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The Best Woodie under 75 feet Tall

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This is a tough choice, but I think I'll go with Cornball Express. Outlaw at Adventureland in Iowa is pretty good, too, as is White Lightning at Fun Spot.

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  • 2 years later...

I would have to go with Bluestreak at CP even though its just 3 ft taller but really 3 feet doesnt make that much of a difference. The ride packed a punch and had plenty of airtime! However Cyclops which I seen mentioned is pretty neat too as I remember that small hill that gave you awesome ejector air! It caught us all by surprise. I dont get the hype about Cornball though it was an ok ride but nothing to get excited over.

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The Best Woodie under 75 feet Tall




Sorry, I couldn't resist.




In all seriousness though... Thunderbolt at Kennywood gets my vote. That coaster sure packs a punch!!!

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The 75ft restriction certainly is to exclude Phoenix from this list. Phoenix isn't just a great coaster for its size. It's arguably the best coaster in a state that has three hypers.


My vote is for Kennywood's Jack Rabbit. Thunderbolt is fun, too, but that final drop is close to 100 feet, excluding it from contention.

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1. Cornball Express- Indiana Beach

2. Cyclops- Mt. Olympus

3. High Roller- Valleyfair

4. Jack Rabbit- Seabreeze

5. Pegasus- Mt. Olympus

6. Little Dipper- SFGAm

7. Meteor- Little Amerricka

8. Woodstock Express- KI, KD and Carowinds

9. Zach's Zoomer- Michigan Adventures

10. Lost Coaster of Supended Mountain- Indiana Beach

These are the ones under 75ft that I have ridden.

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I would have to go with Bluestreak at CP even though its just 3 ft taller


Your favorite "Woodie under 75 feet Tall" should probably be a "Woodie under 75 feet Tall". Without that stipulation this thread might as well be locked since Phoenix would be everyone's answer.

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I can't believe no one has mentioned the Cannonball at Lake Winnie in GA. Maybe you haven't experienced it, but it kicks total A$$. The airtime is great and the last jump into the station is amazing! It feels like the whole train comes off the track. Good times and great oldies!

*cough cough* There's also Cannonball Run at Waterville USA Gulf Shores, Al.

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