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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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From experience, if California Adventure has early entry for hotel guests, Radiator Springs will already have a sizable wait.

He's already said they're going on a Saturday, so Disneyland is open early, not DCA.



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I corrected that in that later post. It’s a Friday. I had my days screwed up. Sorry everyone. If DCA is open early, what would you suggest doing with MaxPass? Should I still grab Radiator Springs first?


As for Tiki Room, I don’t know... I did the one at Magic Kingdom and personally I thought it was the single worst attraction in the park (and I rode Stitch’s Great Escape that day). Every kid in the place looked bored out of their minds and every adult was on their phone or looking around wondering what kind of terrible mistake they had just made.


Different strokes, but I really, really don’t get how the Tiki Room is allowed to exist in a Disney Park. Maybe this one is better but if I’m ranking Disney attractions I put the Orlando version right below the parking tram and Stitch.

Edited by coasterbill
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Ah, ok, I missed that then. That changes the recommendations entirely. Do Disneyland first, and go to the Fantasyland rides at opening. Still get Fastpass for Space Mountain and Haunted Mansion. Do DCA at the end of the day instead; since it's on early magic hour, most people will do it early in the day. Keep in mind that Radiator Springs Racers may be out of Fastpasses and also that DCA has no beer jail and I think you can figure out the plan.

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Even if you don't want to rope drop a ride at DCA, I still recommend getting your ticket scanned there (they have early entry and standard entry gates if they replicate Sunday's set up) so you can make your first MaxPass reservation as soon as possible.


I would recommend Radiator Springs first. If you get it first, you may get an 8-9 window like I did. Otherwise you could have to wait a long window (I think it's 1.5-2 hours) before your next FastPass.


You can then either walk 2 minutes to queue up at Disneyland's entrance or stay at DCA.

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Even if you don't want to rope drop a ride at DCA, I still recommend getting your ticket scanned there (they have early entry and standard entry gates if they replicate Sunday's set up) so you can make your first MaxPass reservation as soon as possible.


I like this plan. I'd really like Radiator Springs Racers with Brit so I'll try to get a Fastpass for it. Do the standard entry gates open at the same time? If so, I would assume you would most likely get that first window if you immediately hop on the app and book it once you scan in right?

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I reached the main gate a half hour before opening. All but one gate said "Early Entry" while one gate said "Entrance". You can use the latter. I think Radiator Springs had an 8:10-9:10 return time.


Everything else had an 8-9 return time. I picked Guardians and when I reserved Radiator Springs just after 8, Radiator Springs was up to 9:15-10:15.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So we may be looking at a June 2019 opening.




Disney CEO Bob Iger spilled the beans on a June grand opening for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland, letting the debut date slip for the much-anticipated new themed land during a wide-ranging media interview.


In a Q&A with Barron’s that was published online Friday, Jan. 4, Iger was asked about efforts to grow attendance and increase capacity at Disney parks.


“When Star Wars opens in Anaheim in June and in Florida later in the year, that’s adding capacity,” Iger told Barron’s.

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I hope Anaheim PD is ready with riot gear...


I am honestly much more intrigued by how they intend to do crowd control. The park is already bursting at the seams since it was designed in the 50's and the main pathways have not seen many changes since then despite the increases in capacity...


Also intrigued by the inevitable price increases to help with pushing AP's away...

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With the Cars Land opening, and still now, only those staying on property get early entry to DCA. Three-day or more tickets get early entry only to Disneyland. If they keep it similar, I can see that switching. Early entry to Disneyland, or just Star Wars, could be only for resort guests, and three-day ticket holders get early entry to DCA.

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Darnit. I just put two park hopper 4-day passes into a "cart" (for buying later) just a couple of days ago, and today the total just went up $50. If I'd bought them earlier, could've saved that extra money.


Oh well. Life happens.


And I just bit the proverbial bullet, and bought them, now.

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Darnit. I just put two park hopper 4-day passes into a "cart" (for buying later) just a couple of days ago, and today the total just went up $50. If I'd bought them earlier, could've saved that extra money.


Oh well. Life happens.


And I just bit the proverbial bullet, and bought them, now.

It may be too late now, but if not, you can find discount tickets at

https://www.citypass.com/southern-california. They have 4 day park hoppers for $268 v. Disney's $380.


Emergency edit: Just read the fine print on those and they expire May 23, 2019. So don't get those.

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^ LOL thanks for the advice (not). But - I just bought the passes a few hours ago. (See above post)


That's okay. For Knott's we're probably getting a one day pass through the Hotel, (visiting on Friday),

and then getting two of the (hopeful) WCB tickets for Knott's (fingers crossed).

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I've used Undercover Tourist quite a bit and would recommend them. The old price tickets are only until they run out of them, so I would buy them soon. I did have an issue once with the ticket not working. I called them and they had a live person who took care of it in just 10 minutes. I was glad they had a live person and was able to take care of it right away and I've been recommending them since!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Usually you hear this type of story on flumes where there aren't restraints and isn't that the reason why WDW's Splash Mountain got lap bars?


Space Mountain has a basic lap bar. The employees don't physically pull on the lap bar, but they do spot check and ask the riders to pull it up for them.

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Evidently Space Mountain has been closed since Tuesday afternoon since someone decided to force himself out of the train while it was in motion.

I love how the second part of that URL just says entertainment.


Like, I know that because the article is about Disneyland it falls under that category, but the story is so stupidly funny that it's accurate

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The Space Mountain incident leaves me with so many questions. Like how cognitively impaired he was, if he was forced on the ride against his will, if he had some type of supervision (and how much supervision can be imposed upon a 20 year old adult), if this could be a catalyst for more stringent rules for mentally impaired patrons (which would be terrible imo), etc;

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The Space Mountain incident leaves me with so many questions. Like how cognitively impaired he was, if he was forced on the ride against his will, if he had some type of supervision (and how much supervision can be imposed upon a 20 year old adult), if this could be a catalyst for more stringent rules for mentally impaired patrons (which would be terrible imo), etc;


You're overthinking this by a lot. Clearly a one-off situation. State would not have approved re-opening after a short amount of time if there was anything more to the story.

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