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What are your TOP TEN COASTERS

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I really wish I could see what people see in Banshee. It's fun, but it's the weakest invert I've ever ridden and while the restraints aren't painful or anything, they're dumb as hell. I like it but it might be at the very bottom of my invert list chillin' with Silver Bullet.


1.) The Beast-KI

2.) Green Lantern-SFGadv

3.) Goliath-SFMM

4.) The Great White-SWSA

5.) Millennium Force-CP

6.) Anaconda-KD

7.) Oblivion-Alton Towers

8.) Corkscrew-Nagashima Spaland

9.) Maverick-CP

10.) Nighthawk-Carrowinds

(honorable mention-El Toro)


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I really wish I could see what people see in Banshee. It's fun, but it's the weakest invert I've ever ridden and while the restraints aren't painful or anything, they're dumb as hell. I like it but it might be at the very bottom of my invert list chillin' with Silver Bullet.

Well for him, it is his best. I have never ridden it however it looks big and has a range of elements. Raptor is at ten on his list so he must prefer certain rides.

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Let see how my Top Ten List has changed as of lately. . .



1.) Top Thrill Dragster

2.) Maverick

3.) Millennium Force

4.) Griffon

5.) Diamondback

6.) Volcano

7.) Verbolten

8.) Firehawk

9.) Wildfire (SDC)

10.) Expedition Everest



1.) Outlaw Run

2.) Beast

3.) Cyclone (Coney Island)

4.) New Texas Giant

5.) Blue Streak

6.) Mean Streak

7.) Iron Rattler

8.) Boardwalk Bullet

9.) Lightning Racer

10.) Ozark Wildcat


(The wooden coasters were a bit of a stretch. I avoid typical/older wooden coasters because of back problems.)


I didn't question his opinion, I said that I wished I could see what other people see in Banshee. I seriously don't get it.



I'll never understand they hype for Banshee. I too seriously don't get it.

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Banshee is my number one because this was the first coaster i followed construction and everything like a hawk and was the first ride i ever went to opening day for and waited more than an hour for lol


Wait, it's #1 because they put a webcam on it and it had a long line once? Where does actual ride experience come in to play with this ranking system?


6.) Mean Streak


I approve of this list.

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Banshee is my personal # 5 coaster. Yes it lacks the quick lateral g force on Raptor and the vests prevent movement and zero g floater air within the vests, but the alternating between strong positive G force and zero g sections lasts the entire ride without a pause in the transitions. More than any other coaster I've ridden, after the lift you spend so much time either upside down or in banked transitions that you are barely ever right side up, and when you are you get sweet sustained G force.

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Banshee is my personal # 5 coaster


Aren't you the guy that was complaining about forceless B&M's in the Magic Mountain thread and saying that anyone that liked them was "easily impressed" in a super condescending way? Good, just checking.

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I really wish I could see what people see in Banshee. It's fun, but it's the weakest invert I've ever ridden and while the restraints aren't painful or anything, they're dumb as hell. I like it but it might be at the very bottom of my invert list chillin' with Silver Bullet.


I'm with you here. I really enjoyed the ride, but when the best part of an invert is a super slow motion barrel roll, they did it wrong...


B&M has a proven formula for inverts and banshee parts with that. And I don't know what it is but it rides with a bit of a vibration whereas I've never felt a single bump on any other "old school invert." It didn't make me not enjoy the ride, but it was noticeable since I was expecting the usual glass smooth.

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I didn't question his opinion, I said that I wished I could see what other people see in Banshee. I seriously don't get it.


How do you feel about the first drop? For an invert, I think it's pretty solid. The overall ride is not as enjoyable/exciting as Raptor, Afterburn, or even Batman IMO. I rode it a good amount when KI was still my home park, and it's not the most consistent coaster.


Bleh, the restraints. There were days you could ride it over and over again thanks to the impressive capacity, although it's a double edged sword since the more you ride it, the more the restraints wear your shoulders/neck down.


^And yeah, defrocker, it's in the bottom of the barrel when it comes to standard B&M smoothness. Shocking KI's B&M's are fabricated 30 minutes away yet are far from the smoothest.

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The drop didn't really stand out to me. It's a super fun ride but nothing about it stood out to me at all. I actually kind of like the pre-drop on inverts since if you're in the back you go into the drop with a tiny bit of speed already and it creates a nice whipping action so I sort of missed that.


Does it still have that Banshee scream on the drop? That was awesome.

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Coasterbill, you are the typical under-educated, toxic enthusiast. You post constantly and make sure your opinion on everything is known, and yet you have the urge to call other people condescending. Several MODERN B&M's are less forceful in the front rows, and I could argue all 3 rows for Valravn. But thanks to the positive G force in the transitions and inversions on Banshee, it is as forceful in any row as Gatekeeper or X-Flight are in their back rows, and that is what sets Banshee apart.

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Coasterbill, you are the typical under-educated, toxic enthusiast. You post constantly and make sure your opinion on everything is known, and yet you have the urge to call other people condescending.


This guy...


I share my opinion but don't criticize people for theirs. I joke about it but constantly state that people are entitled to their opinions. When someone like you comes along though that makes condescending posts about people that like "forceless" B&M wing and dive coasters and then say that you're 5th favorite coaster is the world's most forceless B&M invert then I'm going to point that out. All I really did was point it out but of course you acted like I personally insulted you and kicked your puppy.


