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Do you like it in the front, back, or the middle?

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Top Gun-Back, outside left. (Being ultra specific here) More intense being outside of the heartline on the zero-g roll and over all more intense. Lastly, I'm planted right next to the pond on that helix finale.


Medusa (SFDK) Front. Nothing beats an open air view on a butter-smooth bowel movement...I mean B&M floorless.


Giant Dipper/Roar-Back. More airtime on the Dipper and a couple pops of nice air on Roar. I gave Grizzly a chance (or chances) in the rear but it just couldn't do it.


The rest of the rides- Whatever row has the shortest line/no line. (I will completely avoid rear seats on Arrow trains...it's just way too cramped back there. I'll stick with the nose of the trains.)

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I always prefer the back, on woodies or metal. Especially on X, Ghostrider and Tatsu.


Fronts seats are fun for a different thrill, so I wouldn't write it off. Space Mountain offers a great ride in the front, as well as launched coasters like others mentioned. Sometimes when you just want a different ride with a new perspective, the front seats a great place to sit.

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I'm for the front 95% percent of the time. Even on coasters most people insist are better in the back (Steel Force), I prefer the front. Mostly because I can't resist the feeling of flight on the front, but also because I prefer less intense rides overall.


And is it just me, or is Nitro MUCH better in the front?

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Almost always middle. Why? Because the queues for the front and back are horrific!

Yeah, the only ones I have easy access to and willing to ride are Lisebergbanan and Balder.


"Men, Kanonen då?"

Öh! Fortfarande åkmes här!


Even when I was at Stockholm, I took middle... Apart from the wild mouse, then I took the empty seat that the ops shoved me in. I think it was usually the back.


Only time I take another seat but middle is when I'm with friends and they say "WANT THE BACK!" "DIBS ON FRONT"(and I cry "Shotgun!"::p).



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If it is my first time on a coaster, I love the front row. I really like not having anything obstructing my view on a new course. Then, like many others, I'll try the back row and see which I prefer overall. If time is of the essence....whichever row has the shortest line!


On a related side note, I had my own "Magical Moment" at Disney this summer...My friend and I went for the single rider line for Everest on our first ride out...I was really wanting to ride in the front, but it was July...so you understand the line situation! They called for me as the next single rider. There was a nice little pause, and he said "First Row". For further fun, they sat me with a really cute soccer player with a fantastic accent! Special thanks to the mouse on that one!!

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Hypers: usually the back for maximum drop intensity, but I try to give the front a chance.


Inverts: the front, unless the line is horrible. Inverts are so much better up front due to the visibility.


Woodies: front or back. It really varies. Always went for the very back on El Toro because the first drop is insane there. Sometimes the front gives better airtime going up hills on woodies though. And some woodies are too rough in the back.

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Good question,


On most steel I like the middle, but ALWAYS want front seat on an inverted or launched coaster. But with MF, middle is good, as it is on Maverick and Dominator.


On some coasters I like the back, to get the rip on the first drop. Magnum and Beast and Vortex at KI are two like this.


Only rode one Flying coaster, do not think seats matter much on those at all.

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The front and back both have awesome strong forces. On some I strongly prefer the front (Beast, Flight of Fear, Dragster, Top Gun). And some I strongly the back. (Magnum, Millennium Force, Maverick, Vortex).


Dragster's front is absolutely awesome in the front. The rides I had this season were so incredible. There was so much airtime going over the top hat. I love looking over the side of the tower as you go up, watching everything get smaller and smaller. It's so close to being my top coaster, but it's just too short of a ride.


Maverick was fantastic in the front and back. Front gave great views and different types of airtime throughout the course. In the back, there was some roughness, but some more extreme experiances of airtime. I think I prefer the back because of the stronger airtime hills.

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I'd have to say on any dive coaster, floorless, or launched coaster, FRONT FRONT FRONT!!!!


Other than that, i really just enjoy front and back equally. Sometimes i'll ride in the front because im in the mood to see my doom ahead or just because im tired of riding in the back. The same goes for the back. (except the back gives you a rougher, more whip-like ride). But i try to avoid any other seat besides the very front or very back unless im short on time and have already ridden in a billion times.


btw: Griffon's front row, farthest left seat owns all!!!!! it has to be my favorite seat on a coaster, especially on the drop!

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  • 2 years later...

I just wondered what your favorite coasters are in regards to seating. Just share your list of favorite rides to do in both the front seat, as well as a list for the back. Here's my lists:



Lakeside Cyclone

Millenium Force


Riddler's Revenge






Accelerator Coasters

Montezooma's Revenge




*Second to back because of age limit...

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Grizzly: Back

Flight Deck: Front (Only for the view), Back

Demon: back

Invertigo: End car facing outwards or inwards

Vortex: Front


Giant Dipper: Back (More airtime!)

Hurricane: Doesn't matter, short train


Medusa: Front

V2: Back, middle back

Roar: Back

Boomerang: Back

Kong: Probably front


Overall, I say back because the ride feels more intense, or will deliver more airtime...plus, as the gp says, the ride's longer (I really don't understand how that's possible!).


Front is good for those open-air type seating on an Invert, or floorless. Or, If I want the feeling of being pushed uphill from the valleys.

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I just wondered what your favorite coasters are in regards to seating. Just share your list of favorite rides to do in both the front seat, as well as a list for the back. Here's my lists:



Lakeside Cyclone

Millenium Force


Riddler's Revenge






Accelerator Coasters

Montezooma's Revenge




*Second to back because of age limit...


Have you ever ridden Riddler in the back? Theres some awesome ejector air back there. I cant remember if you get it up front or not.

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Flight Deck/Top Gun at CGA: Both the front and the back are great.

Any Arrow looper: first row of the last car is always a good choice.

X2: Front is smoother, but the back is much crazier IMO.

Tatsu: It's a MUST RIDE in the front. It's like nothing I've ever ridden.

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It definitely depends on the ride. If it has alot of airtime, it's usually best to sit at the back for the full effect. Although if you want to be more open on the ride, the front is obviously the best choice.

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Coasters with lots of camelbacks and floater air



B&M flyers




Coasters with ejector air on steep drops


Schwarzkopf shuttles (back spike!)



Um... riding in the middle of a coaster is sorta like kissing your sister.

It's not exactly UNpleasant, but what's the point?

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Well lets see....


Bizarro (SFNE)- Front or back, you get MASSIVE airtime either way.

Boulder Dash (Lake Compounce)- Defiantly the front, you get surprisingly more airtime and the view is INSANE!!!

Yankee Cannonball (Canobie Lake Park) - Back, absolutely the most insane airtime I have ever felt on a roller coaster. I could (not even joking) stand up.


So I guess it's down the middle. I said both ways!

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