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SFNE Rant and Review

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No photos, however I'd like to throw my opinion and Six Flags experience today.


Arrived at the park in the rain and found the park not too crowded. After a 1 train wait for Thunderbolt, I scurried down to SRoS to wash the EGF taste out of my mouth from last week (just kidding). They were only running one train (booo). So I stood in a line for 10 minutes which didn't move one step and decided to get out of line and get a gold QBot. No problem....until I get into the train and the ride operator "checked the lapbar". Checked it into my BALLS! I mean, I am well aware of past safety issues and the ankle restraints should help, but it felt like he kicked me in the balls. And SRoS continued to kick me in the balls the whole lap.


Then, I go and grab a bite to eat at Superman cafe. I pick up a slice of pizza, a fry and a large coke (yuck, coke). I charge it to my credit card. Now partially shame on me, but almost two hours later I looked at the receipt. Do you know how much they charged me???? $63.98!!!!! For God's sakes, it should have costed a loan withdrawl of $14.14, but come on! Fortunately, the same attendant was working and I got a refund.


So I take 6 more laps of SRoS during the day (which was producing superb ejector air). On what ended up being the last ride, an operator tells me he needs to take my camera. ??? The same camera that had been secured in the same pocket all day, all of a sudden needs to be secured??? But he didn't take my wallet, my Qbot, my cellphone, my tshirt I bought or my change. And no, I didn't take a single picture during this visit.


I was so angry I spoke to guest relations. Yeah, they listened to me and gave me a line about safety and loose article BS. I explained to them my distaste for the inconsistent rule enforcement and the ride ops behavior and left the park.


I'll leave this rant with a few positives of my trip:

Park was clean.

Speakers playing different types of music throughout park.


Crowds were minimal.

SRoS was running amazing (except one seat in the 7th or 8th train)....weird.


That is all.

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I feel like there's a difference between inconsistency and not noticing something. The policy is well-posted that no loose articles are allowed on the ride, so when they do find it on you, it needs to be enforced. Especially if the policy isn't voluntarily adhered to.


Edit: I don't mean to be rude. I know how you feel. But I've seen that way too often.

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So it actually sounds like you had a pretty GOOD day!


I mean, any day where you can get 7 or so rides on a really kick ass coaster, even if they did squash your nuts once or twice is pretty good!


And as far as the inconsitant camera rules, I've found that's just about everywhere these days so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape over it.



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Copied from CPs Site


If you plan an active day of riding rides, we suggest that you bring into the park only items that can be safely secured in cargo pockets, a waist pack or a zipping jacket pocket. To secure loose articles, a cargo pocket must fasten with a velcro or button flap or a zipper, a waist pack should fasten around the waist and have a zipper closure, and a jacket pocket must have a zipper closure.


My sister made her own waist pack that doesn't even clip - its one size that she has to wriggle into like some suit. On top of that it does close with a zipper.



Its also half the size of a regular fannie pack.


However, she continues to be asked to take it off and store it in a bin - even though it exceeds the qualifications.



You can say alit of times it may go overlooked - which I'm sure it does, but theres no other way to explain her situation as Ride Ops just being jerks. Obviously you are working in a fast paced environment - I do too - but you still gotta take the time to look at each situation. They haven't even asked her to show them that it exceeds their rules - they just are ignorant to anything other than the standard waist pack. While being overly strict is safer, it can be damaging when its not even following the rules like this case.


Another one to add is Ive seen people with small cameras that are secured to them via a leather peice that your belt loops through twice. Then, the camera is stowed in a zippered pocket. Again, a hundred times safer than a fannie pack that uses a plastic clip that Ive seen break a hundred times over.



I definatly feel that these safety rules are not developed properly.



For instance:

a cargo pocket must fasten with a velcro or button flap

Thats an accident waiting to happen. The cargo pants Im wearing now have buttons and they suck at keeping anything in them. Velcro is margainly better but buttons? Ive nearly lost things on rides in my cargos with buttons and know not to wear them. But when someone doesnt, I hope whoever came up with these rules actually thinks to test them before posting them up for all to follow.

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I explained to them my distaste for the inconsistent rule enforcement and the ride ops behavior and left the park.


The exit bridge on Thunderbird at Powerpark goes over the track two times. There were no signs or anything, but we were not allowed to stand there and film/take pictures, even with the cameras secured around our necks. Later while waiting for our train in the station we saw a guy standing on the exit bridge taking pictures with his unsecured cell phone, the ride-op looked at him and did NOTHING! We figured we would try again after our ride, but once again she chased us away.


I can understand if they are afraid of loose objects falling down onto the track, but atleast there should be signs and the rule should apply to everyone.

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I mean, I am well aware of past safety issues and the ankle restraints should help, but it felt like he kicked me in the balls. And SRoS continued to kick me in the balls the whole lap.


I agree that the modified restraints help. So long as you mean "ruins the entire ride" when you say help. I haven't been on the SFNE S:ROS yet, but I've been on the other two. Having your shins fly up into rock hard bars every time you get air is not my idea of fun. If they're so worried about you flying out, why don't they just nail you to the train? That should do the trick.

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My sister made her own waist pack that doesn't even clip - its one size that she has to wriggle into like some suit. On top of that it does close with a zipper.


Its also half the size of a regular fannie pack.


However, she continues to be asked to take it off and store it in a bin - even though it exceeds the qualifications.


You can say alit of times it may go overlooked - which I'm sure it does, but theres no other way to explain her situation as Ride Ops just being jerks.


I dont know... if she is always being asked to put it in a bin, it sounds like Cedar Point is on top of things and has consistent enforcement.

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Damnation - I nearly missed this thread Rich - you must put in some pics next time, even if they have no relevance!


As ever I admire your acute take on things and clearly patience is not a virtue of yours. You have been spoiled by too much TPR ERT goodness, so just get in line and wait your turn why don't ya?


When I next see you I am going to buy you a (non alcoholic and none coke) drink in a BAR. Be there dude!

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I agree they do staple pretty hard on SRoS, especially since the incident a few years back...


I expected to see a lot more negative stuff in that post but the single rider line added to SRoS makes my day! I gotta get out to SFNE one last time before the big move and cram as many rides in before I have to settle for Tatsu when I need my fix.

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Lately I am getting fed up with Sixflags ridiculous restrictions on S:ROS and the ultimate nut squashing. I wish they would get rid of the ankle guards since my feet are size 13 and make it very uncomfortable to put the restraint down. I usually take the front row of a car, just for the extra leg room so my shins don't get bruised. Come on Sixflags, remove the damn cuffs already!

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^ I hate them as well, it's probably the most restrictive restraint on any non OTSR coaster, they really just make people feel better about staying in their seat since so much of the public is aware of the ejection. I have a feeling they will never go away, unfortunately.

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