Stay mad. Theme park forums are serious business.

Edited by coasterbill
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I've only ridden 58 coasters, most of which are from the 4 major coaster parks in California (CGA, SFMM, KBF, SFDK).


1. Joker SFDK

2. Ghostrider KBF (After the Refurb)

3. Gold Striker CGA

4. Twisted Colossus SFMM

5. Xcelerator KBF

6. Tatsu SFMM

7. Flight Deck CGA

8. Silver Bullet KBF

9. Riddler's Revenge SFMM

10. V00per SFMM

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I'm in the minority on Banshee, but I love it start to finish. I love the positive G's and sense of speed it delivers. The zero-go roll transitioning into the dive into the valley is pure excitement for me. The themeing and color scheme also hit the spot with me and the banshee cry is an awesome preface to the entire ride. The only element that does nothing for me is the zero-g roll. I'm ready to take the criticism, but I'll ride Banshee any day of the week over Montu or Raptor, although I can't decide which I would prefer between Banshee and Afterburn. Both are awesome.


As for my "top 10" list goes, I don't have one. I can say that Fury 325 is probably my favorite roller coaster and I have many others that really stand out for me, but I feel like taking the time to rank them is going a little overboard and moderately geeky.

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I'm in the minority on Banshee, but I love it start to finish. I love the positive G's and sense of speed it delivers. The zero-go roll transitioning into the dive into the valley is pure excitement for me. The themeing and color scheme also hit the spot with me and the banshee cry is an awesome preface to the entire ride.


This is me as well! Banshee isn't in my Top 10, but it IS in my Top 20, and is my favorite B&M Invert! I prefer it over Montu, and Alpengeist, though in all fairness, that may change whenever I finally get back to ride either one again. But for now, my feelings about Banshee are stronger than my memory of the other two (though they are admittedly excellent!) I think Afterburn is 4th, but I actually found it to be overrated, in my opinion, at least in enthusiast circles. I definitely would never call Banshee forceless, though it's certainly a different breed of B&M Invert than the Raptor and Batman versions. But it's the kind of breed I prefer!


As for ranking things being overboard or geeky, I don't think so at all. Some people just like to rank things. I LOVE to rank things, and will pretty much rank anything and everything, just because it's something I enjoy. To each their own though...


Speaking of which, my Top 10 is the same as last time I posted, and it's in my signature, so I'm actually going to be posting my "Next 10" or possibly 15, before too long in here! Again, I enjoy ranking things, what can I say!

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Well, let's be honest here: Listing things and ranking things is totally nerdy. I do it, but that's because I'm a nerd and I find nerdy things fun. Really, that you find something fun is the best reason to do anything. It only goes overboard when you start arguing with other people because they rank something differently. That's not fun for anyone, so what's the point?


I don't really obsess about it. I've had a list of my favourite coasters and parks in my signature almost always. When I first joined here, I had been on 37 coasters, so it was basically a way of saying "Warning: This guy hasn't traveled much and probably doesn't know what he's talking about." It's still that way. I've traveled more now, but not nearly as much as some here have, and I'm certainly no expert. But I keep a list of the parks I liked and the coasters that I found to be the most fun. It's fun to me to update the list when I get back from a trip, as I get to think about what I just rode and remember other rides that were really fun too.

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Yeah ranking and tracking stuff is hella geeky but I do it. It's fun.


After a few days to think about it, signature updated. I loved I305 but its more of an endurance challenge than an intense and fun ride like Maverick and El Toro. Nitro gets bumped a few spots since my last couple of rides were lackluster. Therefore MF got bumped up. Magnum and Talon got bumped for Griffon and Volcano. I am leaving Skyrush where it is even though I haven't ridden it in two years but hope to get more rides in on it in a couple weeks so Top 10 might change again. #geeksquad

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Ok, so my TOP TEN is in my sig...


However, here is my SECOND TEN!


11. Expedition Everest

12. Behemoth

13. Diamondback

14. Thunderbird

15. GateKeeper

16. Storm Runner

17. Nitro

18. Manta

19. Banshee

20. White Lightning


And a Bonus 5...


21. Skyrush

22. Valravn

23. Tatsu

24. Volcano: The Blast Coaster

25. Cornball Express


Again, I know it may be a little "geeky", but I wear that badge with pride, and as you can see, LOVE to rank things!


(In case you're wondering, 5 great B&Ms round out my TOP 30... Superman:Krypton Coaster, Dominator, Kumba, Montu, Alpengeist. My TOP 30 are all 5 Star coasters, in my opinion!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Helix

2. Wildfire

3. Balder

4. blue fire Megacoaster

5. Schwur Des Kärnan

6. Silver Star

7. Expedition: Everest

8. Manta (SeaWorld Orlando)

9. Kraken

10. Battlestar Galactica (Cylon)

11. Krake

12. Rock n' Rollercoaster (Disney's Hollywood Studios)

13. Lisebergbanan

14. Jetline

15. Schweizer Bobbahn (Heide-Park)

16. Flug Der Dämonen

17. Desert Race

18. Fluch Von Novgorod

19. Battlestar Galactica (Human)

20. Daemonen

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