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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I, too would be cool with the Rocketeer as well...


So if DCA is going to be all everything about California, is there any chance somewhere would have the song 'Los Angeles?'


Tim 'I think I might be the only one who gets the song reference...oh well, back to obscuirty' West. lol

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But anything Rocketeer in California Adventure would be awesome.


I'd be cool with anything Rocketeer as well.


Agreed--Rocketeer was a lot of fun and deserved to do much better at the box office.

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Michelle Obama and her daughters, Malia and Sasha, had something of a Hollywood moment this week on a private family trip to California.


On Tuesday afternoon the three stopped by Warner Brothers for a tour of the studio lot and a museum displaying memorabilia from the Harry Potter movies. The girls also got to play around with voice-over technology.


Then, on Thursday night, Mrs. Obama and her daughters popped up at California Adventure, the Walt Disney Company’s theme park in Anaheim, Calif., White House officials said. (It’s built on Disneyland’s former parking lot.) California Adventure, in the midst of a $1 billion makeover, recently opened an extravagant fountain and video show called World of Color.


The Obamas took in the 26-minute show, which uses music, video, fire, lasers and 1,200 programmable jets of water to bring classic Disney characters to life. No word on whether they stood close enough to get wet.

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I am in epic need of someone who has seen the show. If I hit the park at like one(it opens at 10) do I have any chance of getting world of color tickets? I am going tomorrow, but have a graduation rehearsal til 1230. This is pretty much my only chance to go before the blackout dates hit. It does not matter which of the three shows I go to, pretaining there is a third one. I just really want to see this show!

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^Friday was a blackout day, so expect tomorrow to be far MORE crowded because this is (like you said) one of the few chances for people with APs to see the show during the summer. Even if you don't get a ticket, you can still see the show fairly well, according to people who've done both. I don't know where you'd want to stand, but ask around. I'm sure someone knows.

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I am in epic need of someone who has seen the show. If I hit the park at like one(it opens at 10) do I have any chance of getting world of color tickets? I am going tomorrow, but have a graduation rehearsal til 1230. This is pretty much my only chance to go before the blackout dates hit. It does not matter which of the three shows I go to, pretaining there is a third one. I just really want to see this show!


You might have better luck paying $15 for the box lunch for the second show. From what I've heard, there have usually been box lunches remaining after the fastpasses are gone, and you are guarenteed not to get a seat way on the end.

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^^ If I could I would... we'll just get in line ad prey. If not we'll watch from wherever you can, were all APs, so well end up seeing it at some point either way. Also, there are quite a few seats, we went last monday and it didnt sell out til probably three oclock... and hopefully the line will be a little shorter.

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Oh my gosh this is the ride I am most excited for! I love the POV they provide with the testing, it looks like this ride is going to be amazing!


It'll be amazing if this ride is better or on par with TT at Epcot, which may not be hard to do! I hope they don't cut the corners!

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Is that the entire ride in the POV? Or is there more to it? If that's it, it's almost as short as a ride on Dragster! It looks like there's a lot more to it in the concept art, and I would hope there would be in real life. Test Track is a good five minutes long (I think), and if what's in that video is it, this thing isn't even a minute.

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Is that the entire ride in the POV? Or is there more to it? If that's it, it's almost as short as a ride on Dragster! It looks like there's a lot more to it in the concept art, and I would hope there would be in real life. Test Track is a good five minutes long (I think), and if what's in that video is it, this thing isn't even a minute.


That is the test track they've built to test out the ride vehicles (and presumably the dynamics of the more unique features of this track). The track at the beginning with the white sides that isn't set into a concrete channel is temporary.

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Cool video!


My impression of Carsland is that it is very much like Test Track. It's not a high speed thrill ride for the entire length of the circuit. Instead of vehicle testing, it's a series of scenes before the actual race. It will be interesting to see how much of Carsland is high speed "racing" vs. Test Track. Hope that Q is super long. They could probably show the entire Cars movie in the line. This will easily be one of the longest lines in all of DL/DCA for quite some time. I haven't heard of any E-tickets on this level approved for the parks past 2012.

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Is that the entire ride in the POV? Or is there more to it? If that's it, it's almost as short as a ride on Dragster! It looks like there's a lot more to it in the concept art, and I would hope there would be in real life. Test Track is a good five minutes long (I think), and if what's in that video is it, this thing isn't even a minute.


That is the test track they've built to test out the ride vehicles (and presumably the dynamics of the more unique features of this track). The track at the beginning with the white sides that isn't set into a concrete channel is temporary.


Thanks for clearing that up for me! I am again excited for this ride


I was thinking that Obama went to see WOC because he was considering building a giant one in the Gulf of Mexico to fix the oil spill.


I don't know how much you can force color into a show made from fountains of oil sludge...

