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Kids playing on a train track.

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Its a Norwegian commercial from Hydro, one of the largest companies in Norway, which works withing the oil, energy and aluminium sections, In the end it says:


"There are many small engineers out there. We are looking forward to when they grow up."


They did a great job making it look real, with shaky camera and stuff.

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I understand that, but I think it was a spoof. If that were real then no, that's pretty messed up, I'm saying it's cool the way it's made to look real, I can't see that as actually being done.


Which is fine, I know it's fake. But you've got kids who are going to see this and try it. Our local mass transit system, Metra, is having all sorts of issues with kids playing on tracks. They've killed four or five kids in the last two years for stuff like this.

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I see this only working with bullet trains. No trains in the US go fast enough to make it through a loop, which means if kids attempt this in the states it could spell disaster.


You don't know anything about trains do you?


Let's Review Trains that are indeed capable of achieving such velocity

1. Acela Express

2. TGV

3. Shinkansen (bullet trains)





And that's about it.


And also, trains can't go 40-50-60 mph? That is the speed typically required to go through a loop, But if one thinks about it, you are also correct, a loop with the correct proportions to allow a train to physically pass trough would be simply too massive for the train to make it through, Except the TGV and the MagLev which can easily achieve a top speed of around 360mph (~580 kph)



But to the point, yea if stupid enough kids saw this, they would try it, possibly die and possibly kill others.

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^Even though you are probably joking, "they" is the railroad company, and the kids are being killed because they are playing on the tracks and the horn is blared too late. Or, they are standing too close to the train and get hit by something sticking off of the train.

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How can something so funny, turn into something so serious. You're talking about 12 years getting 12 tons of steel delivered to build a f#$^^ loop ? Come on, don't take this so serious. It's a commercial and a very good one at that!

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^Even though you are probably joking, "they" is the railroad company, and the kids are being killed because they are playing on the tracks and the horn is blared too late. Or, they are standing too close to the train and get hit by something sticking off of the train.


Was joking...



They're probably more likely to get killed by the "third rail" than the train if Chicago's metro is electrically based.




Anyway, clever-ish commercial. I couldn't really see what they were doing at first, but it ended up being pretty cool.

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I understand that, but I think it was a spoof. If that were real then no, that's pretty messed up, I'm saying it's cool the way it's made to look real, I can't see that as actually being done.


Which is fine, I know it's fake. But you've got kids who are going to see this and try it. Our local mass transit system, Metra, is having all sorts of issues with kids playing on tracks. They've killed four or five kids in the last two years for stuff like this.


It's a European commercial. European kids aren't dumb like American kids are. It's like from 5-15 years old Americans have no sense. And again from 30-60.

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