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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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It still looks cheap, and no amount of plywood flats can fix that. Even Six Flags has better theming on their Dark Knight wild mice. Maybe if they enclosed it, added a dark ride section, and themed it to Finding Nemo (which would fit with Little Mermaid next door) it would be better, but I honestly don't see how repainting the billboards and adding cloud cutouts improves anything.

Edited by ahecht
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It's a step up form MM and it' temporary. Complaining about an artist's impression of the ride before any of it has changed seems kind of odd. Wait and see before you say that SIx Flags did it better, because that's a gross exaggeration.

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What frustrates me the most about the show FastPass system is that it FORCES you to be in the park the entire day. I don't want to have to be at the park for opening to get a FastPass for an attraction that I can't experience until 9pm. That's totally lame.


Isn't that the goal of the $1.2 Billion DCA refurbishment? To get people to spend the whole day in the park? Seems like it's worked so far.




Why wouldn't they try to keep us in the park all day? Seems like any given park's goal, really.


That's not how you do it. Forcing you to show up at opening to get a fastpass for a show that takes place 12+ hours later is NOT how you keep a guest in the park all day. Maybe after the expansion is done, when there will actually be an entire days worth of attractions/shows to enjoy to fill in that 12+ hours gap...but certainly not right now.


As they are quickly learning with every show cancelation...it's not a winning strategy.

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I haven't had the chance to go there, but yes, it will be better than what it is, but it's more of a cosmetic touch up than an actual ride overlay. It will fit into the new look of Paradise pier, but it's nothing splendid. I'll be more curious to see what happens, though.

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I have never had the problem you describe watching Fantasmic and I've probably seen it over 100 times, and 98 of those times I've walked up 30 seconds before the show started and just stood and watched it.


What frustrates me the most about the show FastPass system is that it FORCES you to be in the park the entire day. I don't want to have to be at the park for opening to get a FastPass for an attraction that I can't experience until 9pm. That's totally lame.




Not only is it a FP for an attraction that you can't experience until 9pm, but it's also getting rid of 7 actual RIDES a full 3 hours before the park closes. That's the part that frustrates me the most.

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How does FP for WoC force you to be in the park all day? Am I missing something?


1.) Show up at opening

2.) Get FP

3.) Go do whatever you want. Ride rides, go home, do errands, go to work, etc

4.) Show up in enough time to line up for show

5.) See show

6.) PROFIT!!!1!


I think soon we'll see Disney messing with this FP concept, closing of rides, and the dining options. It's just unrealistic to keep this up beyond this summer. Once Davison has gone to his next big thing they'll keep the rides open (with no lights on mind you) longer. Also, WoC is now getting the reputation of an up-charge attraction due to the meals.

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I have never had the problem you describe watching Fantasmic and I've probably seen it over 100 times, and 98 of those times I've walked up 30 seconds before the show started and just stood and watched it.


What frustrates me the most about the show FastPass system is that it FORCES you to be in the park the entire day. I don't want to have to be at the park for opening to get a FastPass for an attraction that I can't experience until 9pm. That's totally lame.




Not only is it a FP for an attraction that you can't experience until 9pm, but it's also getting rid of 7 actual RIDES a full 3 hours before the park closes. That's the part that frustrates me the most.


I do fully agree with this. The show is certainly loud enough to overcome any screams from Screamin'. And with Maliboomer gone, those screams / the air pump noise will be taken care of.

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I hope we see a more guest-friendly operation of this show some time fairly soon. It almost seems as if excessively anal show production types want all the attention possible focused on their creation at too high a cost to the guests' convenience.


The screams from the drop on Splash Mountain and the noise of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad don't seem to detract from Fantasmic in any significant way. I can't imagine how noise from the riders and rides near WOC would be very much different. Did Fantasmic ever have any of these sorts of restrictions on rides near it when it opened? I ask that in all sincerity since I wasn't visiting Disneyland regularly when Fantasmic opened and I wouldn't know one way or the other.

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When I got a fastpass for WoC opening weekend. I had a birthday party to go to in Mission Viejo. So I for one didn't stay in the park all day. Of course I was a little late for the party because I wasn't expecting the hour and half line. I understand that alot of people who mabey don't have passes or live out of town would have a problem. But it worked out perfect for me, expecially because d-land was along the way to and from my house to the party.

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How does FP for WoC force you to be in the park all day? Am I missing something?


1.) Show up at opening

2.) Get FP

3.) Go do whatever you want. Ride rides, go home, do errands, go to work, etc

4.) Show up in enough time to line up for show

5.) See show

6.) PROFIT!!!1!



