Canobie Fan Posted August 7, 2007 Share Posted August 7, 2007 So yeah... I went to Funtown Splashtown USA, Palace Playland, Canobie Lake, Six Flags New England, and Lake Compounce in 2 days time... Yeah... So heres my TR. And now we play follow the leader to Palace Playland... Yay Im driving Im driving! So yeah.... The place is kinda ghetto And free bumper boats Free gokarts.. Wooo Yup.. Funtown. Funtowns logflume. Anyways.. The ride got retracked last year and I hadnt been on it in 2 years.. So it was running good.. But its still not an amazing ride. Its sad.... When the park did a PR for Excal they kept talking about how a CCI coaster (Raven) at a park about the same size as Funtown (Holiday World) put them on the map.. And that the same would happen to Funtown with Excal.. But it didnt happen.. Oh yeah.. And they have a CCI in the back. WORLDS LARGEST DIPPIN DOTS STAND! Unlike the one at Rye.. This indoor scrambler isnt a killer. Yup... Yeah.. So like.. Is anyone going to miss it when its gone? (Its for sale.. And the park has said they wanted to replace it with a mouse) Aww... How cute... (and both are straight) Ghetto-MAX QUESTIONABLE PHOTO! Its going.... going... gone! (at the end of this season?) Uh.....? "theming" The line is also still here.. but most of the track has been removed (omgz and I have the gokart track credit!!111) lol.. Kartlands been gone like 10 years... Yet the sign is still up. Yup.. Its kinda tall... Weeeeee DONT TOUCH THE DRAGON! Best S&S tower in Maine! (And tallest ride in New England) Hmm.. Kinda odd they had leftover slide parts.. Yet the slide was open. Yup.. New slides. Wow.. A Tornado Funtown replaced its old minigolf area with 2 new waterslides in 2007. lol.. KBF Welcome to Funtown... The less ghetto park of Maine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spaceace12 Posted August 7, 2007 Share Posted August 7, 2007 hey, it's a chevy malibu! Nice photos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Fan Posted August 7, 2007 Author Share Posted August 7, 2007 Palace Playland.. Wooo And before we went down to Canobie.... We went to the beach.. Yay ACE game Random cat arcade game. Looks like they renamed "Log Flume II" as well.. And got a new sign. Dropzone was added in 2005... But after my trip to the park. So this was my first time seeing it. Used funhouse from a closed MA park... But what one? Most northern kiddie credit on the east coast? YoYo got a new paint job. I saw the Powersurge got tamed... Back in 2004 it ran a great cycle. Started off bad.. But once it got to full speed it was great.. Just needs a longer cycle. Yay.. My first Street Fighter. Playlands new for 07 ride isnt for ACErs Oh wait... Yeah.. I dont think they will get it... Homey G and Kirs hope it does... (I had the credit.. So I didnt care ) Hmmm.. Who thinks the coaster will open? lol.... See.. now it has orange cars.. And other non-blue colors. Superstar got a new paint job from my last trip in 2005... Its not just blue anymore. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ECZenith Posted August 7, 2007 Share Posted August 7, 2007 Nice pics James, you're making me miss New England parks already! I LOVE Dragon's Descent, it's my favorite S&S tower out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Fan Posted August 7, 2007 Author Share Posted August 7, 2007 Canobie.. Woo... Video of the new lights on Yankee Cannonball - You know you like them... Kinda cool right? Yeah.. So Cannonball has new lights now. Oh.. Now I see it... Hmm.. What could Homey G be taking a photo of? And it runs such great programs. It might be ugly in the day.. But Canobies Frisbee is sexy as hell at night. Uh.. Space Camp anyone? The new indoor games have been fully painted now. lol @ my glow in the dark hair... After the credit were got.. It was time to spend 3 hours in all 3 arcades... And the Arrow Corkscrew! And then we rode the powered coaster... Homey is all "Yeah Hi.. 300th credit" Yay Cannonball! RCT anyone? Hey look! Its Canobie......Lake! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Fan Posted August 7, 2007 Author Share Posted August 7, 2007 Six Flags New England.... All I have to say is.. Superman Ride Of Steel >>> GeForce ....? lol.. Kris rides the short bus. Ok bye SFNE.. Time for some Dash night rides... As it was 600*'s we got a lot of free water Sexy.. Isnt it? SROS front seat > GeForce front seat Yeah.. "Im so hot I have to take 900 photos of myself in SROSs station" Oh yeah.. And the park was DEAD! I guess that train isnt ready... Sorry Cyclone.. We didnt ride you.. Because well.. We just didnt. lolz.... Well.. Both me and Homey G had all the credits.. But Kris needed 2 of them.. One being this. (Extreme close up!!!