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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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It seems that HUSS rides have really horrible reliability as the Top Spins up in Nor Cal have a lot of down time.


I agree Huss rides seem to be having quite a bit of issues lets not forget to include the Timber Tower fiasco . . . I have never seen Voodoo closed but Firefail seems to have serious issues, I wonder if it had the same issues at GL

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Would all the tunnel whiners like some cheese with all this whine?


Yes, it's a new ride that they threw down 20 million dollars for, yes, they added a tunnel at the last second that adds a bit of thrill. Yes it may look out of place, but is it really that big of a deal? The ride isn't "heavily" themed so I don't see why there has been such a huge amount of complaints about a feature that people wanted and asked for in the first place!


This park was under a manager who for years forwarded beatification. I'm sure they'll eventually change it. They may not do it immediately, but in time more theming may be added. If not oh well, it still looks like a great ride and complaining about such a small detail seems trivial.


It's a freakin' B&M Giga


But it has a long break run and an unthemed tunnel so I don't like it! Myah! /sarcasm

Nobody said the tunnel overshadowed how fantastic or awesome the ride is. It's just a bit odd that, after everything else they did for the ride, they'd make such a random and out-of-place addition.

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Yeah I know...


Magnum XL 200


Steel Force


Steel Dragon 2000


Millennium Force


SPOILER ALERT = Nobody complains about any of these, and please don't pretend Leviathan is a well themed coaster, the area around the station is themed and that's it. This tunnel looks fine.

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^ I think a lot of people's expectations were heightened after the ride opened to the public. Having a new station and area that fits great with the medieval theme, it just seemed underwhelming to have a tin can tunnel added a week later. Some blue paint and a mist machine would do wonders. I remember all of the comments about the irony in having Leviathan no where near water...


Anyways, is Sledge Hammer up yet?

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Well, it's definitely something of an improvement.


All issues aside, it really doesn't affect the ride at all what color or material it's made out of, the coaster is still amazing even if it was a wooden tunnel painted with yellow and green polka dots

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But...why even bother? Could've just saved the Benjamin they put down for this quality tunnel and called it a day.


Sorry, what's a Benjamin?


With paint, It already looks better than other Cedar Fair tunnels, with the exception of Maverick. Personally, I'm not a fan of tunnels so I'd rather none. It is a great head chopper though.

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I've been meaning to ask, are there spiels for Leviathan that are being worked on right now? I haven't been to the park yet, but from what I've seen online, that abundance of speakers on the ride don't seem to be used.

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Was at the park all day yesterday, and oh man was it packed. Though, with it being the long weekend and all, it was totally expected. Leviathan's line was absolutely massive. The line stretched all the way back to Milk Cans and stayed that way for the majority of the day. Hell, they even had to make an overflow queue for Behemoth. Luckily, we tried out the new Fast Lane and it made all the difference in the world. 13 Leviathan and 10 Behemoth rides can't be wrong. The only real wait we had was a one hour wait for Boo Blasters. Why we waited an hour for that? I will never know.


Anyways...Leviathan is running FANTASTIC now that it's warm. The camelbacks provide very strong and sustained floater air and the small hill after the first overbank freakin' rules. I'd easily put Leviathan in my top 5 at this point. Behemoth seems to be developing a pretty nasty rattle, especially on the outside seats, which is kind of sad. It's still a fun ride, but it's definitely getting pretty shaky.

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Was at the park all day yesterday, and oh man was it packed. Though, with it being the long weekend and all, it was totally expected. Leviathan's line was absolutely massive. The line stretched all the way back to Milk Cans and stayed that way for the majority of the day. Hell, they even had to make an overflow queue for Behemoth. Luckily, we tried out the new Fast Lane and it made all the difference in the world. 13 Leviathan and 10 Behemoth rides can't be wrong.


Another screaming endorsement for Fast Lane. It is amazing how anyone could complain about a system that allows you to do what you did on such a crowded day!

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Was at the park yesterday for a few hours to check out the Victoria Day fireworks and wow was the park rammed. Not surpirised and not complaining either but it was nice to see it so busy.


- Leviathan line was all the way back to the Milk Can game and quoted at 3 hours but we were on in under 2. Very impressed with the hustle.

- Coke Freestyle machines are now installed at two locations (Midevil Funnel Cakes & Outside of Behemoth).

- They do have a lot of flavors that are normally not available in Canada (Pibb being my favorite) so that is definitely a nice change of pace.

- The Victoria Day fireworks were amazing in my eyes. Although they were not 100% Disney quality, they were very very close. Great music, great energy and just a great show.

- Watching the parking lot craziness afterwards was also great. The park closed at 10pm (Fireworks done by 1015) and we were finally able to leave the parking lot at around midnight. I


I will post some photos and a video of the entire firework show once I return home, as well as some footage of the parking lot craziness. Overall for spending 4 hours in the park, riding one ride, and watching the fireworks show, it was one of the most enjoyable times I've had in the park. I think the nighttime atmosphere really plays into the enjoyment level of a park for me.

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Photos as promised. Usually my iPhone spits out great photos, but last night it just wasn't cooperating.


Video is still uploading.


The line of cars turning into the park


Still loving the sign and forced perspective they set up to make Leviathan look even bigger then it is.


Ya, line was just a little long.


Best new 2012 addition ;)


Loved this shot.


The lights in the fountain really shine at night, pun intended ;)


Leviathan area at night




Love the LED lights in the main fountains


Another of the several Leviathan shirts. Not too shabby.

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I guess I timed my trip just right on Thursday May 18. Leviathan and Behemoth lines began at the bottom of the station stairs. Less than 10 minutes every time. I'm trying to understand the B&M rattle people speak of. I really can't identify with it. I guess you can say there is vibrations on parts of their coasters, but I just thought its a fact of life when travelling at those speeds.


Anyways, Leviathan is an amazing combination of intensity, speed, and airtime making it an elite coaster.

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^^^ That shirt has Nitro in the background. Seriously, how does CF make shirts with a competitor's coaster in the background?



I'm really not seeing it. It looks like the more of Leviathan to me, even if it is mirrored and the colors are a bit off to fit the general theme/color of the shirt.

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^^^ That shirt has Nitro in the background. Seriously, how does CF make shirts with a competitor's coaster in the background?
I'm really not seeing it. It looks like the more of Leviathan to me, even if it is mirrored and the colors are a bit off to fit the general theme/color of the shirt.

The shirt definitely shows Nitro, compare the lift, drop and especially the camelbacks to this photo:





edit: They even included Batman's loop!

Edited by BDG
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Dang, you are absolutely right. I guess I just glanced at it too much and didn't really think about it. But that picture pretty much proves it. I've never been to Great Adventure to notice. I just assumed it was a mirror image of Leviathan... but looking at the shirt closer, it doesn't even look like that at all. You would think with such an iconic ride like Leviathan, they would use a silhouette of that! I'm guessing there is nothing illegal about it, just horribly lazy graphic design... guess I made my dumb post for the month

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