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What is your favorite name in these  

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  1. 1. What is your favorite name in these

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I am depply missing a name for my coaster!

I is a Gerstlauer Euro-Fighter 2 with a 95 degrees drop and... others element that i won't say.


But, the new thing, is that I MADE CUSTOMS!!!!!! :p:D:D


But I need a name, could you help me?


Here is the teaser:


Post your ideas here, then, I'll make a pool, and may-be a logo for it!


Thank you VERRY much,


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Announcement will be really soon

I am pround to announce you that the official name of the coaster is



Pulse will feature many inversion, drops and inclined banked turns.


For the firts time in the Jpdupuis's history, the coaster is made with customs supports!




That's nice.


But, before to release it, A little need... A logo, I would like to have a little kick ass help!


So if your interest; post here.


Many regard ans thanks;




P.S A special thanks to Loco which gives me a freaking awesome name for the coaster

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I'm am releasing the coaster extremely soon.

It will be super, but, I am really sad, cause, there are pumping issues, and, I don't want this, it is the worstest thing a coaster could have, but, I am doing my best to remain in this situation.


So, please, be indulgent, I am 12 years old, and, I want to have it the smoothest as I can, so, and I reapet myself, release is really soon.


Thank you verry much for the interest you sown in this project




A special thanks to ComplexAudio99 which did a FREAKING logo

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I am pround to annouce that Pulse is released !!


Pulse is:


A gerlauster Euro-Fighter 2

Heigh: 41.5 M

Max Speed: 100km/ph


  • Fisrt Drop 95 degrees
    Dive Lopp
    Barrel Roll
    A intense "stick-to-your-seat" helix finale


P.O.V will come later...


So, enjoy me new project:



Pulse Photo shot.bmp


Pulse Overview.bmp

Pulse Overview

Pulse Overbaked turn.bmp

Pulse Overbanked Turn

Pulse Front-View Drop.bmp

Other view First Drop

Pulse Drop.bmp

First Drop

Pulse Barrel Roll (2).bmp

Pulse Barrel Roll



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Wow, nice coaster... It was really intense, and packed with a wide variety of elements.


The coaster had a really nice pace to it, however the downside was the occasional pumps.


Also watch your g's, I noticed that one of them spiked into the red after the main drop.


The supports were well laid out, but some of the flanges didn't match up with the coaster.


Nice coaster, and I can't wait to see the layout for the next coaster.


Great job!!!

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Thank You very much!!


This coaster was the start of the customs supports, but, for sure, and lie everyone says, I need to practice, I am not perfect, and I know it, don't worry...


Any other coment, goods or bads... ANy are welcomed...



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It was good! The layout is cool, supports are well done, but there are some things wich are not really good: Gs are too strong (I've seen some red Gs) and there is a part wich is not smooth (the second zero G roll), do you know the function "continuous roll"? You select one vertex and you click on "con roll" (at the right top of the screen), you'll see the difference!


Something else: what colours! I really dislike lol

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First of all, thank you for the amazing comments!!

I didn't expect you all, to like Pulse as much as you are showing me!


I did some modifications, and I think it is much better, little problem, you guys HATE the colours, please, give me some suggestions, and I will change them, I promise!






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