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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Has anyone ever watched closely as the train goes through the loop on Screamin'? The thing shakes like crazy. Wouldn't surprise me if they've removed the loop to rehab the loop itself. While I know that yes, the ride is meant to withstand forces, after a while, it seems like all that shaking would put quite a bit of wear on the loop.

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^^I hope they keep it that way! The ride would be much be much better without OTSR's, anyway.


That's not gonna happen, though. The removal of an entire piece of track on a steel coaster seems like a pretty extreme rehab session.The ride was designed to look like a wood coaster; apparently they were so serious on the theme, they had to rehab it like a wood coaster too!

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I visited the parks yesterday and saw something interesting at the bag check area.


A young couple ahead of me in line, were pulled aside by Disney security. The Disney personal wanted to see the guys camera and what photos he had just taken. The Disney security ask why were they taking pictures of their security check procedures, to which the guy said that he was just taking random photos.


The couple were accommodating to the Disney security request, but I could have imagined that others would not have been so. The couple were sent on their way, but you could tell that they were a bit put off by the whole experience.


As for the parks, a nice quite off-season day. Though if you were visiting Disneyland for the first time you may have been a bit disapointed, because Pirates was down for refurbishment, and both Space Mountain, and Haunted were closed to receive their holiday overlays.


Disneys Construction Adventure (DCA) continues at a rapid pace, they have topped of the Carthay Circle building, and the shops are well underway for their redue.


All looks good, bring on the Holiday Season!

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I know this isn't the Disneyland official thread, but I'm not sure one exists, so I'll post it here


I just wanted to say that I very much enjoyed the 'Ghost Galaxy' rendition of Space Mountain. I have not been to the parks since before California Adventure opened, and it was a pleasant surprise to experience an old favorite with new everything and even a holiday overlay to boot


Anyway, back to DCA talk

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Went to the park on Monday and got a few pics of the stuff (there are way better updates out there if you want to go look at them, this is the cliff notes haha)


"It's the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeeeear!"


Went to Check out Ghost Galaxy agaian (I really wish they would change it up a bit or add more to it, but I <3 it so!) and I got this, WTF? For Captain Eo? Really?


Another one that I wish they would change a bit more, I also failed to see the Monkey Bride in the attic this year!


You can see the Carthay Circle Theater was topped off.in The back, Totally different dynamic to the front entrance.


Closer pic of the Theater/ restaurant being worked on.


Another angle, Disney nerds jizzing blah blah blah *Squirt*.


Bye Bye Engine-Ears Toys.


Holy Shit Carsland looks AMAZING! That's what $400+ million gets you.


Something still missing.

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I love that sexy intamin loopiness...Question about Screamin' while we're on topic, how long had Disney been planning to replace/update the loop?


Not sure exactly but considering ordering a piece of track like that would take at least 3-4 months to get I would imagine. Very good question indeed

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^That is the new loop. It has been back stage at Disney for a while now. They are fully replacing the loop with new track all together, and its actually already back up there. Screamin' will reopen Saturday October 15th.


Fellow Disney Nerd.. you did not inform me of this.. Glad I haven't been there lately - I would have been disappointed after finding out that CA Screamin' will be closed for so long.


Oct. 15th? I guess I won't need to go to CA Adv until then, other than to get a WOC fix.



Edit: As far as the loop track replacement, is it just a standard wear-and-tear issue, or were there any major issues with it?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a DCA Construction Update (with a brief look at Disneyland too):


Before we check out DCA, here's a brief look at Disneyland with HalloweenTime in full swing.


All your favorite halloween favorites are back: Ghost Galaxy, Haunted Mansion Holiday, and the giant Mickey Jack-O-Lantern.


Construction is coming along on the People Movers. (Note: no construction is actually taking place on the People Movers... it's a joke)


But the Tron coaster is almost finished.


I kid, I kid. They brought back the Rocket Rods.


Moving on to reality, and over to DCA, I present: Construction walls! This is the temporary entrance path while construction is taking place on Buena Vista Street.


Good riddance!


This exit to the trams and Downtown Disney is convenient when leaving.


Here's the Carthay Circle Theater.


If you look closely, you can see all that remains of the Golden Gate Bridge.


Looking towards the Hollywood Backlot.


Out with the old, in with the new.


New bridge goes here.


It's Spears! Since the Monorail and California Screamin' were down, and Mickey's Fun Wheel had too long of a wait, it was tough to get great construction photos. So to make up for it, we'll play "Spot The Spears!"


How do you play Spot The Spears? Well, you Spot The Spears! She's in this photo... you have to spot her!


That was fun! Now, moving on to Cars Land...


The rock work looks amazing now that it's mostly completed.


Spot The Spears!


A look at Cars Land from the Wharf.


Heading over to Paradise Pier we passed this duck.


Hello Paradise Pier.


Screamin' got a new coat of blue paint and is looking fancy schmancy.


Spot The Spears!


A look at Cars Land from Paradise Pier.


I especially like the theming work they did on the moon above Cars Land. It's very realistic.


mmmm.... blue.


It would be very easy to make this picture patriotic...


See? USA! USA!


From over by the Screamin' station you can see some trees that have gone up in Cars Land.


A closer look at the trees. Ooooh! Ahhhh!


One last Spot The Spears! This one is tricky because there's a decoy (someone with similar hair)... but expert Spears Spotters will be able to find the real Spears!


Hey, it's Gertrude! Thanks for checking out the construction update everyone!

Edited by ILoveRides
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^ Ghost Galaxy is pretty good. It's much better than Rock-It Mountain, but nowhere near on par with Haunted Mansion Holiday.


I still have yet to ride either of those! Hopefully, if TPR goes back to Japan in September, I can go then and see their Halloween stuff. I would probably never make it to Anaheim during Halloween season.

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This is the only update I need.. Much better than another popular Disney site


With the timeline of Caddy tail fins in Cars Land, it's quite sexy for a car lover like myself.


Man, look at the Main Street crowd.. wow. What day were you there?

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Thank you for doing the update David, it was great and funny!! If I had a real camera, id do one every week, but I don't haha. And Spot the Spears game was great! I found her every time!!


Im really happy this whole thing will be done in a few months, its been a long time with these construction walls.

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