For those of us who are not local, but have been to Disney before...that's horribly inconvenient. I would also imagine Disney has quite a few customers who fall into this category. Just to see a freaking show I now have to wake up extremely early to beat traffic (I live about 50 miles away) in order to make sure I get a FP? Then if I do make it on time to get a FP (that may or may not be in one of the better viewing sections), I now have to find away to kill the entire day?


For the same amount of time I am now forced to invest in seeing this show (unless I pay for an overpriced room at a Disney hotel or buy one of the packages of course... ), I could have hopped on a plane, flown across the country, and still made it in time to see Illuminations.


The point is, the way it is currently set up, you have to invest an entire day (or more money) if you want to see this show. Not everyone has the option of going back to their hotel/house/work/etc, and not everyone enjoys a FULL day on Disney property (that can get pretty tiring). And even for the ones who do have that luxury, I imagine it has to be pretty annoying for them to invest that hour (parking, getting FP, getting out) to get the FP, then plan their day to make sure they are there 2+ hours before showtime to re-park, re-enter the park, and get in line for the viewing area so they get a good spot within their zone.

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How does FP for WoC force you to be in the park all day? Am I missing something?


1.) Show up at opening

2.) Get FP

3.) Go do whatever you want. Ride rides, go home, do errands, go to work, etc

4.) Show up in enough time to line up for show

5.) See show

6.) PROFIT!!!1!



For those of us who are not local, but have been to Disney before...that's horribly inconvenient.

Especially when there is a show across the road at the other park, which IMO is a million times better, where you can show up 5 minutes before it starts and watch it...no hassle.


Overall, what Joey and I are saying is this...


Seeing World of Color is a hassle.


--Robb "And it shouldn't be...it's a freakin' show." Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Once Davison has gone to his next big thing they'll keep the rides open (with no lights on mind you) longer. Also, WoC is now getting the reputation of an up-charge attraction due to the meals.


Steve has nothing to do with the closing of the rides, except for Screamin' and the Fun Wheel. On Screamin, you would hear the screams from the loop if no where else and its not a silent ride, cause all the sound is bounced back into the park to avoid noise pollution in the surrounding business areas. Plus the sound of the launch itself is really loud as well. Granted, for some parts of the show, you wouldn't hear it, but there are several parts that the launch, screams, and general operational noise would be heard over the show. Basically where ever there isn't loud music playing: Toy Story, Wall-e, Up, So Close (Transformation Montage). And the wheel closes for the same reasons, noise.


So many rides close right now cause they don't want that many people in the area. Its crowded enough with WoC, add in most of the pier rides (excluding Screamin' and Fun Wheel) and there could be a lot more people to deal with.


Eventually, I could see them opening up more rides as the show becomes more level with crowds, but that wouldn't be till at least after the opening year.

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Overall, what Joey and I are saying is this...


Seeing World of Color is a hassle.


--Robb "And it shouldn't be...it's a freakin' show." Alvey


Wasn't Fantasmic a hassle to see opening year though? Ive seen pictures of people standing in the planters cause it was so crowded.

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Wasn't Fantasmic a hassle to see opening year though? Ive seen pictures of people standing in the planters cause it was so crowded.

No. Anyone could walk up 5 minutes before show and see it. Sure it was crowded opening year, and if you were short you might not have gotten a great view, but it wasn't a terrible hassle like WoC is now. And if you wanted to watch the 2nd or 3rd showing, it was even easier to see.


Those photos you saw of people in the planters were probably the first few nights only. I saw that show many times, as a guest, during the opening year without having to wait around for it.



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Besides the fastpasses, I find closing all of Paradise Pier to be uneeded. I understand Califronia Screamin', but Toystory Mania? That line has an hour wait practically all day, so just cutting off the line early as it is I think insulting. The fact it cost as much to go to DCA as DL STILL is bad marketing. DCA got bad word of mouth for that main reason, and I'm sure all these compliants and unneeded lines are adding to the bad word of mouth that has been present from the beginning. Granted, I know DCA is getting the love it needs, however; Restricting what you can do even more at the park now is not going to help it's cracked Image as it is.

Edited by djbrcace1234
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Toy Story Mania stays open till the park closes at either 10 or 11. It continues to operate during World of Color... As well, I have heard that the Carousel and the swings now open in-between the shows because they are very easy to start back up quickly (I have not yet seen this for myself).

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^I hope thats true about Toy Story, because it has to be the most popular ride in the park.


A few weeks back I was at DCA at opening and when they they let the rope down this massive crowd ALL headed to Toy Story.(I was heading to CA Screamin') But once they reached the ride it wasn't open on time, and the line stretched all the way back up the pier. The crowd was getting a bit testy, but the eventually opened about 15 minutes later.


