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Strawberry Festival Photo TR

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I decided to go to the Strawberry Festival tonight and get some pics. This is a year event held by the local Kiwanis group. Usually it is held at the Kirtland High School but since the High School is more or less getting made over they held it in the parking lot of Lakeland Community College. Enough with the jibba-jabba on with the pics.


Semi-hot chick on the side of a trailer and I thank you for reading my Photo TR.


First night I was walking around checking things out when this guy approached me. I thought he wanted to beat me up but he just wanted me to play a crappy carnie game. He was wearing sunglasses at the time.


Derek I would of bought you this shirt but I didn't have the money.


Another ride. Doesn't look very interesting but there ya go.


American Gladiators: Parking lot fair edition.


Super-Loops and to think I've been messing up this rides name all along.


Trabant sign. Not all of the rides had signs. Sorry about the quality the sun was in the way.


Loop da thingie in all it's round glory.


The people in front were really thrilled by this mega scream machine.


It's comin' right at us.


Oh no...


Gravitron the only ride there I would even remotley ride and thats only becasue I have yet to obtain a Gravitron credit. Update: Gravitron credit obtained.


Coney Island? Don't think so.


Has this ride stopped? I admit it would be funnier if the cars were aligators and not root beer barrels.


Super loop da loopie...type ride thing




Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Notice anything missing here? and yes the ride was running.


Great Lakes Expositions SUCKS.


They even had Pony Rides. I was gonna say something about hamburger meat here but that would be wrong.


Can someone please remind me of what this thing is supposed to be?


KT friendly. Yup.


They even had some Kid Tums friendly rides.


Untill they die in the little,cheap plastic baggies.


A Ring of Fire the "signature" attraction.


One of the ticket booths there were 2 total.


One of the "Midways".


Burgers and Orin g s? I should of got this shot opening night when it read Burgers and O Rings.


Small version of a Pirate Ship ride that just goes back and forth.


Thats why lots of people there tonight. Holy Crap.


That way my foot I had to go the other way and around the College to find a spot.


Skateasaurus Rex knows how to Pound It.




POV shot!!!


I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready


Are we ready to go to the fair???

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I was actually planning on attending but some personal stuff came up . Looks pretty good this year. That ship slide is a Titanic slide and I guess it's supposed to simulate what it was like to slide down the Titanic to an icy death.

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^^^^^ Pretty ghetto fair eh? Doesnt look like they had any ride newer than 1985.


As for the Gravitron. They are ok. When I was a kid, I was always drawn to figure out exactly what happened inside there. Its kinda mysterious...all you know is that it spins and there's some funky lightshow going on in there. Then one night with my cousins along, I finally summoned the courage to ride.


Basically you lean against this pad thats attached to the wall with rollers. As it spins the forces pin you to the pad causing it to rise up the wall. The operator sits in the middle and can accelerate/decelerate the ride so you go up and down the wall. The sensation is similar to a Round-Up except the forces seem to be much greater and if you are brave (and the operator allows) you can "hang" upside down or lay sideways. The coolest part is that you really have no frame of reference to the outside, especially at night, as you can't really tell you are spinning.


I used to ride these things everytime I saw them at a fair, but nowadays things like that just give me a headache.

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