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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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Storm Runner has been known to close first for storms however and sometimes even in the rain.


Storm runner won't run in a storm? If that's not irony, I don't know what is.

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That article is a great find.


Sometime this week i plan on typing up a review of the rumor, planning, and construction process up to the opening. Just like I did last year for the Boardwalk. This way we'll be able to see what happened to get to this point in time.


EDIT: May 19, 2008

The new 2008 park map is up.


Looks like they did another Storm Runner job. Here's the details I've found:

-The FH looks really small.

- The cobra roll is supposed to be between TF catering's path and WC catering.

-the norweigion loop is deformed and at the wrong place.

-The cobra roll is very deformed and looks nothing like the real thing.

-the corkscrews look like barrel rolls.

-Where's the station?

-CRR catering's path still travels the wrong way to the pavilions.

also some things I've noticed around the map:

-They only enlarged Mini Himalaya and copied it to call it the Howler.

-Planet Pepsi. Is it kind of like the World of Coca Cola on a smaller scale or just a basic drinks building?

-Dippin' Dots Sundae Shop!!!! I just heard about this and I heard that they opened up stores in strip malls selling that stuff and it sounds pretty good. I think this will be successful.

-Kiss Korner. Sounds like the character meet-and-greet place is being moved over to Minetown.

-Fun in the Sun Shop? Seems like the Hershey's Sports shop is gone.

-Dunkin' Donuts and Beachology have been added to the map.


The park really needs to remake the map.

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i personaly think fahrenheit is a totally diffrent coaster then maverick, storm runner, or the 10 inversian coasters. i know it has a negative degree drop like maverick, but fahreneit dosen't launch, and i don't know why people think it's like storm runner, storm runner is a launch coaster with a 180 foot drop when fahrenheit is about an 120 foot drop, also it's almost nothing like colossus. wow it has a cobra roll and a double corkscrew. when fahrenheit's cobra roll is twisted and it's corkscrew's are more like zero g rolls.

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Nice! So how was it?


It's a really great ride very different experience than your typical 40 degree lift and drop. going up the lift is an experience in it's own.


The ride is very quiet, and it vibrates a bit when your on it. but very smooth otherwise.

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I don't know. It seems 50/50. They opened it monday, but it wouldn't suprise me if they keep it closed until Saturday. The webcam shows that the crane back and is near the first drop. If nobody saw any trains cycling today, then I'd bet that it'll be closed tomorrow tomorrow and friday.

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So...I was at hershey this past Friday, because they had an overnighter from 9pm to 5am for high school seniors. Being a high school senior, I went. Farenheit only had one soft opening. The water dummies have been sitting in the seats so long that the plastic has stuck to the seats, my friend works there, he took me up to show me. (cause in PA we get scorchers). Farenheit opens on the 24th as does the Boardwalk (waterstuff). I got two night shots of farenheit on my phone cause i didnt have a camera You can get really close to Farenheit from the paths, tons of great photo ops.



::NOTE:: I fully intend to go to Farenheit's opening, so, if anyone wants to meet me there message me or e-mail Krazykral10@comcast.net



PS - Soft openings are NEVER the day before the official opening. Doesn't make sense.


Gorgeous first drop.


Layout seen from over top the bathrooms.

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