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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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At least it is not dead over there anymore, but still, if shows start from 9-closing, that is less time to ride screamin'

Agreed. I find that Screamin' being closed for the show is VERY lame and is actually a deal-breaker for me if I was even to think about visiting the park at night...but at least Mania is open, I guess...

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I don't see how the coaster affects the show, besides maybe getting wet, and the fire hazarad I guess, but even that is far away. With how loud the show music is, I don't see how a screaming crowd can ruin the show.


The problem is DCA does not have enough to do, so just shutting a popular ride down 2 1/2 hours before the park closes just seems undeeded; however, once all these expansions finish up, then I can understand.

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Not quite sure of the range of the mist screens, but with the angle that the stage is to the track, and the proximity of the stage to the track, it looks like you might go through a mist screen during the launch if they were to run Screamin during the show.


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I remeber when they use to have the wave machines running. And when you are waiting for the launch you would sometimes get wet when the water crashes into the rocks. Of course a few people complaind and destroyed the fun for everyone else.

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I don't see how the coaster affects the show, besides maybe getting wet, and the fire hazarad I guess, but even that is far away. With how loud the show music is, I don't see how a screaming crowd can ruin the show.


The problem is DCA does not have enough to do, so just shutting a popular ride down 2 1/2 hours before the park closes just seems undeeded; however, once all these expansions finish up, then I can understand.


The show doesn't have continuous loud music....you will hear the ride over the show at some points. There is nothing in the area to absorb all the noise the coaster makes, its just bounces around. So when the show goes quiet and nothing else is making noise...the coaster is what you will hear. It sucks it has to close, I agree. But thats why it does.

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I don't understand why they don't just keep the rides open. California Screamin' is on the non-viewing side anyway. Sure the sound bounces around, but during Fantasmic you can still hear Big Thunder, and Splash Mountain's Drop. I mean, it is still a theme park, not a broadway production in a Symphony Hall.

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The show doesn't have continuous loud music....you will hear the ride over the show at some points.

They don't stop running Journey Into the Center of the Earth when BravaSEAmo is going and you can hear the screams of the people on that ride and it doesn't ruin the show experience at all.


I don't care what lame-ass excuse Disney tries to make for not running one of their star attractions during World of Color, it's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen Disney do.


IMO, there is no good excuse for it. There is absolutely NO REASON why they couldn't run Screamin' during World of Color. NONE.



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^ You guys have done Tokyo Disney way way more times than me, but are you sure about the BraviSEAmo thing? When we were there, both nights Journey shut down for 30 minutes or so while the show was going on. I assumed it was a standard operating procedure, but maybe it wasn't, although it did occur both nights we were there. Regardless, it was pretty lame. We waited outside of the Journey entrance for the ride to re-open once the show finished. Anytime you have to close a marquee ride to accommodate a nightly show is not really great operating procedure.

Edited by Wes
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The show doesn't have continuous loud music....you will hear the ride over the show at some points.

They don't stop running Journey Into the Center of the Earth when BravaSEAmo is going and you can hear the screams of the people on that ride and it doesn't ruin the show experience at all.


I don't care what lame-A$$ excuse Disney tries to make for not running one of their star attractions during World of Color, it's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen Disney do.


IMO, there is no good excuse for it. There is absolutely NO REASON why they couldn't run Screamin' during World of Color. NONE.




I totally understand what you're saying, I'm just explaining why they are closing it. I agree with you though, I wish it stayed open. If nothing else to see if it really affected the show that much.

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^ You guys have done Tokyo Disney way way more times than me, but are you sure about the BraviSEAmo thing?


I can vouch for that. When we were there in April last year, during BraviSEAmo, the ride was open, and a complete walk-on.



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^ But the discussion was if they don't have WOC during the week in the offseason, there will be no reason for them to keep the park open until late.


And on the weekends when they have WOC Screamin' will be shut down at night.


So other than a couple of months where it starts getting dark at 5pm and the park is open until 6pm, you will be able to get some "Dusk" rides ... but no true "nighttime" rides.


IMO, they should move GlowFest over to Paradise Pier (since Hollywood will be under construction) and keep the park open later in the day. Open the park at noon or 2pm if you need to in order to justify closing the park at 8pm or 10pm.

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I think the whole reason for it was to keep people from crowding around Paradise Pier during WoC. So even when the hype around WoC dies down, having GF in Paradise Pier will make that area crowded at night. If that ever happens I think Hollywood would become a ghost town at night.

Edited by gforce532
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