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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Also, has Cedar Fair's rain policy changed recently? It was raining pretty good on Saturday afternoon and everything was still open, including Behemoth and Leviathan.


Everything stays open in rain. I believe Levi and Behemoth run one train during rain. As long as there isn't thunder/hail, everything stays open. I remember going to the park this year and as dark clouds were approaching right after the first flash of lightning, all the rides immediately shut down.


They were both running three trains. It kind of caught me by surprise as the last time I was there during rain (last season), everything was shut down.


That said, riding Behemoth or Leviathan in the rain is not a pleasant experience and I would not recommend it.

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There is more to come with tunnel theming. Typically, most coasters go down to single train operation during rain. Behemoth and Leviathan are the exception and typically run 2 trains. I'm surprised to hear they kept them at full capacity. Hopefully it stays this way!

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That's cool, but... it didn't really look like 360 degrees. More like 180. If it was 360 degrees, shouldn't you be able to see the track in front of them?


It's 360 degrees, you are able to see the track in front of them, you have to drag it with the mouse to get the angle you want.

Awesome video, didn't know they could do that.

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We were at CW on Sunday and we LOVED Leviathan. It really exceeded my expectations and is my new favorite hyper/giga. We were able to ride it around 15 times due to lack of anybody in the park. Two train wait (or less) for the front row. Not sure if I prefer the front or the back left seat... Hard to say.


We thought it was kind of like MF without the boring mid-section. Absolutely loved the first drop and the low speed hills.


Just an overall great ride. No complaints here at all. Wish it were closer to me!

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^Keep in mind though that the train only had one row full of people. More people=more weight=faster ride.


Also, the colder weather has an effect too. It was flying balls out for us for night ERT at Leviathan Bash.

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About the Rick Mercer video-


-He described it as an "altitude of 356" despite being told it was 306 earlier (though it may not have been filmed in this order, you'd think that the info would be accurate.) Because the 2 digits at the beginning and end were the same, I'm guessing this was a mistake. He could have been acting like a pilot talking about a flight level (356 being 35,600 feet, if memory serves), but the digits make it seem like it was a mistake, plus the fact that if he really was a pilot, I don't think he would address the passengers with flight level, considering that many passengers might not know.


-He referred to the overbank as "going upside down".


-He also said "the Leviathan", which isn't a big deal to me - heck, I'd probably refer to it as "the Leviathan" occasionally, so I don't really care. However, I know that some guys here are picky about placing "the" before a coaster name, so just saying.

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He's a comedian doing a piece for a national mock news/ journal/ variety show. It was all a comedy routine so of course facts don't matter as long as you laugh. Yes, he was pretending to be a pilot. Again the spiel and tone were both accurate so who cares about exact numbers?


I find it really funny that someone can analyze a comedy set. Loved it and the show overall as well

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So I was at the park yesterday for my only visit for 2012. Based on my experience yesterday, I would say I prefer Leviathan over Behemoth. I was surprised to see such long lines all around the park, seeing as this time last year, I was able to hop between rides with almost no lines. Glad to see the park is doing well though.


Here's a compilation of the best Leviathan videos I got. Let me tell you, filming the bottom of the first drop was insane (those clips are around 3:15).


EDIT: Just finished up a general park video:

Edited by asimowalk
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We thought it was kind of like MF without the boring mid-section. Absolutely loved the first drop and the low speed hills.


It is pretty much B&M's take on Millennium Force. It has all the meat & potatoes of that layout. I wouldn't be surprised if CF went to them with a picture of Millennium Force and asked them how they felt about it.

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He's a comedian doing a piece for a national mock news/ journal/ variety show. It was all a comedy routine so of course facts don't matter as long as you laugh. Yes, he was pretending to be a pilot. Again the spiel and tone were both accurate so who cares about exact numbers?


I find it really funny that someone can analyze a comedy set. Loved it and the show overall as well


^Well said.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The newest rumor on Screamscape is that Sky Rider is next on the chopping block, as part of this Great Purge that the whole chain is supposedly going to do in the near future. Personally I hope I can get up there again before it disappears; I was too little to ride it last time I went (1997), and I'd hate to leave that open-ended like that.

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I think Flight Deck and Time Warp really need to go. They are rough, outdated, and not class-competitve for what they are. I would replace these with a top of the line inverted (ex. a Raptor or an Afterburn), or a winged coaster (being the new fad). The other option could be some sort of a high-speed launched Intamin (ex. an Xcelerator or a Maverick). Now that Wonderland finally has a record-class ride in Leviathan, I would love to see Cedar Fair focus on improving the depth of the park.

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^^What? Take out an ACE landmark coaster for being the oldest stand up in North America?


Sky Rider is my favourite stand up and one of my favourite coasters at CW -- I'd really hate to see it go personally.


Realistically, if CW wanted to take out coasters, Dragon Fire would be gone instead of building the long bridge and break run for Leviathan to accommodate it. I agree about Flight Deck and Time Warp. They are in good shape and there is always a second hand market for those rides. Maybe La Ronde will take another?


A used SLC is also a great alternative to any park looking at a Golden Horse model

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