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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Moving the Astro Orbiter from the top of the Peoplemover/Rocket Rods station to the entrance of Tomorrowland was pointless if you ask me, and did nothing but make things worse - not better. I don't think all of the stuff going on in Paradise Pier is pointless, but it definitely isn't something that NEEDED to be done, in my opinion. It's not really improving upon the park's main problem, but it's improvement nonetheless and I think it's going to add a lot to the area.

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^ Yeah, I specifically meant the whole Mickey Mouse head thing (moving it from one ride to the other--even if it is a bit different).


But it does seem odd that they're doing so much in what was already the best area of the park.

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^I would guess that the Mickey head was moved to be part of the new lagoon show.


Regarding Paradise Pier...even though it was the "best" area of the park, it also summed up part of the reason why DCA flopped: it still wasn't anywhere close to what you could find next door at Disneyland. I think they are overhauling this section first because they know it's the best/most popular section of the park and want to send the message of "you think this is nice....wait until you see the whole park when we are done!!!"

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^^ I agree that that's probably what they're doing regarding the PP remodel first. I'm looking foreward to Buena Vista Street the most. If they can nail down another part of Walt's life in a Main Street-esque way, then this thing will be a major success. I know we're nowhere near close to the finish line on Phase 1, but has anyone heard anything about the potential phase 2?

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^I would guess that the Mickey head was moved to be part of the new lagoon show.


Ah. That had not occurred to me. Thank you.


Still reminds me of that, though.


/Lived through the sad, sad New Tomorrowland of 1998.

//Even rode the Rocket Rods!

///Okay, yeah, they were lame.

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^ Am I the only one that this reminds of the whole "moving the Astro-Orbiter to the entrance of Tomorrowland" debacle?


I don't want to be one of those "look how much i know about this" guys, but wasn't that more than just an aesthetic choice? I could be wrong, and/or whoever told me this could be wrong, but I though that that whole debacle was because they were updating the ride for more capacity and the new ride was too heavy for the old People Mover building to support.

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^ Well, I also don't know everything. But based on my fuzzy memory of the time, the Rocket Jets/Astro-Orbiter didn't seem any different down on the ground--just less exciting.


My understanding was that it was moved to make the entrance to Tomorrowland more exciting. (And if that sounds kind of lame...well, that pretty much sums up Tomorrowland 1998.) No greater capacity was achieved so far as I recall.

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