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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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It's hard not to get too excited by this stuff, because yeah, it could be just a buried service line or whatever. But I can't stop imagining a new coaster for 2019. I love the idea of a coaster that takes up Skyrider's plot as well as some area over the water and across it. I'll just keep dreaming, but in the meantime I'll enjoy all the classics and Lumberjack.

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Well the park director was tweeting after the 2018 additions that if people are excited this year, wait until 2019... so I'm hoping BIG. T-Rex, B&M Flying or the world's largest Gerstlauer Infinity coaster. it would be great to interact with White Water Canyon, Timberwolf Falls, Vortex and maybe even Minebuster.


I'm doubting Ziz for the name though, I feel like Behemoth and Levi are good on their own. I'm predicting a Canadian theme to tie up the whole back portion and make it Frontier Canada. Include Vortex, TWF, WWC and the Action Theatre. There's also room for a couple other flats and restaurants for future plans.


Definitely getting a 2019 seasons pass!

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Digging up some roadway,

Cars were all removed from the L shaped fenced off area and moved north (construction trailer on site),

Lot's of construction/ action on Skyriders plot of land.


digging on roadway













construction trailer and L shaped fenced off area.





digging/ excavating



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Canada's Wonderland had released their 2018 operating calendar on their website today! You can check them and Splash Works' hours out here or below. Also Season Pass Sneak Preview Night has been officially announced for Friday, April 27th, 2018 at 6pm until 10pm. More details for Season Pass Sneak Preview Night can be found here. Only 104 days until the season begins!


Canada's Wonderland operating schedule 2018:




Splash Works operating Schedule 2018:



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Looks like the park has acquired some land on city property for a small expansion near Dinosaurs Alive.


Maybe this is the site of the new hotel so the park doesn't have to take up valuable parking space in an already constantly over flowing lot on weekends in Summer.


Hotel would have direct access to the family side of the park where they could offer after hours events in the kids area, off highway access.



bulldozed and digging


Outer fence marked with pink markers from ghoster coaster area to action theatre.






the plot of land in question is quite large with a black construction fence added.


red is the city property being used by Cedar Fair now for whatever they're doing


green is the dinosaurs alive area that will be availabe shortly

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Thanks for all the continuous updates CedarFair1! I love checking this stuff out. That last picture really puts the scope of all the work in perspective! I'm really looking forward to seeing what the park looks like over the next couple of years.

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Vortex Lake is now being torn to shreds and dug up revealing a much larger project and construction starting so soon for a 2019 coaster. We were teased by Park management about a 2019 something and Cedar Fair CEO about something big coming to Canada's Wonderland and well... think were watching it be built now!


Large construction crew on site, it keeps growing with lots of people and trucks, lots of diggers, bulldozers and dump trucks. Cedar Fair purchased/ rented some off site land next to the park to dump the soil for this project.


MY DJI Spark footage, and my new upgraded 4k drone should be arriving shortly for better videos and photos.


Hope you guys enjoy as much as I do, as this appears to change in size almost on the daily!



















green is construction vehicles such as; diggers, bulldozers or dump trucks/ trucks. Red is dug up land, bulldozed land or fenced off area.

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Well that's interesting. Hopefully they keep some of the lake since it's fun flying over it on Vortex. I have a hard time making out exactly what I'm looking at with those pictures so maybe it's already clear what their plans are for it, but I can't tell. I just see a bunch of snow.

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I'll miss the lake, but as long as Vortex still runs I don't have too much of an issue. That's my favorite suspended coaster.


Could this be the long rumored Ziz?



Guys, lol the lake isn't going to disappear lol


Coasters can be built over water.. i.e Behemoth and Vortex.. They are probably just doing the footers for the coaster now cause they won't be able to go near that area (due to vortex running and water being filled back up) till November.

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Here's some awesome news hot off the Screamscape press, and this time it is actually happening! Canada's Wonderland has submitted a permit application with the Toronto Water Conservation Authority to construct a roller coaster which features an underwater tunnel/trench nearby Vortex! This coaster could very well open between 2019 or 2020! Click here and scroll down to page 45 to read about Canada's Wonderland's future plan. This could very well support the work that has been seen by CedarFair1's drone during this off-season!



Photo credit: Screamscape

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So the big question is are we looking at a 2019 or 2020 coaster...?! Anyone well versed in how these permits work? It has been filed effective Jan 12, 2018- Jan 11, 2020. Any engineers / city planners out there that can chime in?


The permit has been approved and ends on January 2020. This would tell us the coaster is most likely 2019 as for safety against breaking contract due to delays it would have been prolonged if it was a 2020 coaster. January 2020 is the latest Cedar Fair has to do what they need to do, fix anything, and re open the river back up to it's regular flow. This for sure tells us 2019 is the year the coaster will open as this also includes landscaing such as tree's and flowers along the river in the report so that's why your're seeing a later date.


Another note is, if you check out my Youtube channel, from my drone footage you can see construction has well started off thus telling us it's probably 2019 as well as coasters don't take this long to build. 1 year 5 months is a long time to build a coaster especially since this construction team is moving very, very quickly.

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Video from today! January 19, 2018 update.


Weird activity in White Water Canyons Forest, Looks like the start of a tunnel being dug, you can see the new river flow being directed, looks like some activity near Minebusters entrance as well. They're moving so quick!









Some tree removal and clearing in White Water Canyon's forest.



New river flow, lot's of excavation and activity.



Looks like a large hole being dug and a digger and activity near entrance of Minebuster



Current area of activity keeps growing lol


weird area to snow plow lol



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This is awesome news! I can't wait until we know what's going there! A big B&M Invert would be very welcome, but I'm not set on any particular coaster type. I mean, I hope whatever it is has inversions so we finally have a good inverting coaster, but right now I'm excited no matter what.

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Orange is current construction activity,

Blue is sandbags redirecting water flow, you can see them clearly in a post above,

Lime Green is two dug out holes which could be the tunnel entrance and exits,

Yellow looks to me like a possible station location and lift hill dig out with an electrical area dug out as well.


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So the big question is are we looking at a 2019 or 2020 coaster...?! Anyone well versed in how these permits work? It has been filed effective Jan 12, 2018- Jan 11, 2020. Any engineers / city planners out there that can chime in?


Jan 12, would be permission to dig. The end date would be enough for project completion, but easily extended. It also could include other elements, not effecting the coaster. Judging by the pictures (we should see cement trucks soon), it looks like all ground work would easily be completed by opening day. Come the off-season, it's just erect the set, which we know takes little time. No reason this coaster isn't open for 2019, if that's the intention at this point.


Exciting times! I can't see this being a wing rider, going through that somewhat narrow tunnel. The layout has inverted written all over it, with the tight quarters, tunnel dive, big turn around on the hill.

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