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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I was talking to Lance and he has a pretty good theory (or at least one that I agree with)....Diamondback is the "test" coaster to see how the belts impact the roller coaster. Based on the results, in 2015, seatbelts may be added to the other B&M's. He also brought up a good point that when Cedar Fair bought the Paramount parks, the first thing they did was put seat belts on the mine trains and arrow loopers....

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This may not be popular, but i have always been a little uncomfortable with just the t bars in the big b&ms such as leviathan and behemoth.


I need to remind myself that if it weren't safe with some kind of internal redundancy they wouldn't be in service, but i can't help but think "if this thing opens up i'm screwed".


Wether it is rational or not, on the older style trains like arrow, it feels like you would have something to hold on to to brace yourself in if something let go. The handgrips are part of the t bar, so if it lifted up i would have nothing to hold on to. Add to that the really high lift hill (not so much a fear of heights, but i don't love them), and the airtime hills, i am a bit on edge.


I guess part of the excitement of the trains is the open seating, and the unencumbered restraints, but i still need to get comfortable with the idea, and spend my time in the station and lift hill reminding myself... nobody has fallen off yet, odds are i won't be the first.


I had a conversation about this with someone in the line for leviathan and she said " if it does let go your death would be pretty spectacular and quick"

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^Didn't someone say that the ones on Diamondback were a kind of experiment and then they would add them (or not) to the other B&M hypers?

I guess we can now expect these for all the other ones, right?

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^ That was just a theory, which I didn't believe at all.


Thanks for sharing the pictures! I am not surprised at all to see seatbelts on Behemoth... With the way they're placed, it looks to me like the main purpose is to get people to sit completely back in the seat. Are they also on Leviathan? I'd like to see if they change the time on the countdown clock if Leviathan gets the belts too.

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^ That was just a theory, which I didn't believe at all.


Thanks for sharing the pictures! I am not surprised at all to see seatbelts on Behemoth... With the way they're placed, it looks to me like the main purpose is to get people to sit completely back in the seat. Are they also on Leviathan? I'd like to see if they change the time on the countdown clock if Leviathan gets the belts too.


There no seatbelts on Levathan.


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Thanks for posting the photos - looking great, but lots of work left! I like the way they intertwined it with Vortex. The other parks that get this ride won't have the advantage of integrating it into an existing mountain, so it will be interesting to see what they do...


Diamondback has seatbelts now? I was on it last week and I didn't notice them at all...

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Thanks for all the updates! The new ride is looking sharp (and quite coasterlike, though I look forward to riding it either way). While the mountain is unique to CW, I hope other parks have interesting structures of their own to add these to.

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Doesn't look like a high capacillity ride. So does anyone know if the seats spin or something? I think it will look weirded with seats facing both ways.


I would imagine they would have to rotate in order to make use of those shooty thingys on each seat.

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According to a report on CW Mania, the seatbelt situation has made the loading procedure twice as long. For behemoth, the t-bars are locked in the upright position, all riders must put on the seatbelts and attendents must check them all, then the restraints are lowered and a second check is needed.


Oh, and the seats rotate 90 degrees in both directions and capacity is 600-700 pph.

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