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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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^I know it's hugely popular, and it makes total sense for them to keep it around. I'm assuming the popularity hasn't dropped off (I have no idea, I haven't been to Disneyland since 2009).


Of course, I'm still going to continue my campaign to have Dinosaur built everywhere. Including grocery stores.



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^I know it's hugely popular, and it makes total sense for them to keep it around. I'm assuming the popularity hasn't dropped off (I have no idea, I haven't been to Disneyland since 2009).


Of course, I'm still going to continue my campaign to have Dinosaur built everywhere. Including grocery stores.




EO seems to pull in daily numbers higher then Honey did. That being said, its still not very popular now that its been a few years after Michael's death. But I do actually desire to ride it every once in a while where I never wanted to ride Honey.

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If Autopia already runs over the show area for Nemo, I'm sure they can manage to use the same area for whatever Star Wars expansion / ride footers or whatever needs to use it. I don't see why the subs would need to go to make way for anything new seeing as they can just exist beneath it without anyone having any clue, just like they do today.

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So I went to Disneyland today to ride Big Thunder Mountain. It was amazing! It was super smooth and it never jolted. I can't believe I am saying this but it was full of airtime. The train constantly was falling out from underneath you. The new effects were also amazing. Yet the most important thing was California finally has a fun ride with airtime.

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If Autopia already runs over the show area for Nemo, I'm sure they can manage to use the same area for whatever Star Wars expansion / ride footers or whatever needs to use it. I don't see why the subs would need to go to make way for anything new seeing as they can just exist beneath it without anyone having any clue, just like they do today.


That would depend on what is built…a show building is certainly going to require a lot more engineering than Autopia did to fit on top of the Nemo show building.

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^Of course. I just mean to say that I'm sure Disney can work something out - say the show building took up the portions of Autopia that aren't over Nemo (station area) or even Innoventions, and then anything farther out would be an outdoor coaster / ride / show / what have you. Heck, while Nemo's down they could probably pour concrete footings and columns to reinforce the structure above it to hold something they have planned.

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I think, if a new ride in the area were to work out, the show building would be where Innoventions is, and they could use the Nemo/Autopia area for simple structures. Like part of a coaster or something with supports. I don't think a show building would be built at all with Nemo and Autopia there.

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What ever happens to the area, I think they will most likely level the Innoventons building and design a new building to suit the new rides needs. Instead of forcing a ride to fit into the odd round shape. Also, making a new building, with a better shape, "could" be built up to Harbor, and the train would just roll though. As it is, the tunnel for the Grand Canyon starts right after the station, so the train ride wouldn't even change. And there a lot of room for a better fitting building too.


Google Maps

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What ever happens to the area, I think they will most likely level the Innoventons building and design a new building to suit the new rides needs. Instead of forcing a ride to fit into the odd round shape. Also, making a new building, with a better shape, "could" be built up to Harbor, and the train would just roll though. As it is, the tunnel for the Grand Canyon starts right after the station, so the train ride wouldn't even change. And there a lot of room for a better fitting building too.


Google Maps

They would also need tunnels for the monorail and the road backstage that runs right along Harbor if they built the building right to the edge of the park.

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I don't think they would build the building that far back, mainly because of the monorail. I think it would stop just short of the clearance needed for the monorail to pass by safely. The space gained going all the way to harbor vs the problems trying to get there don't seem worth it. But who knows, maybe they would.

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^If you want to get technical, the "first-ever 3D film" was Bwana Devil in 1952. Pretty sure that never played at Disneyland.

Edited by cfc
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I want a Wall E speciality 3D movie in that space...it could be so cool!


Agreed--one of my favorite Pixar movies.


How about Alien Encounter in EO's space? That'd be nice.


I wouldn't mind seeing this either.

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