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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^Agreed! First "The World's Longest Brake Run" than a bunch of other pointless arguments including this support "issues". Next we are going to be complaining about the trains, the trim brakes, how slow the lift is, and that the line to get on is too long (I'm not complaining...but I just know these things are going to pop up in someones post).

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Since B&M is pushing their standards for size on this coaster, they wanted to go with their classic train design as they've been reliable in their previous installations. They'd like to avoid any "surprises" like the vibrations/rattling of the newer train designs used on Behemoth, Diamondback and Intimidator.


Definitely noticed the rattling in the back car on Diamondback in August, and the back on Behemoth at the end of the season. Meanwhile Nitro is still smooth as new after 10 years. Can't argue with their reasoning on this.

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The newer seats rather than the flat tops, the restraints look a bit more "low cut" than standard. Which I am kinda hoping for. Though who doesn't love sexy Clamshells..


I think that the restraints look the exact same than a standard B&M. Never the less the restraints are still super comfy and allow for some nice airtime if you are not stapled.


Here is a pic of Behemoths restraints. I think they look about the same.

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I feel like the train type/roughness issue is more a variable dealing with maintenance. I thought Behemoth was great this past fall. Yet my last rides on Goliath at SFOG were insanely rattly and rough. However, if B&M said they'd prefer their more trusty old trains on a new ride like this vs. the "new trains," I guess there's something slightly off about them.

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The season needs to hurry up and start... it's only November 28th and we're already debating the color of one support beam. lol
So now we are on to complaining about the colors of the supports........
^Agreed! First "The World's Longest Brake Run" than a bunch of other pointless arguments including this support "issues". Next we are going to be complaining about the trains, the trim brakes, how slow the lift is, and that the line to get on is too long (I'm not complaining...but I just know these things are going to pop up in someones post).


I find it a lot more interesting to discuss all of the above than reading the same "omg it's so big" replies after every photo update. Yes, it's big. We've known that since the ride was announced with a near-perfect virtual recreation.

However, the color of that backbone support is something unexpected, as it was painted blue in the announcement renders (see attachment).


edit: The park has let me know they will not be repainting it.




Edited by BDG
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^Agreed! First "The World's Longest Brake Run" than a bunch of other pointless arguments including this support "issues". Next we are going to be complaining about the trains, the trim brakes, how slow the lift is, and that the line to get on is too long (I'm not complaining...but I just know these things are going to pop up in someones post).


I personally like slow/extended lift hills. #KanyeShrug

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