yeah I see that happening too. People get offended to easily. I mean I am not Christian, etc. but I don't see why do people have to sue for everything.


Anyways this sounds pretty impressive. I would love to see this.

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Perhaps they meant largest in Northern California?


Anyway, this is a pretty cool idea... But why are they letting people see it along it's journey to the park? It isn't like Six Flags to do friendly things rather than maximise profit

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Do I smell a religious offense lawsuit? Or what ever the hell someone would call it.


yeah I see that happening too. People get offended to easily. I mean I am not Christian, etc. but I don't see why do people have to sue for everything.


Cause this is America....?


I tripped over this crack in the concrete, Im suing sixflags because they are the biggest company close to this piece of sidewalk.....

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Top 5 things about the Six Flags Christmas tree:


5. It's not a real tree, it's an Intamin pre-fab.

4. One side of the tree will be SBNO for 10 years (like Chiller)

3. Every hour there will be a light show called "Sparkling Qbots."

2. Instead of ornaments, the tree will be covered with ads for Weyerhaueser and Miracle-Gro

1. After the holidays, they'll chop the tree up and re-use it to build Evel Knievel

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I love that they called it California's biggest Christmas event. You know, becuase Disneyland is most definitely in Nevada.


SFDK is almost twice the size of DL, so in a way, technically it will be CA's biggest event if you look at it that way. Obviously it won't be anywhere near as immersive and amazing as DL's, but acreage wise, they can probably get away with the claim.


Gotta give SF props for bringing the holiday celebration back to the park in a BIG way! Gilroy Gardens Holiday Lights has been a HUGE hit out here ever since they started a few years back, no doubt SFDK's trying to cash in on the popularity too. Can't wait to see this and play in the snow!

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That is gonna take FOREVER to decorate. Itll be interesting to know the specs of what went into decorating it.


I love holiday in the park, its always such a great time to visit six flags parks, especially when the Kettle Corn, Hot Chocolate, and Firepit are all within walking distance of each other!


mmmm...kettle corn...

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That is gonna take FOREVER to decorate. Itll be interesting to know the specs of what went into decorating it.


I love holiday in the park, its always such a great time to visit six flags parks, especially when the Kettle Corn, Hot Chocolate, and Firepit are all within walking distance of each other!


mmmm...kettle corn...

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The 125’ tree, transported from the Egan Acres Tree Farm/Willamette Evergreen Tree Farm in Salem, OR will be considered the tallest cut Christmas tree found this holiday season. To transport the tree to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, the park has enlisted the services of expert transport service Total Quality Logistics and Redmond Heavy Hauling of Portland. A 75’ tractor will be attached to an 18-wheeler and the truck will journey from Oregon to California on Interstate 5. Large banners will identify the special cargo as the biggest Christmas tree in the world, as the truck makes its way along 580-mile rural route, stopping at various towns before arriving at its final destination.


^ Six Flags is getting the tallest "cut" Christmas tree.

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That is gonna take FOREVER to decorate. Itll be interesting to know the specs of what went into decorating it.


mmmm...kettle corn...


You can probably find some kettle corn quite easily and readily available, even on strings for convenience, at the very top of the tree.

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