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Survivor: The Ride question

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A coworker and I were discussing Survivor after seeing my random doodle of it and were curious about the whole 'chant/stomp/clap' thing. I've only ridden it once and the people weren't quite enthusiastic about it, both ops and riders. I did notice the 'winning' team facing the fire and losing teams get 'sprayed' with air by the masks. Now, how does the winning/losing detection work? 1 theory of mine (I know, sounds GPish but logical) was that there's sensors in the queue that pick up noise/vibrations and input it into the computer, which determines the ride's program. Or am I completely seeing things and the whole fire/spray thing is entirely random and hit whoever? (Again, this seems logical too)

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Im pretty sure there are sensors under the platform which determine the ride's program.


I rode the ride twice this season. One time in May and the other in September and both times, the ride's spinning was completely different.

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I believe a fully loaded disk only spins a certain amount. I have seen the ride go dozens of times and, on most full disks, the purple and orange seats get up the highest and the gree/blue seats usually get the lower part of the spikes. There are sensors in the platform, but they only control whether or not the water sprays or the fire blows, not the spinning.

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