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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I am a fan of rides using as much of the actual terrain/surroundings as possible, so I'm a big fan of the whole "through the trees" thing.




Been on prowler?



Seriously though, that looks pretty cool. I didn't notice that until you pointed it out haha! I doubt the park even knows about it being in such a close proximity of the track. Ah well, should be an exciting moment to riders!

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If I had to guess I would say they will probably chop down/trim the tree quite a bit. When spring rolls around they probably don't want leaves whacking riders in the face at over 100km/h. Once again thank you all for the updates!


Trim for sure, but not sure about cutting down. I know Wonderland has mentioned on a couple different occasions that their intention is not to remove that many, if any trees at all. I'd say that any tree they remove may just, if possible, be reallocated or replaced a short distance from the original location.

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I must say, I didn't know cameras could see more than 6 years into the future.


EDIT: Also, is this a mirror image or something? It looks like Leviathan is going the wrong direction.

Edited by Schotcher
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I must say, I didn't know cameras could see more than 6 years into the future.


EDIT: Also, is this a mirror image or something? It looks like Leviathan is going the wrong direction.


I noticed that too, and I spent at least 5 minutes trying to figure out the angle this picture was taken from... the mirror image makes much more sense

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EDIT: Also, is this a mirror image or something? It looks like Leviathan is going the wrong direction.


I thought so too for a bit. But I think the lift hill is in the background, with the airtime hill and hammerhead closer to the camera. Just a bit of an optical illusion because of the angle.

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New pictures from today! Hammerhead hill is complete and they're well into the hammerhead turn.




Completed cammelback.


Hammerhead starting to go up around the entry plaza in front of the front gates.


In just a few more months, the B&M roar will be echoing above peoples' heads as they walk from the parking lot towards the front gates!

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This coaster really plays with the optical illusions. The main lift has that super large track (around 7 feet tall with the extra-large spine) and the large camelback is normal sized B&M track. It really is impressive though! It's amazing how much the front of the park has changed. I can't wait for this to open and see thousands of people walking along the course each day going from their cars to the park entrance.

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That was the thing that I noticed the most when all the pictures of the lift hill were going up. Everyone else was like "Woah. The ride is huge!" To me though it didn't look any bigger than any other ride because there was nothing to compare it to and the track was HUGE, so the scale looked the same to me. But now...this is one big ride.

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I just thought of something, and it involves the long brake run.


Cedar Fair's rain policy forces all coasters to go down to one-train operation, but those coasters with mid-course brake runs can still go with two (correct me if I'm wrong). With the brake run the way it is, do you think they would make Leviathan go down to one train?


Or would the rain policy (a policy that came out of overreaction) be abolished next season with both Kinzel and Falfas out of the picture?

Edited by asimowalk
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I do realize that B&M coasters (especially the recent ones) aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I do still like them quite a bit. Not to mention, a giga is still a giga, so I am VERY excited about Leviathan! Seeing the pictures of the construction progress, this coaster looks massive and quite impressive. I'm guessing that it won't have quite the same "OMFG" moments that Intimidator 305 did, but I also feel this one may surprise some folks and be a bit more forceful than people think. Definitely need to take a trip north of the border really soon to check out the park and ride this beast!

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