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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm going to place my gentleman's bet on a Giga Intamin Prefab (like El Toro, not that you need telling). I have wanted to see a giga wood coaster, and looking at the pictures it seems fairly likely that it will be an Intamin Prefab, I think it looks very similar;


El Toro under construction:


Project 2012 under construction:



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Not to be 'That Kid' but erm...I've never heard of a park that has both a Giga coaster AND a Hyper-Coaster. Not CP, not any SF. I mean, seems kind of strange to me. Giga Coasters and Hyper-Coasters are basically the same thing, except Gigas are about 100 feet taller. So why would you have 2 of the same ride, just 100 feet apart? And trying for a Strata seems kind of strange if it's not gonna top the charts, and I don't think it would be beneficial for a Canadian park to have such a huge ride with a lot less tourists compared to America. I'm just a little skeptical. Seeing the designs for "Skyrush", I think this is going to be a new type of coaster. But that's just me. Just seems a bit strange.

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Well CP has a hyper (Magnum) and a Giga. Plus TTD and Wiked Twister which is also over 200'. And it's hard to say no other park park has both a mega and a Giga, considering there is only 2 Gigas that exist.


Also, SFGAdv has Nitro and El Toro (which are both airtime-based coasters), plus they have KK. It just shows that you can have multiple airtime-based rides.


I think a Giga would be a great addition.

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I don't think it would be beneficial for a Canadian park to have such a huge ride with a lot less tourists compared to America.


You also seem to be forgetting that CW is one of, if not THE top park in attendance for CF, even beating out CP. I would like to see a giga coaster in Canada since there isn't any there however to build one in what seems so soon after Behemoth is what I would find strange.

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^^Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't CW's attendance better than any other CF park not named KBF last year. As a matter of fact, wasn't their attendance better than any park in North America that wasn't located in Central Florida or SoCal. ...So why not have a giga?

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Well CP has a hyper (Magnum) and a Giga. Plus TTD and Wiked Twister which is also over 200'. And it's hard to say no other park park has both a mega and a Giga, considering there is only 2 Gigas that exist.


Also, SFGAdv has Nitro and El Toro (which are both airtime-based coasters), plus they have KK. It just shows that you can have multiple airtime-based rides.


I think a Giga would be a great addition.


3 actually (Dun forget SD2k)


But it seems a bit odd, no?

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Not to be 'That Kid' but erm...I've never heard of a park that has both a Giga coaster AND a Hyper-Coaster. Not CP, not any SF. I mean, seems kind of strange to me. Giga Coasters and Hyper-Coasters are basically the same thing, except Gigas are about 100 feet taller. So why would you have 2 of the same ride, just 100 feet apart? And trying for a Strata seems kind of strange if it's not gonna top the charts, and I don't think it would be beneficial for a Canadian park to have such a huge ride with a lot less tourists compared to America. I'm just a little skeptical. Seeing the designs for "Skyrush", I think this is going to be a new type of coaster. But that's just me. Just seems a bit strange.


Using that logic, one could make the argument against building any new coaster in general. After all, every new coaster is, in essence, just a different variation of it's predecessors.

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Not to be 'That Kid' but erm...I've never heard of a park that has both a Giga coaster AND a Hyper-Coaster. Not CP, not any SF. I mean, seems kind of strange to me. Giga Coasters and Hyper-Coasters are basically the same thing, except Gigas are about 100 feet taller. So why would you have 2 of the same ride, just 100 feet apart? And trying for a Strata seems kind of strange if it's not gonna top the charts, and I don't think it would be beneficial for a Canadian park to have such a huge ride with a lot less tourists compared to America. I'm just a little skeptical. Seeing the designs for "Skyrush", I think this is going to be a new type of coaster. But that's just me. Just seems a bit strange.


Using that logic, one could make the argument against building any new coaster in general. After all, every new coaster is, in essence, just a different variation of it's predecessors.


I'm not saying "DONT BUILD A NEW COASTER." I'm just saying why choose the coaster type CW did.

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Because past examples dicatate that Giga coasters tend to be popular.


Who cares if a giga is built a few short years after a hyper? The general public certainly won't care and the enthusasists (minus a few) won't complain. Look at Holiday World, two water coasters in two years...oh, the humanity!

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I'm not saying "DONT BUILD A NEW COASTER." I'm just saying why choose the coaster type CW did.


No one knows yet what they choose except for the lucky workers and crew. Until then, lets all just enjoy the guessing. After the reveal, anyone that wants to bash a ride they have not ridden are more then welcome to, I for one will wait until I ride whatever said attraction is until I put a or a

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No but I mean Yeesh, you pay say 25 million for a Hyper, and 25 million for a Giga? Most people that ride a 200 foot coaster would ride a 300 foot coaster, as 200 ft is past the "Family" Barrier. So they kinda just blew 25 million. They could've saved 25 million and still gotten the same outcome. I mean YEESH.

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^^ I beg to differ. The park has always been hurting in the "good coaster" department. Behemoth was our first GOOD coaster built since our Arrow Suspended. Considering how rammed the park always is we can always use another ride to get people off the paths.

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