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Well I just got back from a trip from Disneyland and DCA, and I was very surprised with what I saw. First off World of Color. I was very impressed with the show and I have to say, it's a lot better to see it in person. Some of the parts I thought were interesting are Buzz and Zurg, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Genie from Aladdin. But the parts I thought were the best were the parts with FIRE!! The fire was very bright and very hot! Yet I really couldn't see a storyline. It was just some random parts from the Disney movies all put together. Overall I would give the show a 9.5 out of 10. All the construction that is going on is really exciting. Seing Cars Land and Little Mermaid coming along is getting me excited for the years to come. All in all it was a great trip to DLR.

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Went to finally watch WOC last night and it was shut down... smelled like sewer lines broke and the cast members just said they were having "technical difficulties" Anyone know what happened??

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The 10:15 showing of World of Color was canceled last night. It was a pretty nasty situation. Some pipe broke in the fountain in the middle of the viewing area (in the preferred dining section) that flooded during the 9:00 show.


They still moved the audience into position for 10:15 as they swept lots of water around the fountain area, I believe to make room for the 11:15 folks who were queuing up. At about 10:20 they sent CMs into the crowd to inform us of the cancellation. Nobody believed them when they said it was canceled. Eventually they sent higher level managers (A fellow named Cameron who I believe said he runs the Paradise pier area?) and lots of CMs to absorb the wrath of the mob and send them on their way to make room for the 11:15 viewing... if they could ever get things fixed in time for it. I really felt bad for the CMs. Nobody knew anything, nobody had a strategy or plan for what to do with the horde of angry guests, and all they could offer was an ear for the crowd to shout at.


The guest relations line was enormous and very slow to move. Eventually we saw that if you were an annual passholder you were being given a front of the line day pass for a return visit (but no blackout day ticket) and if you were a ticketholder you were being comped. They also told us that as the line was very very long we could go home and contact guest relations this morning. Sadly my wife and I took them up on the offer. I have just been told by a lady at guest relations that there is no compensation to be given to anybody. The whole situation is extremely disappointing.


On the positive side for others, she also informed me that the 11:15 show did go off at 11:30, so I imagine they have the problem fixed and this was a one time deal. Sadly for me I am now blacked out the remainder of the summer and will have to wait in the 1.5 hour viewing ticket line again in the future after having already wasted half my last Disney day trying to see the show.


On a personal side, if you happen to have the contact info (just email perhaps) for someone like Mary Niven or George Kalogridis or anybody really above your basic guest relations person I would really appreciate the ability to forward my complaint. Things break. I understand this. It's how we deal with our emergencies that determines how we are judged. Disney has never let me down before when technical difficulties have sent me out of line and have always worked hard to make things right. I can't believe that now after such a huge time investment for one show they aren't willing to try to recover the visit. That's just not the Disney I know.

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What a mess! I was also there for the 10:15 show and I'm still pissed over the whole situation. Let me first say; I'm a annual passholder but I still have the right to gripe and the only reason I say that is because they make this a show where they make you arrive when the park opens and sit through an hour long line to get a fast pass and then stay through the whole day only to wait another hour pinned up in a roped area to see a show that doesn't start until 10:15 at night. I would care less if Fantasmic or the fireworks were cancelled because you don't put that much time and investment into it to seeing it.


Here's our story with some added (disgusting) details not previously mentioned...


We arrived at 9:50am to run back and get our fastpass where the line stretched all the way to the sun plaza. After 1 hour in line; we finally get fast passes for the 10:15 show. We have yet to see the show and this was the last weekend our passes were good until August (when they actually expire). We spent the whole day at the park which is exhausting and we haven't done in awhile. We arrived in front of the wine area at 9:00pm and were sent to sit in the roped pinned area for ONE HOUR!!! They didn't actually allow us in the paradise park area until 10pm which should have raised a flag because as mentioned in prior posts they already knew about this pipe break at the 9:15pm show and were obviously trying to deal with it after and made the decision to go on with the show and move the 10:15 people into the area. We sat in the paradise pier park for about another 15 minutes where we could see the employees frantically trying to mop up water in the play area. After the 15 mins we had one of the castmembers come down and announce to our area (we went down to the boardwalk...dead center show view) that the show has been cancelled. No one moved because no one wanted to believe him after all the mess you have to go through to see the show. Another 5 minutes went by and they did an announcement over the loud speaker that the show was cancelled and to start leaving the park. This is where more of the madness began because they just kind of pushed everyone out with no organization and to top it all off someone must have been so pissed that the show was cancelled that they "dropped a duece" right in the middle of the yellow section and the castmembers were so disgusted to clean it up they just let people walk right next to it.


We finally got out of the park and we could see people ropped off for the 11:15pm show. We went up to GR and the line was out to the sun plaza. All I was going to request was a blackout pass so we could come in July or August to see the show before our annual pass expires but the line literally did not move for the 30 minutes we stood there so we left only to be hit with another blow when as driving through the parking garage to leave we see the paradise pier lights go down and the 11:30 show begin.


My honest opinion...if there was a chance the show was going to go on; they should have just let us stayed and started the show a little late and then started the 11:15 show right after ours ended. It would have saved GR from a lot of pissed off people because it just screwed the 7,000 people waiting to see that show. ...end rant...

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