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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Seeing an improvement like the new cars for the Sally Dark Ride is truly awesome. It shows that the new Cedar Fair regime really gets it and is going over EVERYTHING to try and improve guest satisfaction.


Way to go!

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Great pics of WMG. I had a flashback of Indiana Beach, less the cage over the trains for a minute


This is definitely one of the more interesting dark/ interactive rides out there...CF is really going above and beyond for this one given that it's geared to regional/ seasonal parks.


The new Boo Hill cars/ faster line is huge. Anything to help the only "one ride per visit" that friends with kids go through during the season.

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Well, ANYTHING they can do for the Boo HIll's capacity is a big win. Hopefully there's some more cars in addition to higher capacity is great. Maybe not making up for Behemoth seat belts, but it is something.


Also, WMG looks like it will definitely "count". There's some substantive coaster sections there.

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I only rode Boo Hill once when it was still Haunted Mansion... I remember waiting in that molasses line after the area already closed for the night. It really is nice to see them upgrade a ride like that. Maybe new trains for Flight Deck aren't out of the question now? (One can dream)


In somewhat CW related news, York Regional Police is using the parking lot today to do a truck safety blitz.


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Well, ANYTHING they can do for the Boo HIll's capacity is a big win. Hopefully there's some more cars in addition to higher capacity is great. Maybe not making up for Behemoth seat belts, but it is something.


Also, WMG looks like it will definitely "count". There's some substantive coaster sections there.

Ya, so happy this is gonna count as a credit... Was a little worried WMGwould turn out to be a bigger boo hill

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Well, it has a coaster lift hill outside of the mountain.

Then it coasts in some kind of coaster-like fashion, into the mountain and....?


Whatever. Quit complaning about it. It'll be great and unique for the park.

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Well, ANYTHING they can do for the Boo HIll's capacity is a big win. Hopefully there's some more cars in addition to higher capacity is great. Maybe not making up for Behemoth seat belts, but it is something.


Also, WMG looks like it will definitely "count". There's some substantive coaster sections there.

Ya, so happy this is gonna count as a credit... Was a little worried WMGwould turn out to be a bigger boo hill


I'm more interested in whether the ride is fun, not so much in its classification.

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While I'm guessing this may be a Cedar Fair-specific thing...there is also Shambhala at PortAventura with the split-rowed trains. Guess we'll know for certain if that ends up getting seatbelts.

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Quick WMG update. It's season pass preview night and just wanted to send a couple pics showing more rock work done over the entrance as well as that "suspicious" track work is now fixed and bolted into place.




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that logo ride entrance sign looks awesome! and glad they bolted that track into place! Got me nervous with it just sitting there in place without being bolted! I knew they would fix it before it opened, but what if it rained heavily or something and it slid out of place! I'm not saying it could've been possible, but it sure would've been bad!

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Supports in the parking lot for what I'm guessing is the triple drop waterside everyone is talking about and that the radio as mentions.


The structure is for a cell tower.


Here's the permit I found a while back which was filed in 2012 for the tower.




The description and diagrams perfectly match what we have seen.


Also the ad on the radios makes NO MENTION of a "NEW" waterslide...just a triple drop (probably referring to the Plunge).

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Supports in the parking lot for what I'm guessing is the triple drop waterside everyone is talking about and that the radio as mentions.


The structure is for a cell tower.


Here's the permit I found a while back which was filed in 2012 for the tower.




The description and diagrams perfectly match what we have seen.


Also the ad on the radios makes NO MENTION of a "NEW" waterslide...just a triple drop (probably referring to the Plunge).


Just to clarify, I never said "new".


I'll say this, that's one funky looking cell tower lol

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