It's a nice testament to Disney though, that they designed and built a unique attraction that everyone really enjoys.

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I doesn't look like this has been posted previously, a scene by scene description of the Little Mermaid ride. The article also states that a version of the ride will be installed at the Magic Kingdom in 2013, which I didn't realize.


Scene by Scene description of Little Mermaid ride from LA Times


The remaking of Disney California Adventure will continue in 2011 with the debut of the $100-million Ariel’s Undersea Adventure, a family-friendly, E-ticket dark ride that will take visitors on a musical underwater journey themed to “The Little Mermaid” animated movie.

Inspired by the Dragon Gorge scenic railway at the long-gone Ocean Park amusement zone in Southern California, the new Little Mermaid ride building has a dramatic arch that will feature relief carvings of frolicking mermaids and King Triton. Nautically themed glass work and tile work is designed to blend with the 1920s and ’30s seaside amusement park motif of the surrounding Paradise Pier area.

Inside the building, riders will board pastel-colored, clam-shell-shaped PeopleMover vehicles similar to the Haunted Mansion’s “Doom Buggies.” (You can take a point-of-view trip through an early concept of the Mermaid ride, which is featured in the DVD extras of the 2006 special-edition movie


Scene 1 — The loading area features a panoramic mural with all the main movie characters and a seaside castle.

Scene 2 — Audio-animatronic versions of Sebastian the crab and Scuttle the seagull set up the ride’s back story.

Scene 3 — A blast of cold air and a visual illusion make riders feel as if they are submerging underwater as the clam shell vehicle descends into the heart of the dark ride.

Scene 4 — Riders pass through Ariel’s treasure-lined mermaid grotto with sidekicks Sebastian and Flounder as the song “Part of Your World” plays.

Scene 5 — Sebastian conducts an audio-animatronic orchestra of sea creatures in the ride’s main showroom to the tune of “Under the Sea.”

Scene 6 — In Ursula’s lair, riders pass under menacing rock work as henchmen eels Flotsam and Jetsam lurk nearby during the villainous sea witch’s big diva musical number “Poor Unfortunate Souls.”

Scene 7 — The clam shell vehicle appears to ascend from the ocean depths.

Scene 8 — Ariel and Prince Eric kiss on a rowboat to the strains of “Kiss the Girl” as geysers spout water.

Scene 9 — The spell-breaking kiss drives Ursula mad as “Love’s First Kiss” plays amid gathering storm clouds.

Scene 10 — The “Happily Ever After” finale scene has been kept a closely guarded secret by Walt Disney Imagineers.

Scene 11 — Riders unload as Ariel and Eric stand atop the castle, King Triton salutes them from the water and Sebastian waves goodbye.

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Last night I went to see WOC for the 2nd time. I arrived at DCA around 1pm and had to wait all of 2 minutes to get my show pass for the 11:15pm show. Then we had the rest of the day to do as we pleased, bouncing between both parks and getting all the major rides in. If you're one of those people that have to have to be at the very front for a show you'll want to get to the area you need to wait in about 30 minutes prior to when your show pass says to return. But I've noticed at least with the 11pm showings you could wait till 11pm walk up and still find a decent spot with out much problem. As people are let in, they fill all the different levels and spread out. As you may have read they don't cram everyone in like Fantasmic, you get plenty of breathing room. For this show we were on the boardwalk in the blue section, and still had a few people filling in behind us at 11:10 and getting great spots. You can also ignore the you will get wet notices, it was more a "you will feel mist".


As for the show its self, after you put aside the fact that there's not a story line and it is just a bunch of classic Disney clips. The show really is awesome, what they have done with this technology is pretty amazing in person. Each segment utilizes the fountains, mist screens, and lasers a bit different, just enough so it doesn't feel like 26 minutes of water being just shot into the air. And I'll also say that the youtube videos don't do justice to this show. It really is one to be seen in person at least once. Do stay till the very end, as the fountains do a little number after the big finale thats kind of fun to watch. Once the show had finished my friend Shane looked at me and simply said "That was way better than what I was expecting" which was my same thought the first time seeing WOC. Given that him and I are not show people at all, we both agreed we would happily watch WOC again and enjoyed what Disney has created.


Oh and for those who are confused, Toy Story Midway Mania does stay open through the shows.

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Here the official word on what will be open during World of Color now: "We are also thrilled to announce that Toy Story Mania and Mulholland Madness will remain open during performances of “World of Color” while the park is still open to guests"


Link: Disney Parks Blog


As well, they have now officially added a third show every night to World of Color and extended the park hours till 11pm till Labor Day.

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