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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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^No one is complaining about the Hatbox Ghost itself, which does look good. But hardcore Disney fans have over-hyped the new figure a bit.


That being said, Disney is using projection technology very well.

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Ok, so I went on the ride last night, and the Hatbox Ghost was cool. We actually stopped right near it and was able to watch the effect over and over. It is a very fun addition to the ride, but I wouldn't wait for any longer then I would normally wait to ride the ride.


Also, yes some people have been crazy about the character, but really anyone on here is capable of making their own opinions of an upcoming attraction (Hatbox Ghost or otherwise). You can't say the "Crazy Fans" made you believe this was super amazing and then be disappointed. You already have your own expectations about it to start and no one else's opinion is likely to change that. Anyone who thought this was going to be more then what it is was fooling themselves to begin with.

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I would never want to see the effect completely replace the AA and practical sets in the attractions themselves. It looks and works great when used as an enhancement, not a complete replacement. I hope to see more clever uses of it going forward as they refurb the attractions.


Generally, I find the effect to be more of a "wow" when used on a large scale. When they do the holiday version of "It's a Small World", and they transform the façade, pretty cool. Or some of the examples at WDW. When they apply the effect to Main Street later this month, no doubt it will be the most impressive use at Disneyland so far. Very curious to see if Pan uses it later this summer as well.

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^I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes...


And again, just to be clear, it's not that any of the projection mapping looks bad by any means...it just seems like it's a crutch for Disney to fall back on. I hope with whatever plans will likely be announced at D-23 (and the Avatar Land at DAK) we will see some truly innovative stuff again in the States.

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Looks like a much better thematic fit for the area. I did like the airfield theme (since aviation is a huge part of California's history), but next to Grizzly's peak it seemed a little out of place.

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They look nice but is it really going to make a difference when you're whizzing by at 20 or 30 mph?


Well you're not going 20-30mph for the entire ride. Most of the enhancements look like they're going to be seen right after the lift hills when the train is moving relatively slowly.


It's going to take a while to get used to a new Abominable Snowman roar after hearing the same one for all these years...

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They look nice but is it really going to make a difference when you're whizzing by at 20 or 30 mph?


Judging by the angle of that first effect (behind the ice?), I have the feeling this might be part of the lift hill in the mountain.


Time will tell.

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They look nice but is it really going to make a difference when you're whizzing by at 20 or 30 mph?


Judging by the angle of that first effect (behind the ice?), I have the feeling this might be part of the lift hill in the mountain.


Time will tell.


I was thinking the same thing--where they used to have the "blizzard" effects. I like the old "wrecked" bobsled, too.

Edited by cfc
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I was able to watch the Paint the Night and Disneyland Forever first shows last night and all I can say is I wish I was there! Paint the Night looked to be a really high energy, modern show, and the projections during Disneyland Forever looked like they added a lot. Was anybody there who can give their thoughts?

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Both shows last night were spectacular! I had seen Paint the Night videos from Hing Kong but the Disneyland one has quite a bit more! And the videos don't do the parade justice, its so fun and high energy!


Disneyland Forever was also truly amazing! The projections on the castle and down Main St really balance each other out. And there is some great music in the show that we haven't heard in a Disney show in a very long time.


World of Color - Celebrate is also great! Its so different from the other version of the show and its great to see it transform into something new. Its a great tribute to Walt and the history of Disneyland.


On top of the shows, the new attraction upgrades are cool and fun! But something we didn't know about was there is also a new effect in Indy too that we didn't know about.


I think the 60th Celebration is going to be amazing!

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World of Color - Celebrate is also great! Its so different from the other version of the show and its great to see it transform into something new. Its a great tribute to Walt and the history of Disneyland.


Interesting, the reviews I've seen for World of Color-Celebrate were not bad but not the best either. I loved the original show, so I'm going to watch the new show today and see what I think of it!

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Its very different then the original. So seeing it for the first time, and not getting what your used to might be off putting. But that doesn't mean the show isn't good in any way. Of the 3 new night time offerings, I would put WoC at #3, but again, that doesn't mean it's bad. I really enjoyed it, and its really sentimental and several people in my party were tearing up at points.

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