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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^Or add some sort of close by water feature, as it is called leviathan...


Although I doubt a tunnel or water feature would make much difference as you'll be traveling so fast it would only last a fraction of a second.

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Anyone else think it would be a cool idea that if Wonderland were to bring back the show, actual guests who visited the park during that day could be in the show??? The employees with the cameras at the front of the park could say "Get your picture taken and you could be in tonight's Starlight Spectacular show!!!". And before the show starts, someone can put some of the pictures from the day into the show. It would probably increase the # of pictures taken at the front entrance and I'm sure people would love to see their faces on Wonder Mountain.


Cool idea???

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That could be a great idea... Instead of filling the mountain with those small colored cubes, you could replace the face of each one with a picture... As the mountain ripples, the pictures would get larger for a few seconds...


It would also be interesting if they programmed the projection to be some sort of multimedia / social networking display that took people's tweets / mms / facebook and projected them on the face of the mountain as well. That way people could contribute their own pictures and (positive) thoughts of their day to the show...

Edited by Cyber.Fiber
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Anyone else think it would be a cool idea that if Wonderland were to bring back the show, actual guests who visited the park during that day could be in the show??? The employees with the cameras at the front of the park could say "Get your picture taken and you could be in tonight's Starlight Spectacular show!!!". And before the show starts, someone can put some of the pictures from the day into the show. It would probably increase the # of pictures taken at the front entrance and I'm sure people would love to see their faces on Wonder Mountain.


Cool idea???

Disney does this nightly and its actually incredibly stupid in my opinion. Its often difficult to make out the picture and even then, I don't care at all of seeing pictures of other people.

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