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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Anyone going to the seasons pass sneak preview night towards the end of the month?


I will be there for Season Pass Sneak Preview Night. If you would like to meet up, you can join me for an evening of fun at the park!

I would come but the GO Bus service doesn't start until opening day, and last time was a nightmare. It took us about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there on the york region transit, but on the way back that bus wasn't running so we took almost 2 hours of local busses. And this year they have the bring a friend day on preview night so it would probably be pretty busy too...


The only busy year that I recall was the 2015 Season Pass Sneak Preview Night, which was the first year Canada's Wonderland had introduced the bring a friend passes. Last year (2016) was great and not busy at all since the weather was cool. This year may be the same, or rainy. So, it may not be as busy as you may think.

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So they had the bring a friend passes last year, and it was fine. We didn't wait more than ten minutes for a ride all night. We did fourteen rides in the three hours we were there. That being said, we didn't bother waiting for Behemoth or Leviathan, or the new flat.


This year we'll do it pretty much the same, but probably make a point of riding Soaring Timbers unless it's line is really long, assuming it's running. Probably do Behemoth and Leviathan once each. Our general motto for Passholder's night is 'Ride as much as possible!'

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Along with a website update yesterday, Canada's Wonderland also released their 2017 park map. For those wondering how to access the park map, navigate the "Play" tab on Canada's Wonderland's website and select one of the ride category options. Under the selected ride category, select the "map" view. Below are screenshots of the 2017 park map showcasing the two new attractions for 2017 which are Soaring Timbers and Muskoka Plunge.


Soaring Timbers (replaced Pro Putt; 1993-2016):



Muskoka Plunge (replaced Body Blast; 1992-2016):


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I prefer the old cw site, its been like that for years, why change it.


Well, the old Canada's Wonderland site design was in use since its introduction in 2012. It wasn't very mobile friendly so it (along with all the Cedar Fair park websites) received an update to accommodate mobile device usage. It'll take some time getting use to but, it's all for the best.

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^^ We usually visit on Sundays (but not July!) It's crucial you get there at opening. Even if you budget for fast lane make sure you run to wonder mountains guardian before getting the pass as that is not on fast lane and the line jumps up to 45+ min QUICK. Keep in mind pass holders get early entry on Sundays for select rides, but lucky for you it's not any of the major stuff for that date so you shouldn't see crazy lines for the coasters that early. In July it will be pretty crowded and I would budget the pass. One thing that is great about Wonderland Fast Lane is the lack of merge points / they take you right to the station.


Good luck.

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I will be going to the park for the first time ever on Sunday, July 30. What kind of lines can I expect to see on a Sunday at the end of July and should I bother budgeting for a FastLane+?


Really, you should plan this the night before weather you should get fast pass. If the weather is forecasting rain, or very cloudy, you will probably not need fastline. If you go on a day were it is supposed to rain, the park will be practically empty. Other than that though, the summer is very crowed and you will need fast pass.

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It's probably not absurd to assume that Shockwave isn't gonna be there for more than one or two seasons after 2017? Has it been down a lot recently? Since soaring timbers will no doubt draw comparisons from the GP


I hope they send it to Kings Dominion in 2019. Can never have enough flat rides.

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The waterpark is becoming an even better option in the summer now than it already was. Glad that CF has spent a bit of effort on it, especially as when it gets REALLY hot in July and August, it spreads out the crowds across the park.

The Plunge slides are a welcome addition (we love the pod drops)!


If we get a half decent spring here in Toronto the park should be looking pretty awesome come opening day.

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It's probably not absurd to assume that Shockwave isn't gonna be there for more than one or two seasons after 2017? Has it been down a lot recently? Since soaring timbers will no doubt draw comparisons from the GP

Most guests probably won't care. This is the park with a B&M hyper and giga after all. There's also la ronde a few hours away, with both an SLC and B&M invert.


Speaking of the new ride, has any testing footage/photos of Soaring Timbers surfaced yet?

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Most All guests probably won't care. This is the park with both a 200 and 300 foot B&M hyper and giga after all (and a plethora of other anomalous flat rides). There's also Not Six Flags La Ronde a few hours away, with both an SLC and (heavily cloned) B&M invert.


Much better. The hard truth is fun.

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Most All guests probably won't care. This is the park with both a 200 and 300 foot B&M hyper and giga after all (and a plethora of other anomalous flat rides). There's also Not Six Flags La Ronde a few hours away, with both an SLC and (heavily cloned) B&M invert.


Much better. The hard truth is fun.

My point exactly.


Guests won't care.


Shockwave is likely here to stay.

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I keep debating whether or not to get a season pass this year... idk if the new additions alone have me sold on it, buuut I am probably going to go to Knott's too, and if things work out in my favour at work I'd also get to hit CGA. Maybe a platinum pass would finally be worth it for me this year??

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I'm surprised they are not done construction in the water park?


Don't they need to do testing?


The testing process doesn't take too long. I remember back in 2015 that Typhoon and Splash Station were both under construction until a couple of weeks before Splash Works opened for the season in late May. I expect Muskoka Plunge to be fully constructed by the same time.


I am more curious as to how Soaring Timbers in coming along because there has been no information released about its progress. But, I assume it'll be ready for Season Pass Sneak Preview Night in a little more than a week's time on Friday, April 28th.

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Over the weekend, Canada's Wonderland released some photos of Soaring Timbers and Muskoka Plunge under construction. Soaring Timbers appears to have some beautiful landscaping, including a water fall feature located in front of the ride!


Soaring Timbers:


Photo credit: Canada's Wonderland via Twitter



Photo credit: Canada's Wonderland via Twitter


Muskoka Plunge:


Photo credit: Canada's Wonderland via Twitter


Photo credit: Canada's Wonderland via Twitter

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