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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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What would make this ride even better is theming! Hope Cedar Fair will put some effort of theming into this ride because it's going to be the greatest!


Hopefully they will have a cool statue at the entrance similar to Dragon Fire and Wild Beast. That would be awesome! I read on CWmania that the entire plaza/area will get a nice facelift. It should look quite nice

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What would make this ride even better is theming! Hope Cedar Fair will put some effort of theming into this ride because it's going to be the greatest!


Hopefully they will have a cool statue at the entrance similar to Dragon Fire and Wild Beast. That would be awesome! I read on CWmania that the entire plaza/area will get a nice facelift. It should look quite nice



Canada's Wonderland confirmed they would have a few "suprises" in store for the new Leviathan area along with the re-theming of the building and facades in Medieval Faire for 2012.

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What would make this ride even better is theming! Hope Cedar Fair will put some effort of theming into this ride because it's going to be the greatest!


Hopefully they will have a cool statue at the entrance similar to Dragon Fire and Wild Beast. That would be awesome! I read on CWmania that the entire plaza/area will get a nice facelift. It should look quite nice



Canada's Wonderland confirmed they would have a few "suprises" in store for the new Leviathan area along with the re-theming of the building and facades in Medieval Faire for 2012.


Thats what I suspected. I'm going to guess rising waters will be moved/taken out because of the crowds/new entrance it won't really fit. I can't wait to see these "surprises".

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I really hope they never decide to paint these.


Anyways, I was very pleased with the Marketplace renovation, so I believe that with just a couple more things, like retheming Drop Tower, Riptide and the On Location stand (to a fruit stand, lol), do a pirate show on Arthur's Baye, even going as far as playing renaissance-type music, Medieval Faire could be a well-themed area.

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^i know....I liked starlight a lot and hope it comes back this year. All I was saying was if starlight could reach the level of disney (fireworks, pictures of people at the park (I made a original post about this a few months ago),etc..)

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