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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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That's why I stated 2019, we don't know the prices yet but we DO know that they just raised the prices on their single-day Fastlane passes a few weeks ago so I don't expect the price to go down.


Hooray for keeping less people in the FL+ line! Although I'm sure this is somewhat to make more guests contemplate getting a FL+ season pass since the cost of one admission is coming (barely) closer to the price of an all season FL+.

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Oh yeah, I'm not saying it's overly insane or anything but it's funny coming from a company that puts seat belts on Ferris Wheels in America .


It's a decent-sized high dive too. It's more than twice the height of the Knoebels ones. I sort of feel like I might punk out on these things. lol

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Yeah... I just read an article which claims that the water impact from a 6 meter jump is strong enough to compress your spine, break bones, or give you a concussion. That seems like a stretch, but I have seen that every article I'm browsing through after searching, "Average height for a high-dive" actually has had insurance advertisements.


I could be wrong about this whole thing...

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Following up here. CP and Knotts don't currently have a landing page up but the others will be doing 2020 passes tomorrow.


From Canada's Wonderland FB page today:


Canada's Wonderland 2020: Platinum Passholders will receive unlimited free visits to all Cedar Fair parks in 2019 with the exception of Knotts Berry Farm. There you will be entitled to one free visit in 2019.


The Fast Lane Plus Pass is a one time use and can only be used at Canada's Wonderland (it may not be used during Haunt or WinterFest).

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We will be visiting on the 27th for the first time! Any advice or tips?

We eat vegan, so most food probably isn't of interest.

We already bought Fastlane Plus.

I do know to do WMG first.

I do know to be a Leafs fan while in Ontario.


Thanks for anything you have to offer!

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Why do I have a feeling that the Mountain Bay Cliffs could be a lawsuit waiting to happen? A cool addition nonetheless.


Yeah, I have a feeling this will not be coming to the land of lawyers and common senseless..


But I'll probably be wrong when WOF announces it tomorrow too..


Weird attraction though. Way outta left field..

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I actually love this addition! Cliff diving is one of my favorite (non-theme park) things to do! So I’m excited to see these coming to a park!!! - I’m sure, just like with Flowriders, you’ll have to sign a waiver before participating.... Which will heavily reduce/eliminate the potential lawsuits.

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I actually love this addition! Cliff diving is one of my favorite (non-theme park) things to do! So I’m excited to see these coming to a park!!! - I’m sure, just like with Flowriders, you’ll have to sign a waiver before participating.... Which will heavily reduce/eliminate the potential lawsuits.


Oooooh nooooo Mr. Bill! It's Action Park NJ all over again! Except that Action Park cliff jumping had NO supervision NOR any signing of waivers! As "Type A" adrenaline tweens, my twin & I just HAD to cliff jump from the highest point. (Let's just say it was a 'true training bra experience!!' The lower cliff dive was JUST FINE after that!)


Alice (& Twin Lynn)

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When I saw this, my initial thought was, "Wait, they already have a high-diving show". Didn't realize that it was for guests at Splash Works. LOL!


I will say that I LOVED the diving "mountain thingie" at the Busch Gardens Tampa waterpark...but that one is only about 6' above the pool.


Still amazed me that they had such a thing still in an American waterpark.


Should be interesting to see some footage of this once it opens, but yeah...this one ain't flyin' in 'Murica in 2020.

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If your bag is large, you won't be able to take it on WMG... They have a box at the front of the queue, if it fits, you take it on with you... If it doesn't you'll have to get a locker...


Everything else has a bin... Really like what they've done with the bins on Yukon Striker...

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If your bag is large, you won't be able to take it on WMG... They have a box at the front of the queue, if it fits, you take it on with you... If it doesn't you'll have to get a fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo...


Everything else has a bin... Really like what they've done with the bins on Yukon Striker...


Awesome. Thank you so much!


I was concerned because of CP's shift in bag policy in some areas of the park.

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My family of 5 each have seasons passes that we will be renewing for next year, so we will be getting the free bring a friend ticket and FL+ to use before the end of this year. The thing if my kids are 10,6,4 (all go on kiddie rides only) and my wife doesn't go on rides, so 4 of the 5 BAF and FL+ tickets will potentially go to waste.


