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Six Flags Guest Approval Hits All Time High

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Just got back from SFGAD and I have to say that the park is a dump. Yeah, they have El Toro, but that is it. Nitro, Medusa, KK, are all way overrated. The park itself is overrated. Batman is the worst invert I have ever ridden and The Chiller, well no comment is really necassary. I guess if you enjoy mediocre coasters SFGAD is for you.


I would not venture to say that the line-up is mediocre. El Toro is amazing, Nitro is one of the best hypers out there, Medusa is still a kickass coaster, and Batman is still one of the most forceful inverts I've been on. Chiller...well Chiller is really a futile struggle to operate. I blame Premier rides for that, not the park.


I'm getting sick of everyone bashing Ka. God forbid Six Flags decides to build a strata, and in my home park. So now everyone flames Great Adventure for copying Cedar Point. Get over yourselves! Jesus H. BuddyChrist! With the exception of about 3 coasters (GASM, RT, and S:UF), we still have many others to fit your taste for thrill.


In reference to the "dump" remark. Get a time machine and go back about 4 or 5 years. That's when the park was a real dump. Now the park is actually clean and friendly. I can walk without stepping in garbage and now I actually use their bathrooms. The park itself is not really that overrated, I feel that Magic Mountain and Cedar Point are much more overrated than Great Adventure is.


You're entitled to your opinion but that's just my opinion.

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I wonder what the wording of the surveys was like. You can totally skew a survey to say what you want it to say very often.


If it's the same worded survey they've used since 2002, however, then it's okay. But this doesn't necessarily tell the whole story.


On the other hand, I do think this year, Six Flags has gotten better. Discovery Kingdom was fantastic, and even SFMM hasn't been as bad as it's been in the past (altho I'm finding it's definitely one of the poorer-run SF parks).

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I've been hearing that Six Flags Magic Mountain is becoming more family friendly with character meetings and dining with characters. It's a good start!




Interesting that they didn't have any pricing/value questions. How about:


--Price of parking

--Price of a one day ticket

--Price of a bottle of soda

--Price of food


Those factors would bring the satisfaction level down.


I'm sure that will eventually fix itself with time. Atleast I hope so.

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I definately have seen improvement, and God almighty do I want SF to be out of debt. Every time I've gone this season has been a great experience, but, SFoT has never really fallen down like SFMM and SFGAdv. When I went back in 2002 it was almost the same experience, just, not as clean.

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^The "cool kids" like to say MF sucks. Its the "in" thing to do. Like crystal meth.


Oh, I see. So they're just pitiful liars who want nothing more that our attention through outrageously shocking statements. Sounds like someone from the "in" crowd...

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