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Photo TR: Kennywood

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When I found out that TPR would be visiting Kennywood as part of their Mid-West excursion, I knew that I wanted to stop in and say hi. A few friends that we made in the UK along with several other members and the organizers themselves made it well worth the visit.


Friday night we met up with Derek in Nicole who live in Eastern PA at Fatheads. They would also be spending the night and going to Kennywood on Saturday.


Local coaster connoisseur Greg Legowski also joined us at Fatheads for some wings and an excellent selection of craft brews.


After dinner we headed upstairs to the beer shop to grab a couple things. I needed to pick up a bottle of this year's Stone Vertical Epic and Joe (ParkTrips) wanted to build a mix six-pack of some stuff he can't find down south.


I got my beer and we can go now.


Friday morning I woke up to find a Canadian sleeping in my living room. This was Paul (Carnage) and he too would be going to Kennywood today. Paul planned some insane credit whoring trip where he would be hitting Waldameer, Kennywood, Idlewild, DelGrossos and Lakemont Park all in the same weekend.


Saturday morning we met up with the TPR gang and Robb already had his gear set up on Racer to grab some exclusive POV shots.


The rides had yet to open so Catrina and I grabbed a shot in front of the waterfall. Back in the day, there was actually a little putt-putt course right in this spot.


Always the comedian, Casey grabbed a picture with Catrina shortly after.


Waiting for the park to open at Phantom's Revenge. Unfortunately, the ride was not ready to open with the park and after about 45 minutes we just gave up on it and headed back to Exterminator. We did get a ride later and I will give some kudos to the park for opening it with 2 trains. Something that is not done very often.


Wow! Thats a long line.


"Let's get out of there. This line is just way to exciting for me. Let's go talk to the Dippin Dot's chick."


To entertain themselves while in line, Wes and Ryan give Jahan the R. Kelly treatment.


Hooray for open rides. After a short delay, the Phantom's Revenge is now ready.


Casey (at 6' 8") is happy to see that Kennywood doesn't discriminate against tall people on their kiddie coasters.




The group's fearless leaders grab a ride on the park's mini-airtime machine, Jack Rabbit.


It was obvious that the trip was starting to wear on some of it's participants. This group was grabbing a little nap by the park's carousel.


New for this year at Kennywood is Cosmic Chaos. AS you can see in this picture, the crowds were pretty heavy on this particular day. Actually, it was about the busiest I had ever seen the park.


The parks "flying coaster" entertained many of the first time visitors.


The last ride we would grab with the group before leaving was on the Auto Race.


This Traver Company creation (from nearby Beaver Falls) is the last of it's kind. Chuck seems to have enjoyed this little piece of nostalgia.


We head to head out of the park early because my band was playing back in Weirton the same night.


Another wild night in Weirton


Thank you for reading. Please post your comments and thoughts.

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Thanks to you and Catrina for being a great host and hostess for Kennywood, Ted. It's an excellent park, where the rides are wonderfully eccentric and the food is good.


The Gold Rusher dark ride was cool--even Garfield's Nightmare was appropriately trippy.

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Thanks for letting me crash at your place.


It was a great weekend. Everything went perfectly. Got all the credits I was planning on getting, and didn't get terribly lost. Probably the opposite of the previous weekend where everything seemed to go wrong.

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^ It certainly was a busy day! I forgot (on the way home) that the Parkway East was closed and went back my normal way only to find a serious backup. Thanks to the GPS, it only added 1 hour to our driving time


Made it back to Weirton with only about 45 minutes or so until I needed to be at the gig. So much for that nap I was planning on. Surprisingly, I made it through the 4-hour gig without falling asleep.


After a nice 12 helping of sleep last night, i feel like I am finally back to normal.


For the fella who asked "What use like?", we are pretty much your typical bar band covering the likes of Judas Priest, ACDC, Wolfmother, Jet, Police, etc ...

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Great TR Ted! Gyendolynne and I liked visiting Kennywood with you and Catrina in July. It is always great to go through a park with people that know it.


Nice job on staying awake for your gig that night too. I remember when we came to see you last August and we drove from Gettysburg. We were pretty exhausted, but your band does a great job.

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^ It certainly was a busy day! I forgot (on the way home) that the Parkway East was closed and went back my normal way only to find a serious backup. Thanks to the GPS, it only added 1 hour to our driving time


Probably about as painful as me doing a complete circle around Pittsburgh on my way back to your place from Idlewild.

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^^ They just recently changed the policy. Like maybe as recent as last year or two years ago...maybe even this year, not quite sure.


^ Parents were always allowed to ride with their kids, just not by themselves.


I'll be there on Thursday, but the stupid Fall Fantasy school parades will have started by then, so it will probably be extra crowded like it always is during that time. Oh well, as long as I get to ride CC at least once, it'll be fine.


Nice PTR, by the way!

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^ It certainly was a busy day! I forgot (on the way home) that the Parkway East was closed and went back my normal way only to find a serious backup. Thanks to the GPS, it only added 1 hour to our driving time


Probably about as painful as me doing a complete circle around Pittsburgh on my way back to your place from Idlewild.


Knowing your navigational skills, we were very surprised you made it to Lakemont without any problems.


Nice TR, Ted. Wish we could have spent more time with you guys! Hope to see you again soon!

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^^ Most of my navigational blunders occur at night.


Like on the way in Friday night when I stopped at a rest area only to realize that I had forgetten that Ted did not live directly off of I-79, and that I had cruised right past my exit. Though it wasn't that big of a deal, as I had only gone a few miles past.


Though getting to Lakemont was prety easy directions wise. Even if I had no idea where I was when you called.

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^^ Most of my navigational blunders occur at night.


Like on the way in Friday night when I stopped at a rest area only to realize that I had forgetten that Ted did not live directly off of I-79, and that I had cruised right past my exit. Though it wasn't that big of a deal, as I had only gone a few miles past.


Though getting to Lakemont was prety easy directions wise. Even if I had no idea where I was when you called.


You should consider investing in a GPS navigator, especially one with text-to-speech conversion. I've found them especially useful when going through big cities that I don't know well during times of heavy traffic.

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^ I have been glancing at GPS devices over the past few weeks, but they still seem far too expensive and lacking in features for my tastes. Still, the technology is cool, and will just get better and better.


And Ted, great to see you at Kennywood. Thanks for posting the pictures!



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^ I have been glancing at GPS devices over the past few weeks, but they still seem far too expensive and lacking in features for my tastes. Still, the technology is cool, and will just get better and better.


What features do you desire that the current units don't support? I have one of the cheapest units, and it does the job. It was a serious life saver when I drove around the LA area not having a clue where I was going. Fumbling around with a map or an Interweb print out when you're driving 80 MPH in dense LA traffic is not a good situation. It's far better to have your GPS device yelling at you to "keep right" or whatever other move is necessary to get where you want to go. Also, the ability to pull up all the restaurants, gas stations, etc. in the vicinity is just plain awesome.


The pricing on the portable GPS units is quite reasonable, BTW, compared to what some of the car manufacturers charge for the built in units. I've seen those go as high as a $2,000 option. Ouch.

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