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Great America Becomes California's Great America

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Why can't GA be SFGA? Its sister park has alot of its original theme I think & rides: the Lobster(East River Crawler), Yankee Clipper(Ice Mountain Splash), the Wizzer, Triple Play, Fiddlers Fling, on & on! GA got totatally ruined! I believe SFGA is even getting yet another new coaster for next year. Oh no not GA!

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^Well said. Hearing about all the parks getting a new coaster for next year, I was getting really frustrated. But then again, it's not like GA's getting nothing for 2008. Besides, the new ride is probably going to be a huge hit with the public. At least Survivor was. Perhaps if they come up with a good theme for it, that would make the crowds (and me) happy. Besides, Top Spins are usually great crowd-pleasers anyway.

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CF doesn't do theming?


I guess you haven't seen Xcelerator, GhostRider, Top Thrill Dragster, Maverick, or Sierra Sidewinder in person.


If you consider those coasters themed coasters, you have to be on something. For one, the only things relatively themed on either TTD and Xcelerator are their stations and trains, but quite frankly, their stations have absolutely no relation to either of the coasters themes. I also don't see how you can consider Sierra Sidewinder to be themed, I just rode it this past summer. I'll admit that TTD and Xcelerator have small bits of theming, but I don't see how you can considering Sierra Sidewinder to be theme...just because it's in a themed area doesn't mean it's themed. As for Maverick, maybe it would have been a themed coaster if Cedar Point would have actually come through on their plans that were shown in the original concept photo, but as we know now, Maverick has nothing but a bunch of rock walls. And from what I understand, Ghost Rider wasn't even designed by Cedar Fair, so even if you consider it to be a themed coaster, that wasn't the work of Cedar Fair, because as you know that was the year they took over the park.


So yeah, Cedar Fair does a few things of theming here and there, but compared to other parks out there like Busch, Disney, etc., Cedar Fair fails in the theming department. Most of the time they just throw a bunch of generic objects in random places to make something looked themed, and usually it doesn't add anything at all to the ride experience.

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The thing ive been thinking about lately is that GA probably considers Survivor a coaster.

So technically for the park (and only the park) they added a "coaster" in 2006.


Oh and something new from Screamscape:

2009 - New Coaster - Rumored - (10/4/07) Screamscape has heard that the long term planners are looking to add a coaster to the park at last in 2009. I don’t have a clue what it may be right now, but at least you know how long you’ll be waiting. Let’s just hope it’s not going to be the old Boomerang from Geauga Lake.


If that is correct (and lately Screamscape has been right) then that means they would go 8 years without a new coaster! Wow!

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It wouldn't be a boomerang. Why would GA put a boomerang in when they took out Greased Lightnin in 02 (The BEST coaster EVER along w/Stealth which are both greatly missed) & there is Invertigo & already a boomerang at SFDK. IF GA is getting a coaster for 09 & am soo excited already & plan to start going again in 09. Hopefully it will be something big!!!

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Maybe it's the long lost Adam's Family Vertical Drop coaster! I wish Anyone notice that Mystery Mine looks very much like what the Adam's Family coaster was supposed to be? Do you think because of the licensing thing, Paramount/CF just said "Screw it" and Dollywood picked up the plans, modified them, and boom! Mystery Mine.

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^Funny, funny man. If only it was a Dive Coaster.


Quit kidding yourself, it's definitely a dive coaster...pshh, why would they want anything else?! Nothing beats a dive coaster, they are awesome! (Or so I've heard...)


WOO!!! Were getting a dive coaster!!

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