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Hersheypark 2008 - 'Lost meets the Maverick thread'

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Personally I think it's pretty awesome! Yes it's somewhat short and doesn't launch (even though they already have Stormrunner I thought it would be tight) but it has a VERY unique layout with the norwiegian loop, which by the way looks amazingly fun! I give some props to Hershey and Nantimi, still asuming this is all legit. I'm really curious to see the stats and name of this coaster. Definitly worth a trip up there in my opinion.


Just wondering, how did they tell the Nantimi 25; just a link in an email or did they do the nantimi website password thing someone suggested earlier?

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^ Well, the puzzle picture did say Phase XI would begin and end on 0926.

Hang in folks, remember IT WON'T BE LONG NOW. Besides, I'm sure what we'll see at noon will be much better than the preview we got tonight.


We still have no name, no stats, no idea how and where this is going to fit into the park, so there still is a lot to be announced yet.


BTW, I thought there were 6 inversions-- the 4 that were mentioned before, plus don't you count 2 for the Norwegian Pretzel Cheez Doodle, whatever it's called?

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