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PTR: CarnEvil @ Great America

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On Saturday I went to Great America to check out what they had going on for Halloween this year.


Many decorations were scattered all around the park.


These giant pumpkins are straight from Gilroy Gardens holiday event. (As ornaments of course.)


A Pirate Island has been made near the raft ride.


These great props in Nickelodeon Central were made in house.


Next we caught the parade. Hands down, the most energetic parade.


Then it was off to Mixed Element, a new hip-hop show.


Everyone loves fog machines!


The sun is going down in Santa Clara, but what's that on the lamp post?


That's right folks, it's CARNEVIL!


CarnEvil is the park's sneak peek to next year's Halloween Haunt event.


The CarnEvil maze takes place inside the Rue Le Dodge bumper cars. You enter through the clown as seen in the photo above and into the queue. If you have the 3D glasses, be prepared for instant scares in the first hall of the maze. Throughout the entire maze, there is an out of control yet entertaining feeling. The 3D glasses make the paint on the walls jump out which gives you a disorienting experience.


Overall I really enjoyed CarnEvil. It wasn't terribly scary but it was a very entertaining maze. The scare-actors were into the whole event and put a lot of effort into their scares. So bravo Great America, I'm looking forward to next year's Halloween Haunt!


In other news, the park is gearing up for the 2008 season already as season passes are now on sale. But wait, something is different about this sign.


A name change in 2008 perhaps? Well it's looking more and more likely....California's Great America!


Closing time now as we exit the park. Directly behind us is another gift shop where you can buy 10 Paramount items for just $20. I made out with 7 T-shirts!


We close this update with a shot of the beautiful Columbia Carousel. Thanks for stopping by for this Great America Halloween update. A special thanks to Ryan for the tour of the park and CarnEvil!



A few notes:


The flyers flat ride recieved a Halloween theme with some new decals and props.


Looks like the first delivery from Geauga Lake has arrived...


It does look like we'll be seeing California's Great America next season! The domain name CaliforniasGreatAmerica.com has even been purchased by Paramount Parks.


You can check out these photos and the full size images at Theme Park Village.

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Nice update, like the decorations!


But CGA, ugh!!! Better than KGA, but I just don't get why CF insist on tacking on something to the name. After Marriott, the park was known simply as GA for years before Paramount stepped in, no one in the Northern CA ever confused it with an Illinois park 2 thousand miles away. Other than coaster nuts, no one out here is even aware another GA even exist. Locals simply call the place GA anyways regardless, can't imagine anyone saying "let's go to California's Great America!".


Better yet, should just drop the GA all together and rename the park. Thanks to Paramount, not much America left in it anyway, let alone anything great about the place.

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I can't wait until next season! But I really think they should stick with "Great America" instead of putting the word California in front of it. Whenever I go, I don't say, "I'm going to Cedar Fair's Great America." I just say that I'm going to GA.

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Nice update, like the decorations!


But CGA, ugh!!! Better than KGA, but I just don't get why CF insist on tacking on something to the name. After Marriott, the park was known simply as GA for years before Paramount stepped in, no one in the Northern CA ever confused it with an Illinois park 2 thousand miles away. Other than coaster nuts, no one out here is even aware another GA even exist. Locals simply call the place GA anyways regardless, can't imagine anyone saying "let's go to California's Great America!".


Better yet, should just drop the GA all together and rename the park. Thanks to Paramount, not much America left in it anyway, let alone anything great about the place.


Well I don't think adding "California's" to the name will be a problem.


Even when it was Paramount's Great America, people still only called it Great America.

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I think I'm in the minority, but I kind of liked the idea of Knott's Great America.


Have they started playing the national-god-bless-the-USA-because-its-red-white-and-blue-tribute-to-the-eagle assortment of opening and closing music? That's when we can really tell its a Cedar Fair park!

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I was there yesterday (and had a TR up as well). So, what exactly arrived from GL? (I didn't see/look for anything) As far as the name, I could care less as I just call it "Great America" anyway. That's what I've always called it and still call it...Just like I still call Centrifuge "Fiddler's Fling" and add the Orlean's onto Orbit.

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