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Fan Posted August 7, 2007 Author Share Posted August 7, 2007 And... Lake Compounce And one last photo of the midway... The End. Random night shot of the waterpark after the park had closed for the night. To waste time before it got dark.. We rode the S&S swing.. And it broke. With SFNEs wheel gone.. LCs is now the tallest in New England. Damn.. Wildcat STILL sucks.. I dont know why I still give it a chance every time I go to the park. Hi Jon...... Oh.. And I guess its time for more dash.. (4 front seat rides in all) Yeah hi.. Im just a bit wet. Well with on and off thunderstorms.. We went and got food.. Woo Hey its lake.......Compounce. Very stuck... lol.. The raft was stuck. With off and on thunderstorms we took the trolley back down to see if the SkyRide would be open. Everyone needs to get to Lake Compounce right now and ride it.. Its running better than it ever has.. Such an amazing ride.. And it just gets better at night. Hmm.. With the skyride closed.. And downtime closed.... I guess we just have to ride Dash. lol "Hi JamminJ!!" (Thats never gonna get old...) Oh wait... Heres the crew walking down to the ride... So we got to the park for its starlight deal.. Where we met up with Moose/Jon... And the first ride we went to was Downtime! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Groteslurf Posted August 7, 2007 Share Posted August 7, 2007 Great pics and funny TR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Fan Posted August 8, 2007 Author Share Posted August 8, 2007 Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanks4me05 Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 I guess you just rode Wildcat in the wrong seat. The second to last seat is pretty good. Granted it is not as good as Boulderdash, but it is practically painless, compared to the far back row, which hurt like crazy. You just have to know what row is the best. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apollo210 Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 Pssh, you can't say Funtown is ghetto, especially with the dump down the road . Yeah, Dragon's Descent is amazing, best tower ride out of the 4 I've been on and Excalibur is awesome, the best coaster I've been on. I hope the Galaxi gets sold, its a Shite ride thats rusted and not safe looking, it needs to die. Glad to see the Cannonball got some new lights, it looks incredible at night, and so does the Frisbee. I still can't believe I still havn't taken a trip to Canobie this year. Nice pictures of the "other" parks in New England, by the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
verticalzero Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 You took some lovely shots, Wish I could go to the "Lake" and SFNE". The lights on Yankee Cannonball seem to change rather quickly from colour to colour. If the program was slowed down it would make the lights be like a mini MF. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CD Posted August 10, 2007 Share Posted August 10, 2007 Your trip report was hilarious! The best part was the Acer Game, classic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Canobie Fan Posted August 11, 2007 Author Share Posted August 11, 2007 The lights on Yankee Cannonball seem to change rather quickly from colour to colour. ) Thats what I was thinking. I like the way the lights look. But they need to slow them down a bit. Or run 2 or 3 different light cycles. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tömmioh Posted August 12, 2007 Share Posted August 12, 2007 It was good to see some photos of these parks as I haven't seen that much of them (apart from SFNE). Many really good photos, funny captions all in all great TR! Also the lights on Yankee Cannonball look really nice in the night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted August 16, 2007 Share Posted August 16, 2007 I still wish i could have joined you guys for more of the trip. Seeing as The only parks i had been to were LC and SFNE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coastermaniac123 Posted August 16, 2007 Share Posted August 16, 2007 I know I'm going to SFNE next week, but maybe I can squeeze a trip to ride Boulder Dash. I am dieing to ride it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted August 16, 2007 Share Posted August 16, 2007 Make sure you double check that it's open because it is down right now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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