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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I always thought they did a mediocre job with Volcano but I kept that to myself since nobody else ever has an issue with it. I hate the way the tracks for the boat ride are still there, the concrete pools clearly visible from the line for the front seat look awful and the inside of the volcano is wide open (though that doesn't bother me too much since you travel through it so quickly).


I know the ride has great theming by Paramount's standards and especially by Cedar Fair's standards but I feel like a minimal amount of effort could have made it look a million times better.

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Probably the vehicles. And with that Volcano video, that seemed like a lot of supports inside the mountain. Could there actually be a possibility of a dark ride fitting in the mountain? There looks to be space, but with all those polls, it seems as if they would have to do a lot to the mountain to fit in a ride like that. Just saying, it doesn't look to be possible. But then again, the video didn't show ALL of the inside of the mountain, so I could be wrong, but thats just what it looks like from the vid.

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If WMG works out as well as they expect (and as well as I anticipate), then I think it's an almost certainty to have this rolled out to a lot of the CF parks in the next few years. If that does happen, I sure hope it's not another 'Windseeker,' where all of them primarily share the same look and name.

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A $10-million first-of-its-kind attraction coming to Canada's Wonderland will combine a 4-D interactive dark ride with a roller-coaster track inside the Toronto-area amusement park's decades-old Wonder Mountain centerpiece.


Debuting on May 4, Wonder Mountain's Guardian will carry riders up a 60-foot-tall coaster lift hill on the exterior of the man-made mountain before dipping inside a cavern and slowing down for a dark ride experience complete with wind, motion and other special effects.


Inside the mountain, riders wearing 3-D glasses will battle mythical creatures with laser guns in scenes depicting dark forests, underground lakes and subterranean cities while traveling along a 1,000-foot-long coaster track.


The action will be played out on large curved screens, including the longest interactive screen ever built for a ride.


Riders will compete for points and compare scores after a final showdown with a dragon. It remains to be seen if the unique dark ride experience will conclude with a coaster-based climax.


"It's going to be better than what you've seen at Disney or Universal," said Ernest Yale, founder and president of Triotech, the Montreal-based company handling the project.


That's quite a boast considering the latest dark ride experiences like Universal's Transformers 3-D and the Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man as well as Disney's Radiator Springs Racers and Toy Story Midway Mania can cost in excess of $100 million and take years to develop.


Known mostly for building 4-D motion theaters, Triotech introduced its first interactive dark ride in 2013 at Denmark's Tivoli Friheden theme park. Another dark ride is in the works for early 2014 at the Hello Kitty theme park in Shanghai, China.


The ride vehicles and transportation system for the new attraction at Canada's Wonderland will be built by Art Engineering, a German-based company that makes kiddie rides, water rides and dark rides.


It remains to be seen if Wonder Mountain's Guardian will bring the coaster count at Canada's Wonderland to 17, one more than Ohio's Cedar Point but two fewer than California's Six Flags Magic Mountain. The definitive Roller Coaster Database has yet to list the new attraction on its "New for 2014" census, waiting to see if the track includes any drops that would qualify the ride as a coaster.


Construction of the Guardian won't affect the coasters currently navigating Wonder Mountain -- the suspended Vortex (1991) and the Thunder Run mine train (1981). The new ride will utilize unused space inside the man-made peak that was large enough to house two Halloween Haunt mazes in 2013.


Ride enthusiasts have expressed hope that Wonder Mountain's Guardian could spur development of similar attractions at other parks in the Cedar Fair chain, which hasn't added many dark rides in recent years. Cedar Fair CEO Matt Ouimet, a former Disneyland president, has placed a higher emphasis on family entertainment and themed environments since joining the company in 2011.

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Sounds less and less like something I'd consider a coaster. Also sounds less and less interesting to me, though I know I'm alone in that. Just never really liked the shooting dark rides. I like the non-interactive ones.


No, you're not alone. I was never really a fan of interactive dark rides. Can't take them as seriously as non-interactive.

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"It's going to be better than what you've seen at Disney or Universal," said Ernest Yale, founder and president of Triotech, the Montreal-based company handling the project.


Well someone's a little over-confident.


That's what I thought too, but hopefully it will at least be comparable to Disney and Universal.

Edited by loop-de-loop
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I think Cedar Fair's new marketing plan is to throw in the word "coaster" as many times as possible when talking about their new-for-2014 non-coaster rides.


"It's going to be better than what you've seen at Disney or Universal," said Ernest Yale, founder and president of Triotech, the Montreal-based company handling the project.


I suppose it's not fair to say this is an insane claim before the ride is even built but...

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^I wonder if he's one of the ex-Paramount leftover guys. I'll never forget the ones that stood up at our lunch and told us how Kings Dominion was so much better than Walt Disney World.


I'm glad they're aiming high and I have confidence the ride will be great...for Canada.

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...I think I can finally see through the tears after laughing so hard...


I'm optimistic that this will be a good interactive dark ride. I guess it may be better than what they have at Universal or Disney...for those who have never been to Universal or Disney. Wow!

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"It's going to be better than what you've seen at Disney or Universal," said Ernest Yale, founder and president of Triotech, the Montreal-based company handling the project.


Well someone's a little over-confident.

He means Chinese knock-off Disney and Indian knock-off Universal

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  • 4 weeks later...
^I would hope it can make DarKastle caliber...Spiderman, I'd be shocked.


Don't worry, it won't be Spiderman quality. It will be much better.


"It's going to be better than what you've seen at Disney or Universal," said Ernest Yale, founder and president of Triotech, the Montreal-based company handling the project.


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