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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Hey everyone,


Only 1.5 days left for the hotel room auction in Toronto that'll cover you over Leviathan Bash weekend! Don't be shy, put in a bid! We are at $125.00 for two nights so far! Click on the link below for more details! Ends Friday, June 1 at Noon!


If you think Leviathan looks amazing, this is the perfect weekend to check it out!


Up for auction, benefiting Coasting for Kids, is a two night stay for two in Uptown Toronto at the Novotel Toronto – North York


Centrally located in a prime spot between Canada's Wonderland and Downtown Toronto!


Click here to find out more!


If this auction isn't of interest and you would still like to support a great cause through Coasting for Kids, any support would be greatly appreciated! Just click on my "Coasting for Kids" banner below to donate or learn more!

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Weather has really warmed up here and apparently Leviathan is much much faster than opening day. Comments on cwmania from a couple of recent riders repoted grey-outs through the first overbank, lots of forces on the other turns and major air time on all hills including a little pop after the hill entering the break run.


Seems like the monster has awaken from winter hibernation. Shouldn't be any disappointed riders during LeviaTHON in July. I just picked up some season passes for the family and will hopefully I will be able to visit the park soon and give my own impressions.

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That first drop is just insane in the warmer weather. I was definitely seeing stars during the first turn


Everyone on LeviaTHON should have an amazing time at the park this year! The water park is also a great to be at that point in the summer either right at opening or near closing.

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Hey all,


Only 0.5 days left for the hotel room auction in Toronto that'll cover you over Leviathan Bash weekend! Don't be shy, put in a bid! We are at $130.00 for two nights so far! Click on the link below for more details! Ends Friday, June 1 at Noon Eastern Time!

Up for auction, benefiting Coasting for Kids, is a two night stay for two in Uptown Toronto at the Novotel Toronto – North York


Centrally located in a prime spot between Canada's Wonderland and Downtown Toronto!


Click here to find out more!


If this auction isn't of interest and you would still like to support a great cause through Coasting for Kids, any support would be greatly appreciated! Just click on my "Coasting for Kids" banner below to donate or learn more!

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That first drop is just insane in the warmer weather. I was definitely seeing stars during the first turn .


Ya that first turn was quite the experience in the warmer weather. Also, I found that small airtime hill right after that turn to produce some even crazier air than normal.

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It REALLY hurts to know we were SO CLOSE to having a B&M invert instead...


Well, obviously if they just got a memo from B&M saying they would not build them a ride, they could not have been "SO CLOSE" to signing a deal..

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So I'm going to Wonderland some time next week (during the week), what will I expect with wait times?


High School is sill in, so if it's a week day you should be okay.


I will be there on Monday the 11th.

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It REALLY hurts to know we were SO CLOSE to having a B&M invert instead...


Well, obviously if they just got a memo from B&M saying they would not build them a ride, they could not have been "SO CLOSE" to signing a deal..


They had the plans ready to go. All they had to do was sign the paperwork. Norm said he personally received a call from Walter Bolliger stating that their plans had to be scrapped due to the CP clause. At this point, Dick Kinzel was called and asked if an exception could be made. He refused. So the plan of a B&M was tossed out and a Vekoma SLC was put in its place.


On top of that, we were only within 2 miles of the cut-off point. I would say it's SO CLOSE...

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It REALLY hurts to know we were SO CLOSE to having a B&M invert instead...


Well, obviously if they just got a memo from B&M saying they would not build them a ride, they could not have been "SO CLOSE" to signing a deal..


They had the plans ready to go. All they had to do was sign the paperwork. Norm said he personally received a call from Walter Bolliger stating that their plans had to be scrapped due to the CP clause. At this point, Dick Kinzel was called and asked if an exception could be made. He refused. So the plan of a B&M was tossed out and a Vekoma SLC was put in its place.


On top of that, we were only within 2 miles of the cut-off point. I would say it's SO CLOSE...


I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything, you should just not believe everything you are told. B&M would not work with you for months to develop a custom made layout for you're specific space and requirements, and all of a sudden just sign such a deal as they did with Cedar Point. That would be very bad publicity for the company, and just a dickish move, taking time and money away from Wonderland. I do believe that the park was looking into getting a B&M invert, just not that they were as close and long gotten as they claim.

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It REALLY hurts to know we were SO CLOSE to having a B&M invert instead...


Well, obviously if they just got a memo from B&M saying they would not build them a ride, they could not have been "SO CLOSE" to signing a deal..


They had the plans ready to go. All they had to do was sign the paperwork. Norm said he personally received a call from Walter Bolliger stating that their plans had to be scrapped due to the CP clause. At this point, Dick Kinzel was called and asked if an exception could be made. He refused. So the plan of a B&M was tossed out and a Vekoma SLC was put in its place.


On top of that, we were only within 2 miles of the cut-off point. I would say it's SO CLOSE...


I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything, you should just not believe everything you are told. B&M would not work with you for months to develop a custom made layout for you're specific space and requirements, and all of a sudden just sign such a deal as they did with Cedar Point. That would be very bad publicity for the company, and just a dickish move, taking time and money away from Wonderland. I do believe that the park was looking into getting a B&M invert, just not that they were as close and long gotten as they claim.


Definitely not wrong. Radius restrictions are standard in a lot of contracts with specific vendors and stand for x number of years. Cedar Point may have been willing to negotiate a fee for compensation at first and it could have fallen through near the end of the process. Cedar Point would have paid B&M more to maintain the competitive advantage within a defined market area by maybe spending more than usual on one or more coasters. The last recourse would have been for Paramount/Wonderland to buy Cedar Point. Happens often in hotels and sports as an example. Unless you're on the negotiating team or have to access to the final contracts, no one ever hears about this stuff.

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I'm not saying that you're wrong or anything, you should just not believe everything you are told. B&M would not work with you for months to develop a custom made layout for you're specific space and requirements, and all of a sudden just sign such a deal as they did with Cedar Point. That would be very bad publicity for the company, and just a dickish move, taking time and money away from Wonderland. I do believe that the park was looking into getting a B&M invert, just not that they were as close and long gotten as they claim.



An engineering firm isn't going to spend all the man hours to design a brand new ride and then throw it out. Who's going to foot the bill for all that wasted work?

B&M? Doubt it.

Cedar Point? Unlikely.

Canada's Wonderland? Plausible.


Getting a cookie cutter Vekoma SLC makes the most sense at that point since the park just wasted money on a design they couldn't use and could have then just went with whatever was available and closest to what they wanted.

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