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Photo TR: From EPCOT with Love

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Hi Joel. Hope you enjoy your stay.


Hey awesome trip report!!! And thanks for the postcard, I havent received yet but Ill be waiting for it.

And thanks for the goodvibes.


~ Joel "almost there" Saury


Cant wait to get my postcard and to arrive to Orlando!!!

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Ooh!! Awesome TR Scott, your pics and captions are really great!!


I LOVED the Crouching Tiger pic, really funny.


Great work, I miss EPCOT, look forward to getting my postcard.

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Hi Scott,


thanks for the wonderful TR - what a great work!


I think I`ve to wait some days to receive your card here in germany, but I hope I`m not the last person who`ll get it (maybe our postal service can beat the french one ).



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^ Don't quote me on it, but I thought I remebered hearing somewhere that they actually did.


Wow, there's a lot to respond to. First off, thank you all so much for the kind words thus far. I appreciate it! Believe me, there's a bunch more of you guys out there that I would've sent cards to as well. As you can probably tell though, these days, that can actually get costly. It was a lot of fun putting this together, and it's been really cool seeing the responses and reactions.


After searching through my old stuff, here's a couple pics that I found interesting .......


Oh yeah, hi Joe. Mine got here Friday, the 25th around 3pm!


The Beach Club Resort, present day. Note to Cedar Fair: This is what trees can look like when left alone. ;)


The Beach Club Resort, circa 1990.

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You take beautiful photos my friend! Keep up the great work. Please don't holler at me but, I've never been to Epcot . I've been to every other park in WDW except for Epcot. My husband and I are going to WDW in October for our anniversary, so that is the first park we are going to visit when we get there. I've always wanted to go, but just never made it. Shame on me!

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Hi Guys,


Germany is quicker than I thought!


Your postcard (stamped on the 23 of may) arrived today, tuesday the 29th of may 10.33 am (3.33 am EST) at my house.

It`s even greater if you think that in between was a holiday weekend with a national holiday on monday without any postal service!!!


So thanks for the card and maybe see you in october!




Here we go! Germany in my hand

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The postal courier pigeon arrived safely today with my postcard.


Don't know the time though, as it came while I was at work.


Thanks for including me in this fun little experiment. And for having good taste in your choice of hockey teams.



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I had to go to my post office today so I asked why people in Australia, Germany and Canada all got theirs before I did (still hasn't come in). I of course also asked why I get opened mail so frequently, late bills, and occasional lost mail...


I was given a national 800 number. because, you know, its totally not a local issue that needed to be addressed right there.


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