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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Levi and Behemoth were planned under the Dick Kinzel era, not Matt Ouimett for one.


And second Ouimett is about adding theming to a lot of rides and areas.


Seems to me the last couple of years additions were Canadian themed, almost as if we are getting a new themed area. Include White Water Canyon, Timberwolf Falls and Vortex with Flying Canoes, Lumberjack and Soaring Timbers.


Now all we are missing is a signature rollercoaster to finish the area off (along with food, lighting, water fountains, etc.)


Boom, Frontier Canada is born.

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So awesome to see work beginning this early in the year and even before the 2018 season begins. This seems to me like this could be an Intamin Coaster. Why? Because this seems to be around the same time period in way of poured footings in a water way that the Maverick Roller coaster began in Feb 2006. Our footings and the start of a trench/tunnel and Peirs are being put into place. I feel this could be a very large scale Intamin Launched based coaster which will feature a spectacular element where one the Loop of Skyrider used to be the front line of the Mountain in the background! I think based on the size of the construction area we will see a Coaster like Maverick but as fun as Cheetah Hunt! With lots of elements and I also think we could potentially see a record breaking element height as well as track length record in Canada seeing as Dragon Mountain at Marineland is not as popular and Canada's Wonderland is the perfect setting to have a world class length Canadian record coaster which I know Cedar Fair wants!


Again these are my speculations to Intamin coming back with a Vengeance and putting themselves back on the World Map with renewed spirits with Cedar Fair.


Looking forward to @Cedarfair_1 Drone updates too!

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As great as that would be, I I have a hard time imagining it. I don't thin they've got the space for something really big, especially record-breakingly big. To me this has B&M dive machine written all over it, even if I would prefer something else.

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As great as that would be, I I have a hard time imagining it. I don't thin they've got the space for something really big, especially record-breakingly big. To me this has B&M dive machine written all over it, even if I would prefer something else.



Maybe if it is something along the lines of Baron 1898 with major theming. I could see a Dive Machine for sure just seems to be a very large construction area that spans between the Vortex Pond area, over Skyriders old land, in to Minebuster area and into the White Water Canyon Area as well. Its fun speculation thats for certain.

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Man, this is really exciting! I can't really tell how wide this track is compared to Behemoth or Leviathan, but it looks pretty damn wide. If it is a dive, I hope it has at least two inversions, not just one like some of them do. Valkyria has a pretty fun looking layout, I'd hope for something more like that. I would gladly sacrifice the second drop for a second or third inversion. That being said, I've never actually ridden a dive coaster, so I could be talking out of my ass.



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I think because it may go through vortex it will need some time to do some extensive work to vortex and actually construct it in a timely fashion as its virtually in the middle of the park? And is it me or is it the same color as the mean streak and hurler make overs?

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If they do they do go with 'Ziz' then it would only make sense to be a wing or flying coaster. A dive coaster just wouldn't fit the theme of beast of the air and Ouimet is all about the theme. 'Leviathan' and 'Behemoth' fit their themes because they are both so huge. I mean, sure you could make the argument that if they were all about the theme then 'Leviathan' should have been a water coaster or something, but that would have been lame.


However, there is one more possibility, though unlikely. A strata hyper. Being super tall could fit with the lord of the air name, if that is indeed what they go with. But three hypers in one park could be seen as overkill. That's why I think wing or flying.


Then again 'Centurion' would fit a giga dive. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Boy, speculation is fun. But I'll be done now. Best not to overdue it. All we seem to know is that it sure seems to be a B&M based on those pics, unless it's a Giovalona or Intamin has returned to their old track style. Nah. It's likely a B&M.

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Sounds like it could be similar to Oblivion at Thorpe or Krake at Heide if they are looking into a tunnel?


I would be all for a Dive coaster at CW. In fact, I would be all for dive coasters at every CF park, just because they're so damned fun.

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I don't get why people are so damned butt hurt over this. If you are please read this post!


So since Cedar Fair has taken over Canada's Wonderland has been the center of a lot of love and attention.


Behemoth, Leviathan, Wonder Mountain Guardian, Thrill Rides galore, Family rides/ Kids expansion (our kid's area is so big it has more kids/ family rides then even Disney World). Dinosaurs Alive, Restaraunt upgrades, Amazing shows/ Events, Splash Works investments and now another big coaster with a resort and WinterFest coming. So seriously, at this point shut up or I'll seriously find a way to make you move to Michigan and have your home park be Michigans Adventure!


We have one of the most beautiful parks, great food options for seasonal parks, massive collection of rides and coasters that keep on improving/ growing and the best lineup of shows and events.


Our "Dive Coaster" has a confirmed tunnel and possible trenches listed in the permit, it's our third B&M since 2008 (expensive $$$) and we continue to be spoiled by a chain that is pouring money into our park. Look at what they're doing this off season currently;

1. 2 flat rides & a splash works upgrade

2. catering facility over haul with Canadian theming,

3. Mountain refurbishment,

4. washroom upgrades,

5. construction on a massive coaster,

6. resort coming,

7. building storage for WinterFest coming...


THAT'S A TON OF MONEY AND INVESTMENT. So enjoy what we have, be happy aboout coasters coming, and don't jump to conclusions till they announce the ride, and you ride the ride.

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