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The Official TPR Spain & Mini-Europe Trip 2007 Thread

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Nice update Robb, I'm loving this park, well due to what across the road from it in the photos.


No, really great photos, the hotel and pool areas there looked amazing.


Also looking forward to checking out Mr Morgans video later.

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Great video Morgan ( Push the button, Pull the cord, Clutch the pearls) made me snort cola out my nose!


The poem was even better!


Robb thanks for the update as always, that resort looks stunning.

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Does Rich have multiple bright orange shirts or is he just hoping no one noticed he wore the same thing two days in a row?



Sorry this is posted almost 2 weeks late however, I was one of a few people who did not have luggage for the entire Spain portion of the trip. I would have gladly worn that shirt for multiple days in a row since it seemed to be a crowd favorite, or should I say eye sore!

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That video poem really made my day. Really very Funny, and the part about how much he does said really fast was awsaume.


Thanks for the great update, and I do agree with you, it must be really very hard to do everything for us, so why does everyone still complain?

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This is a very small but fun update.

It was 20 photos and a video! WTF! It's not really bigger or smaller than any of the other Spain updates I've been doing!


--Robb "I don't post an update...people complain...I post an update...people complain....*sigh*" Alvey


Small update? Huh? The update was bigger than Ryan's penis!


Well, most everything is...

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That poem was awesome. Mr Morgan i raise my glass to you your a legend.


And Robb keep up the great work every post is worth waiting for (no matter if its not every 24 hours some people just dont appreciate tut tut!!!!!!) and hopefully next year i'll be able to come along and join in the antics.

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Sorry this is posted almost 2 weeks late however, I was one of a few people who did not have luggage for the entire Spain portion of the trip. I would have gladly worn that shirt for multiple days in a row since it seemed to be a crowd favorite, or should I say eye sore!


Rich, I just read about the luggage stuff in Kyle's TR. That totally sucks! What a pain in the ass, almost as much as a pain as that shirt is on the eyes!



Anyway, has anyone noticed its been HOURS since the last update? I think we're overdue.

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^ Oh, yes, HOURS. The HORROR. LOL


That poem was awesome!!! I, too, almost snarfed Coke up my nose when I watched it. I think it should be mandatory viewing for any new members and once a month (or more frequently as needed) for members who are under a certain maturity level.


Alveys, you guys are amazing. I don't know how you do all that you do and still do everything so well. I work in a busy 911 comm center and can listen to 5 conversations at once, type, etc all at the same time, am a mom to 2 boys and am going to nursing school full time and I still don't know how you are managing these trips with all that is involved and a fairly new baby on top of it all. I can't wait until I finish school and can finally go on one of these trips! Your quality seems second to none!



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