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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Here are a few more shots from the weekend. The park was dead (everything was a walk-on), but to be expected considering it was cold out, and this is the latest I can ever recall the park being opened during regular season.




That's one big freakin' crane. Just look at the excavator next to it!


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That's one big freakin' crane. Just look at the excavator next to it!


Holy crap! I didn't think much of it until you pointed out the excavator. That is ridiculous! I'm really looking forward to seeing this thing get built. I doubt I'll be able to ride it anytime, soon, but I bet it's going to be an impressive looking ride.

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It looks like B&M is sticking with the steep lift hills.


It actually depends on how the park wants the ride, not really something B&M will just do because they feel like it. The more of a ride that's needed to fit into a smaller area or assigned area designated by the park, the hill slope will increase as the maximum height increases.

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Here's a shot showing how dead the park was on Saturday around noon:



The trash cans easily outnumbered the guests. It's nice having the park open so late in the season, but somehow I doubt Cedar Fair will do it again. They did do a great job and had a surprising amount of F&B and game concessions open (almost all of them!), but there's no way it was cost-effective.

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I'm hoping B & M really nails the hyper with this one and gets more Intamin like airtime on all those camelbacks. The floater air on Nitro is fun but I much prefer the ejector air of Ride of Steel.


It will be interesting to see how the two across seating (albeit still wide) in the trains affects the dynamics of the ride.

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It will be interesting to see how the two across seating (albeit still wide) in the trains affects the dynamics of the ride.


I'm more curious about how those back two stadium seats are going to feel.


I tend to feel vulnerable enough on the normal B&M hyper seats. Those elevated seats are going to feel even more exposed.

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