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Fear Of Heights

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I never had problems with the height of roller coaster but like barry h said, the Eiffel Tower at the paramount parks are pretty scary, I can't even stand near the edge. Drop tower is the only ride I have a problem with I guess because it stays at the top for a few seconds and theres nothing beneath you at all. After your strapped in though its all good and the fear just turns into adrenaline.

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I respect heights, not fear it.


Heights on a coaster, no problem as I'm sitting and attached to a substantial object or track. Going to the edge of a building with a handrail or ledge is not a problem.


I have done skycoasters enough that they no longer bother me at all.


Going to the edge of a natural cliff with no protection, that becomes more of a challenge.



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^ It's the whole protection thing like you said.

I know people who are afraid of giant drops (haha me =3) because of a couple of certain incidents which make them feel unsafe.

I know people who are fine with heights on coasters but freak out on the glass floored elevator of the CN Tower.

I even know a person who hates being high with only lapbars.

It's all human nature, until you survive something like them,

you're scared of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am scared of hieghts. Where i work requires us to go up in a manlift as high as 100ft. i found if you don't think of the height your are at and or going to it doesn't bother you. As for roller coasters i know i am restrained in the car so there for the likely hood of falling is not there

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Well, I have really bad fear of heights and the tallest building, I have been up is Blackpool tower, that's about 501ft 9 inches (to be accurate).


But I didn't up to the highest point which was just under 500ft, I got up to the second outside level of the tower which was, I think, about 430ft.


But, I have ben on the London Eye and can't remeber how that is. I know it's in the 400ft zone but where about in there, I don't know.

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I've noticed that a lot of coaster enthusiasts actually have a fear of heights, but they love coasters and don't let it bother them.


Ever since I went on my first coaster with inversions, I no longer chickened out on any ride. Suddenly my fear of inversions, drop rides, log flumes, simulators, carnival rides, and waterslides went away. I'm still very nervous around heights, but I am glad, because it is one of the things that make new coasters that I have never been on more exciting.


I get nervous when walking up the stairs to a giant waterslide, and had to hold on to the handrail the whole way up.


When I was on the way to Busch Gardens, I wasn't nervous about riding sheikra at all. Once I saw it in person, I said to myself "I can't believe I am actually going to ride this." I did NOT say "I changed my mind, I don't want to ride it anymore". That is one the most exciting things, first driving up to a big coaster you have never been on and seeing it in real life.


I still have a fear of heights, you just need to ride coasters you are comfortable with and eventually go on the ones that challenge your fears

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Well I totally understand your fears. I too am afraid of heights. There is something to say about something containing you from falling whether it be a lap bar or a fence. For instance, I went to the top of the Empire State Building (about 90 stories) and made myself look over the edge. It was scary but there is a fence and a wall. It wasn't that bad. However jumping off of a 30 foot cliff into a lake was one of the scariest things I have ever done. I do think that making yourself look down is a good way. I know the first time I rode Goliath (SFoG) I had not ridden anything over about 110 feet. Looking out to the side the first time on the lift and seeing the Atlanta skyline and getting to the top of the 200 foot hill scared the piss out of me but after I rode it once, I was hooked and it still is my favorite coaster that I have ridden at least 75 times. I think that you have to make yourself do it.


^ On the other hand, I went to BGA last year and was not scared about riding SheiKra until I saw it in person. WOW! So big. I had already ridden Goliath and it is 200 feet like SheiKra but I think the height mixed with what I knew would be free fall (I hate drop towers) kept me from riding it. (Although I have ridden Hypersonic XLC and Mystery Mine since then and they both have vertical drops) and I know that if I would have just made myself do it I probably would have enjoyed it but for some reason I couldn't do it.

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I definitely have a severe fear of heights, I just try not to let it bother me. The only time that really works is when I'm on coasters though. Dragster and Millennium still get to me though. But you can't get me on any other type of ride that involves heights. Drop towers leave me feeling awful and give me a headache, and I've decided after my last visit to Cedar Point I will never ride a ferris wheel again. I had white knuckles the instant we left the load platform, and didn't look at anything other than the flood of the pod until the ride was over. The Skyride is also out of the question for me, as someone always finds it funny to rock it which basically gives me a heart attack.


But to answer your question, if you love coasters, just ride them and don't think about it. If you get on, it's too late to do anything anyways, so regretting your decision won't get you anywhere.

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