Does anyone have any experience, or suggestions in getting Wonderland to agree to let me use some of those tickets on someone else so I can actually make use of them. I know the ticket fine print says non-transferrable, and likely all I can do is plead to customer service asking them.

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We will be visiting on the 27th for the first time! Any advice or tips?

We eat vegan, so most food probably isn't of interest.

We already bought Fastlane Plus.

I do know to do WMG first.

I do know to be a Leafs fan while in Ontario.


Thanks for anything you have to offer!


Personally I do the low rider occupancy rides first before the lines build on them. If you're trying to get coaster credits that means going on Wonder Mountain Guardian, Thunder Run, The Fly, and The Bat first. Even though you have a FL+ pass I suggest you get on Yukon Striker early. If it's a busy day the FL+ queue for that ride can extend out of the line and well into the park path, and you'll be waiting a long while, nullifying the advantage of the pass. After that it's all good.

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We will be visiting on the 27th for the first time! Any advice or tips?

We eat vegan, so most food probably isn't of interest.

We already bought Fastlane Plus.

I do know to do WMG first.

I do know to be a Leafs fan while in Ontario.


Thanks for anything you have to offer!


Don’t be afraid to wear your Red Wings gear! Lots of Wings fans here in Ontario and if you have anything Stevie Y related, he’s pretty much a GOD here too.

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^Are you referring to the length they're designed for? Or the amount of people in them?


I'm not usually a FL guy, but my kids and I got free FL+ with our Platinum Passes this year, and are going to CW the weekend of the 7th and 8th of September. So I'm very curious about what you're describing, as it'll be ironic if the first time I ever use the FL system in my life, and probably the last, it doesn't matter much, because the line is still long anyway! I know CW is just a VERY busy park, which is why I was glad to have the free FL+ for our trip, so maybe this is just more normal at this park.


While on the topic of FL+, for those who know, after we activate our passes on Saturday night, I'm hoping to go into the park for a couple hours, and hit some of the coasters that don't NEED FL+. including I hope Leviathan. Does anybody have any suggestions for that last couple of hours of the day, what the best things to do would be? Also, I'm planning to be at park by opening Sunday the 8th, so I wondered what regulars would recommend as a plan of attack with FL+? Are they still doing early ERT for passholders that Sunday? My plan currently is to hit up Yukon Striker first thing, as I've heard even with FL+ it gets a bit of a wait. Final question: are you able to buy FL+ for the following day? Or do you have to buy it day of? Because they say they offer a "very limited number" of FL+ each day, and with everybody getting their free end of season FL+ with Pass renewals and purchases, I imagine they will be in high demand from that weekend on. I'm thinking it might be wise to scoop ours up the night prior if we're able to. Thanks in advance for any help with these questions, as I plan our upcoming visit!

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Was at the park today and have started noticing what seems to be a trend.. an ever increasing length of FL queues. Am I the only one noticing that?

I noticed FL+ queues were pretty long at CW and I noticed they were long at KI a couple weeks ago. Diamondback was almost back to the FL+ queue entrance. I hope this isn't a chain-wide trend.

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I went to Canada's Wonderland on a very busy day on Memorial Day weekend and I don't remember any of the Fast Lane queues being more than 5-10 minutes.


The only time I've ever had to wait a significant time in a Fast Lane queue has been for Steel Vengeance or Copperhead Strike (I think this one was due to the ride being down most of the day).


I'd personally recommend maybe trying to knockout some of the park's coasters that don't have Fast Lane. Guardian is the big one.

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Here's the thing with FL+. Those who want to waste their money on FL+ are complaining that Guardian, The Fly, The Bat, Thunder Run are not on FL+. But the people who are really complaining are the people who do not use FL+. If these coasters were to be put on FL+, then the regular lines would be much shorter and that is why I will never buy a FL+ at my home park. It is just not necessary. Let the out-of-town visitors on more FL+ coasters and make the regular lines much shorter for the people who go to Wonderland every day. Makes sense?


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