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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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^ You're correct, Glow Fest cant be in the pier. Its purpose it to occupy people who aren't watching the show and keep them as far away from the pier as possible. Plus it would cause light and sound pollution in the pier unless they stopped it during the show.


^^As of now World of Color will be running every night through the end of the year which means the park will close at 9 or 10 every night (depending if they do 1 or 2 shows during the slower season, probably 2). Unless they change the showtimes to match the time of year and when it gets dark, but they don't do that for Fantasmic! So I don't think they'd do it for Woc. So, that means that you can catch a few night rides on Screamin' before it closes for the show.

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Just wanted to say my 30min vist after my summer class at both parks was intresting. While there, Indy, Buzz, and Splash were down. Star Tours had a 50 minute wait, so I guess people know they are closing it come Tuesday.

Edited by djbrcace1234
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It still gets Dark around that time in the Winter.


And who knows, with all these new attractions soon to come, I know the operating times will be extended.


Close your eyes if you want to ride in the dark.

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Disneys thinking outside the box in advertising worlds of color. This is actually a pretty neat concept IMO as the projections are beautifully high depth and the building is large. I cant figure out how to embed the video, but theres the lonk if anyone wants to see it or if the mods want to embed it.


BTW WE NEED TO DO A DLR RESORT MEET UP SOMETIME! ANYONE ELSE INTERESTED? I really want to meet other disneyish TPR people. Im only off two days a week, but it must happen sometime.


SO CAL CREW...ASSEMBLE! *conch shell blows*

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  • 2 weeks later...



Exciting changes continue at Disney California Adventure park. In June, “World of Color” began making a nighttime splash at the park and Silly Symphony Swings began offering a musical ride in Paradise Pier.


As you might already know, Goofy’s Sky School will add even more fun to Paradise Pier in 2011. The attraction is inspired by the 1940 cartoon short, “Goofy’s Glider.” It’s a flying academy that follows Goofy’s attempts to teach a group of novice pilots how to fly. While you might have heard about the attraction, I know there’s one thing I know you haven’t seen … and that’s Goofy dreaming about the new attraction that’s being created in his honor. Take a look at this video and let us know what you think in the comments.


[coastertube]http://www.themeparkreview.com/coastertube/play.php?vid=disneyparks_436_a9kq[/coastertube]In order for Mickey and Goofy to get ready for this transformation, Mulholland Madness will close October 12, and the last time guests can go for a spin on Disney’s version of Mulholland Drive is October 11.


We’ve also shared news here on the Blog about the 12-acre Cars Land expansion due in 2012. You might be interested in knowing that Bountiful Valley Farms will close on September 7 to help pave the way for Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree.


For all the news you need to know about the changes at Disney California Adventure park, visit disneycaliforniaadventure.com or stop by the Blue Sky Cellar next time you’re in the park. As excited as I am about seeing “World of Color” now and thinking about all that’s coming to Disney California Adventure park, I want to know what your favorite thing is to do in the park today. Please let us know in the comments.


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Is Mater’s Junkyard Jamboree the same one from Walt Disney Studios in Paris? Doesn't that seem slightly redundant considering Francis' Lady Bug Boogie is one land over and the exact same ride? Then again, this is Disney with it's multiple Spinners; just seemed like they could have came up with another ride type to dress up.

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Maliboomers last day of Operation is September 6th.


Disneyland confirms thrill ride to be removed

Friday, August 6, 2010


The Maliboomer attraction at Disneys California Adventure Park will be removed in September.


NAHEIM, Calif. (KFSN) -- Disney's California Adventure Park is getting rid of one of its thrill rides.


The Maliboomer tower, which shoots riders 180 feet up in the air in four seconds and then drops them, is being removed next month.


A park spokesperson says the ride doesn't fit in with the new vision for the Paradise Pier area that is currently under renovation. The new architectural theme is "a return to the romance and charm of California's oceanfront playgrounds of the early 1900s."


If you want to ride the Maliboomer again before it's taken down, you'd better act fast. The last day of operation will be September 6.


Disney is the parent company of ABC30.



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^Well, I knew it was inevitable. I think it's a bit sad though, I rode it on my visit this past week and thought it was pretty fun.


Generally, though, I visited DLR over this past Sunday through Tuesday with my famiy, and I had a great time. I thought World of Color was a great show. Personally, I thought the Fastpass system worked well because I got to enjoy my day at the park while not worrying about getting a bad spot to the show. Still, I'd like to commend the ride operators around the park. I'm very impressed with how fast they kept the line moving for California Screamin'. Overall, I had an awesome time at both parks.


On a side note, I think I might have seen a fellow TPR member. While I was with my family on Sunday night at the Refreshment Corner at Disneyland, I'm pretty sure I saw Chris with someone else that I didn't recognize. Was that you, Chris?

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Its the same ride system, just bigger. Here is the YouTube video of the anamatic.


Ah, so an extra table, and more of a whip action going on? I've never ridden Francis' (Only Hemlich!) They don't whip around, do they?


And having worked Power Tower at Cedar Point, I've always found Malibooemr to be quite "Meh" so I'm not really going to be sad to see it go.

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^The ladybugs "spin" not whip, actually looking at this, although it's the same mechanism, the whip element makes it a totally different ride for me. Of course, my opinion could change when it opens.


Yes, Maliboomer sucked. I rode it twice, first time: I found out it sucked, second time:confirmed it sucked.

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By the way, here's some advice for when you visit DCA. If you're planning to ride Mulholland Madness, wait until nighttime during World of Color. It's one of the few rides in Paradise Pier that stays open during the show. During the day, Mulholland had a 45 minute wait, but around 10 PM when World Of Color was about to start up, the ride was a walk on. How often do you see a walk on at a Disney park in the summer season? Thought you'd like to know so you guys can save time to get the credit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^^Mater is looking good! Francis Ladybug Boogie is a fun little ride when there is no line. I've long wondered how they could expand on that ride system. I guess they got all the kinks worked out it had previously...such as the cars failing to disengage from one table to the next. Looks like they put mater where the "bugs" would be and added a swinging car on the back. The increased capacity is welcome as Boogie can hold a line for a while.

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Wow, they are really moving along with Carsland. That entire area should start looking finished in no time at all. I'm glad they are also refreshing Screamin' with a new coat of paint. It really does make a difference.

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ANAHEIM -- A man was hospitalized Wednesday night after falling 20 to 25 feet while waiting to get on the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror at Disney's California Adventure Park.


According to Anaheim Police Department officials, the man had been drinking and was walking to the top of the attraction around 10:30 p.m. when he stepped over a rail and fell, landing 20 to 25 feet below.


The man was transported to UCI Medical Center with non life-threatening injuries, officials said. He has since been released.


The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is billed by Disneyland as a haunted elevator ride through a formally elegant hotel.


The drop thrill ride is 183-feet tall, making it the tallest building at the resort and in Anaheim, according to Wikipedia.




ADMIN EDIT: I went ahead and updated the thread title to better reflect the content of the story, as the man actually fell from an elevated section of the queue, not from the ride itself.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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