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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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The new World of Color look like its going to be great! Here is the presentation that Steven Davison gave and it goes through the entire show with animation, storyboards, and music.


Just him talking about the show with the music in the background gave my goosebumps.


This is going to be incredible.

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I also can not wait to see this show! The technology driving this is amazing. WoC and the Electric Light Parade should allow DCA to stay open late and keep the crowds much better than it has.


Rumor has it that the Electrical Parade is going back to Disneyland, where it should be IMO. But we'll have to wait and see for that.

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If I remember right, Fantasmic will be down for a big rehab when WOC opens so that would explain why the parade is moved there.

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^ I don't think so...they just got one with the new Tick Tock, Flotsam and Jetsam, and Murphy.


Besides, they got new projectors a few years ago -- so I don't think we'll see another major rehab happening for quite a while.


And the parade is being moved since the DCA parade route is going to be down for construction.

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Chernabog is in Fantasmic as well.


I haven't seen Fantasmic in a while, so I was unaware of this. That being said, I did some research and found that he only appears in scenes from Night on Bald Mountain projected onto the water screens.


In World of Color, a giant, solid Chernabog will appear in the water, and from what I've read, the only projection will be of his facial expressions. That's why I mentioned it as an element that could be considered a "Fantasmic killer".

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^If you haven't yet seen the video's posted, Steven Davison says, "That gives way to a drum sequence that leads to the Chernabog. That's another kind of great illusion that we're going to create. The Chernabog's created completely out of water, as a projection piece." at 0:52-1:00 in the third video, so no solid Chernabog despite what rumors have been saying. I'm pretty sure there will be no solid pieces used in this incarnation of WoC and it's all going to be water, fire and projections.

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Thanks for the clarification. It makes sense that there would be no solid pieces, as there is no real backstage area to hide anything very large and the lagoon will be filled with moving fountains and lights. I stand corrected. Still, I'm willing to bet its going to blow Fantasmic's Chernabog "out of the water." Zing.

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I appreciate the fact that it looks like the viewing area is multi-level, so that will help quite a bit with sight lines for the most part. Good to see they recognize the issue with Fantasmic and the Fireworks at DL, and are taking these steps. Hopefully one day they can tier the area over in New Orleans Square. Looking at the model, I kind of wish there was a reserved upper level seating area behind the last row of planters, before or instead of the trees.


Certainly would be nice after a long day to be able to sit and watch WOC.


Imo, the EP should stay at DCA, that park needs all the help it can get.

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^If you haven't yet seen the video's posted, Steven Davison says, "That gives way to a drum sequence that leads to the Chernabog. That's another kind of great illusion that we're going to create. The Chernabog's created completely out of water, as a projection piece." at 0:52-1:00 in the third video, so no solid Chernabog despite what rumors have been saying. I'm pretty sure there will be no solid pieces used in this incarnation of WoC and it's all going to be water, fire and projections.


Thanks for the clarification. It makes sense that there would be no solid pieces, as there is no real backstage area to hide anything very large and the lagoon will be filled with moving fountains and lights. I stand corrected. Still, I'm willing to bet its going to blow Fantasmic's Chernabog "out of the water." Zing.


It looks like there is something solid and very tall in the show. Theme park geeks can click these pictures for larger versions.





There's a pit just behind the center of the World Of Color platform. They test mounted a very tall telescoping cylinder in the pit for a while. It looks like a pneumatic telescoping cylinder which extends vertically to make something rise out of the water. It looks like it extends to at least 60 feet (probably more like 80). The Chernabog may not be solid but something tall is probably going back there.


I think I remember a very tall Zurg in some of the World of Color artwork. If it's not the Chernabog then it may be Zurg.

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My guess for the first picture (and what's attached in the second/third pictures) is what raises and lowers the platform itself, concealing it during the day. It looks like they're telescoping.


EDIT: At second glance never mind cause they're going in the wrong direction I think.

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^^The telescoping thing in the back has nothing to do with the raising lowering hardware.


^They gave a press tour of the platform and explained how the platform works. The platform actually submerges and surfaces like a submarine. The blue tanks which you can see in the third picture above are Boat Floaters. They're blown full of air to lift it and filled with water to lower it. The scissor lifters are used to keep the platform aligned as it moves up and down and they also have a bidirectional cylinder on them which locks the platform at a given depth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The orange has started to be taken down! Goodbye Orange Stinger! Also, if you didn't see, Golden Dreams is also completely gone! All that's left is the rotunda!


Photo from Darkbeer at Smugmug.com


Photo from Darkbeer at Smugmug.com


Photo from Darkbeer at Smugmug.com


Photo from Darkbeer at Smugmug.com


Photo from Darkbeer at Smugmug.com

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I was just at the park the other day. Its kinda sad to see the lack of crowd (not that that I didn't like standing in line for 6 minutes to get on Screamin at 7pm .) I am excited to see new attractions being brough in. Its kinda sad to see some stuff go to. They hadn't started taking Orange Stinger down when I was there last Thursday.

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