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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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I don't think this has been asked about already, but...


Is there an On-Ride Photo camera to be installed on The Incredicoaster ? And where would it be, perhaps?

I don't remember if there was one for California Screamin' or not (it's been a couple of years), so any help will be appreciated, thanks.



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California Screamin's / Incredicoaster's camera is near the end of the layout, inside the lower spiral. I'm not familiar with whether or not it's being changed as part of the renovation, but I would assume that it won't be.

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^ Cool, thanks. I'm assuming then, the new enclosed end part of the ride, won't start until

after the spiral, and the On-Ride camera, with the train then entering the new enclosed "ending."

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^ Cool, thanks. I'm assuming then, the new enclosed end part of the ride, won't start until

after the spiral, and the On-Ride camera, with the train then entering the new enclosed "ending."


That's what the internet rumors are

. I'm pretty excited to experience it myself.
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Some art shows the ride ending inside a new "Red Tube" and some art doesn't show that area being enclosed. And there has been no official talk about how the ride will end (and there usually never is). So, we'll have to wait and see in regards to that.

I'd imagine they'd keep the photo element where it currently is, and finish the ride off in the rumored enclosure. If they are true, it will be a great remodel and not an afterthought-layover.

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I always wished that the camera would be at the launch, I’m sure those would be the most priceless photos!

In most cases, that's where it is. Rock n' Roller Coaster has its camera right as you start the launch, you can see it from the front seat while you wait.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Disney replacing California Screamin' with constant baby noises and nom nom memes really rubs me the wrong way It was actually one of my favorite rides visiting California as a teenager. Am I out of touch with this ride's target audience, or is this just a really weird ride now?

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Disney replacing California Screamin' with constant baby noises and nom nom memes really rubs me the wrong way It was actually one of my favorite rides visiting California as a teenager. Am I out of touch with this ride's target audience, or is this just a really weird ride now?

The whole point of the ride now is that you're trying to help the family catch Jack-Jack.

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From what I've seen and heard on a POV already posted of the coaster, there is more instrumental stuff going on,

than goo-goos etc. No spoilers, but obviously, if Jack-Jack is somewhere along the track(-track?) they'll time

his noises. And they did it really well, IMhO. And I would definitely ride it more than once to enjoy the experience

(and that lovely loop) again and again.


What was Then ~ My last visit there, Sept.2016 after West Coast Bash.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad they re-themed it. It was a great ride, and I liked the music, but I like the direction the park is going with more Disney on everything. That's why I go to Disney. I can go to Santa Cruz, CGA, and SFDK for fun rides, but at Disney I like the themed rides.

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On the positive side, the new Lounge does look great. The menu looks really good, prices are similar to what they had before, so no shock there. Had no idea about the secret room, which is brilliant. The Snowman treats went over really well, always a line it seems.


I think design wise, a couple of areas to improve on. One is Incredicoaster. I am not sure the static Jackjack on a stick décor works in real life as it probably did in the drawings. Very odd looking. Maybe if on hydraulic pistons where he was on a box jumping up and down? Just so weird as it is. Looks really unfinished, as compared to the rooms with Edna. The murals are great, great design. The shade structures don't seem to do much for the heat. Carsland has brilliant misters in it's line, so kind of surprised they couldn't do the same here.


With the band, I like they have music venue in the area, but in full sun, it is a tad toasty to watch them. On less hot days, not going to be an issue of course. But the sightlines might be. I think an slightly elevated stage, (although maybe then it is a trip hazard?), could have helped.


Pal Around, is just an unfortunate name. I think doing tarps over the line is way to close to a Six Flag level of solution. I am glad they did it of course, doesn't look so amazing, but it is functional.


I find it very curious that they couldn't finish a carousel in under 6 months, Seems like a budget decision. As last part of the critique, even now after Pixar Pier has opened, DCA as a whole offers less rides than before with the shuttering of the carousel and Bugs Land. Good thing they brought Paint The Night over! I think maybe when Marvel Land is done in a couple of years, the park will finally increase it's ride count for the first time since Carsland?

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  • 5 weeks later...
My school is considering doing grad night at California Adventure and I was wondering if any of y’all have ever been to a Disney grad night? If so, how many attractions are open and how are the waits?


My Grad Nite was at DCA, and it was totally awesome. I was very close to not going, mostly because enormous crowds and obnoxious classmates didn't exactly draw me in, but I am so glad I did.


California Screamin' (at the time) was running like a thousand trains and the line was basically a moving walkway. We didn't even go near Guardians because it was new at the time and the line was totally ridiculous. Some areas of the park get congested with people dancing and grinding on each other, but honestly if you are with friends and people you enjoy being around, I highly recommend going. All rides were open as far as I could tell.


I guess the only "down side" was the crazy thoroughness of bringing bags in and them checking literally everything in your possession (one of my friends had to throw away an empty, dry reusable water bottle as well as some school supplies like a few pens and sharpies and what not), but I honestly don't blame them being so strict because high schoolers are dumb and will try and sneak stuff in so as long as you bring the absolutely bare minimum and aren't stupid, you'll have an awesome time!

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This is absurd!


The city knew for 8 MONTHS where the hotel was going to be located, and now they're trying to pull a quick one DAYS before the hearing because the project was moved 1000 feet? It's pretty obvious they just don't want to give them the tax incentives, which is ridiculous. How dumb are these city councilmen? People LOST THEIR JOBS. Businesses were SHUT DOWN. Not just this hotel but the entire resort has brought and still brings an ABSURD amount of revenue and tourism to the entire area, why the hell are they dicking around with Disney like this?


Such a petty stupid excuse for obviously a bigger issue they have that they don't want to be upfront about.


I wonder if this is something Disney can file a lawsuit for. Think how much revenue they are missing out on with all the things they closed and all the money flushed down the drain with development of the future plans.

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Or, conversely, Disney can go forward with the hotel on their own without the tax break. Pretty sure they can afford it and would easily recoup the lost tax rebate...


The contract is technically void because of the different address of the hotel. Since the deal was first approved, the political climate changed in Anaheim. City found a loophole and will likely turn that into a better deal for the city.

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City found a loophole and will likely turn that into a better deal for the city.


In the meantime, it's a pretty rotten deal for all the people who lost their existing jobs, and the ones who would have had jobs at the new hotel under the original construction schedule. I'm sure they won't be sending the Mayor or the City Council any thank you notes.

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City found a loophole and will likely turn that into a better deal for the city.


In the meantime, it's a pretty rotten deal for all the people who lost their existing jobs, and the ones who would have had jobs at the new hotel under the original construction schedule. I'm sure they won't be sending the Mayor or the City Council any thank you notes.


Disney is paying $52 billion for FOX. They can afford to miss out on $13mil/year in tax credit when the hotel was sure to charge at least $400/night and generate $100mil+ in revenue per year. The hotel wasn't even set to go to the planning commission for final approval until August 20th, so all this really amounts to is political theater. New city council members who weren't even on the council when the deal was approved found a loophole and did what they were elected to do in using that to operate in the best interests of the city. Disney fought back to try and make them look bad by announcing they are putting it on hold. Nobody ultimately wins, but I suspect the city is going to get a better deal giving less back to Disney than the original 70%.


Disney desperately needs the hotel capacity, so I don't believe they will actually delay this.

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