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First Photo TR: Ikea parking lot fair, Ottawa, Ont.

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For my first photo trip report I decided to make it as simple as possible.


Place: Ikea parking lot in Ottawa

Day: May 23, 2007


The fair had some spin n' puke rides at this fair like a Round up, Scrambler, Paratrooper, Octopus/Spider, Bumper cars. and a Rock-o-plane.


It also had some rides for the kids : Giant berry ride, Elephant ride, merry-go-round, thats all that was worth even mentioning.


Classic Amusements ran the fair and it runs every year for a few days, nothing has changed. The photos were taken while the fair was finished being set up. I ended going to it the next day when there was a humidex of 36C which is I think 96F. Wasted $20Cnd for 24 tickets going 4 tickets a ride, what a rip!! But it was still fun, anways photos. Feed back is very welcome!!! I need tips.


Testing zoom in this shot, thats all. Hopefully it wasn't too bad!


I see Ikea, best place to hang out IMO


To give an idea on how it looked.


Feet chopping!!!


Hi-5 ferris wheel. Do not rock!


Merry-go-round was no fun.


Rock-o-plane and Giant berries.


Paratrooper! the same guy that was running the Wave rider gave me a 5 min cycle!


Too bad, it looked so fun!.. not really being 6'4 it would be impossible to sit properly.


Layout of Go Gator, couldn't find a kid to steal.


A credit! Go Gator!


Canada's version of Mission Space.


Octopus/Spider again with elephant ride.


Octopus/Spider, creeped me out.. kept clanking.


Wave rider/ Round up, when I went the next day the guy running it gave me a 7 minute cycle.


Bumper cars and big berry ride, and outhouses!!


Hi-5 ferris wheel I think their called.


Getting to the fair Paratrooper over the hill

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Too bad, it looked so fun!.. not really being 6'4 it would be impossible to sit properly.


I didn't have too much trouble fitting into the one at Coney Beach, and I'm the same height.


Then again, I did have to bail out of the ride after 1/4 of a lap.

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A fair is coming to my town in a few weeks. Judging by what they had elsewhere, should be interesting!


They should have a Larson freefall, Dartron Zero Gravity, Big apple and Dragon Wagon kiddy coasters, musik express, Scrambler, etc. They also have a weird thing called the "Full Tilt". Since their Inverted sucked so much (like every one of those!), they got it converted to this strange flying carpet kind of ride. You sit, inverted style on the arm and it goes around. The Tilt part is the seats tilting forward! Should be fun...

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Congrats on your 1st TR. Every once in awhile, I'll gather up my nephews and nieces and take them to the local ghetto fairs that come to town. I love ghetto fairs. Sometimes they have really good carni food there like sausage and peppers sandwiches,MMMMMMMM!!! And funnel cake gotta grab me a funnel cake!!

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Me <3 Rock-O-Planes




And shucks, we don't get anything like that at our big-butt-box IKEAs here!



(Then again, we DO get a massive travelling carnival of flats, in the early spring, near the downtown area.)

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^ We have an annual fair now called SuperEx (used to be known as Central Canada Exhibition) but there is nothing Super about SuperEx. 10 years ago there was but not anymore. The SuperEx used to have really good flats like Chaos, Enterprises, Log flume, and a WildCat roller coaster. Now all we have are small rides. The only thing worth riding twice is the Zipper or Spinout.


I went to the PNE before and had a blast!

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