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I went in this movie not really expecting much. I knew it was about numbers and disasters but it really blew me away. The way it was executed was so well done, it was very refreshing compared to some of the latest disaster films. But it had so many aspects of disaster, sci-fi, and horror movies all compiled into one package, that it really kept me going. I was in a sweat almost the entire movie.


The best scene without a doubt was the airplane crash scene. I've never felt more in awe/shock in a movie than I did in this scene. Everything was so visual that I couldn't believe I was actually watching it. That coupled with the sound and I might as well have been there. It's not a predictable movie so I'm not gonna give anything away.


This movie will make you think. I think you'll either like it or you'll hate it. But I HIGHLY recommend seeing it. It's worth the money. This is a movie that you need to see at the movie, not at home. It's an experience in itself.

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Let the Right One In is absolutely epic. I've been waiting for it for a while, and I finally got to watch it when my DVD arrived. SEE IT!


THANK GOD....spread the word! I just re-watched it last evening and may re-read the book. I hope the Amercian remake, renamed Let Me In (the US book name) keeps the general idea of the Sweedish film.

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Just saw Milk. I thought it was a great movie. Although I'm not gay, it makes me mad when people are so intolerant and discriminate gays. They're people just like everyone else. Sean Penn did an excellent job acting in this movie.

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Say I Love You, Man and totally enjoyed every minute of it. I think Paul Rudd and Michael Cera will be the risers out of the Apatow world even though both had careers before Apatow.

I still cannot tell if I enjoyed Role Models better but maybe I am conflicted since one was LOL funny while I Love You was consistently cute and humorous.

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I finally caught Let the Right One In on DVD last night--damn good movie (best horror flick in years). Noticed on the Internet Movie database that a "Let the Right One In" is "in development" for 2010. I guess we should be bracing ourselves for the inevitable Hollywood remake.

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a very good translation that makes me want to see the Directors cut (40 minutes longer)


I was ok with every change excpept 1....the ending. It was just out of place and killed it for me.


overall: 8/10



I saw Watchmen opening night, and it was amazing in every single way. I also agree about the ending, though. I didn't think the fact the the ending was different from the novel made it worse, but the fact that everything seemed so rushed. I thought the new ending still stuck to the book's themes, and it actually fit very well into the story. I just didn't like how rushed everything was at the end (which is really bizarre because the movie was 3 hours long, haha).

I hope more of the ending will be in the director's cut!


Overall Watchmen was an amazing movie and it stayed very true to the graphic novel. Honestly though, I think someone who has read the novel prior to seeing the movie will enjoy it a lot more than people who haven't. In fact, a lot of people coming out of the theater who didn't read the novel made remarks about the movie being confusing and 'too-long'.


From a Watchmen-nerd's standpoint, I give it a 9.5/10.

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I saw Haunting in Connecticut and hated every minute of it. Freakin' From Justin to Kelly was better than this movie. Even if the story was true, they could have at least enhanced it a bit. Simply having spirits haunt a person with cancer and Alzheimers is not enough to carry a movie.


0/5 stars


I'm hoping Monsters vs. Aliens turns out to be much better than this last one.

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Disney had previously announced that Toy Story and Toy Story 2 would be released in 3D and had given them separate release dates.


But now, as Disney announced at ShoWest, the two movies will be released as a double feature on October 2nd.


Taking Toy Story 2 3D's original release date of February 12th, 2010 is Beauty and the Beast 3D.


I think this is fantastic news as I'm a big fan of the 3D technology and I feel that anyone who saw Monsters vs Aliens in 3D this last weekend would agree!



ComingSoon.net has more information.

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Just saw Slumdog Millionaire (rented from Redbox) A great film, not sure if I would say that it was the best of 08', but it was among some of the better pictures for sure. It had a great story that was told in a unique way, and overall felt very "heartwarming" and much like an underdog story (like Rocky).


Slumdog Millionaire: 8/10



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Adventureland was fantastic. It is not Superbad like the marketing is making it out to be but a sweet film with Dry humor.

This article makes it very clear how I felt (9/10)




I compare it to the same way I did with Role Models Vs. I Love You Man

One is LOL funny the other is a story with amazing chemistry and humor throughout that makes you smile.

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Just watched Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky for the first time last night. Absolutely the most strangely awesome and gory movie I've ever seen; rarely have I laughed harder. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=417949348888674336&hl=en for anyone who'd like to see it. I think a couple of friends and I are doing a commentary track on it tonight.

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The other day I saw a working copy of X-men orgins: Wolverine. I was really impressed. I felt the final fight scene could have been more intense but since I saw a working copy I dont know if that would be the final fight scene. But nonetheless the movie is sure to win over alot of people...

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^They are going after that leak HARD. They said the sound company watermark is in one scene so they are investigating.

I try not to DL movie unless I paid to see it first in a theatre because then i believe I own a right (almost like stock) but I am guilty of DL'in films that will never see the light of day (Mandy Lane).

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I didnt download it...I saw it at an undisclosed location lol...


Im still going to see it because its not completely finish especially during the ending. Its like grayed out on some of the effects. I would post a screenshot of it but I dont wanna go to jail lol.

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Zack and Miri Make a Porno


I thought it was brilliant. Not "old school" Kevin Smith, but he really can make a "Romantic Comedy" for everybody.


For those of you who grew up watching Tracy Lords, she has NOT aged well. Although, it was great to see "Jay" (Jason Mewes) in a Kevin Smith movie again.

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So, thanks to Blockbuster used DVD sales and lots of spare time, here are some movie reviews...


Drillbit Taylor

Not as funny as I'd hoped it would be. Owen Wilson was alright and that's about it. 4/10.


You Don't Mess with the Zohan

One of the better Sandler flicks I've seen lately. 7/10


Hot Rod

One of the randomest movies I've ever seen. You really have to have an absurd sense of humor to "get this." It was still pretty forgettable though, I expected slightly more "Jackass" from this movie. 6/10

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Just watched the movie Crash for the first time. I don't say this everytime I see a movie, but this is one of the best movies I have even seen so far in my life.


Makes you think A LOT about different issues in life, especially racism.


And oh, forgot to mention; I saw Knowing last week. HATED IT.

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