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KidTums Goes To Florida! An Ongoing Photo TR!

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I'm really jealous of KidTums right now! She goes to Orlando when she's less than a year old, and I had to wait twelve years! Eh, whatever. Glad you guys are having fun and ride good Tower for me.



You think you have it bad? I'm 17 and still waiting...


I wonder how old she'll be before she gets to England... I'll deffinately make time to go then!

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I'm just wondering as KidTums gets older, will she still be called KidTums?


At 16, will we call her "TeenageTums?"


When she is 20, will she be called "Sorority GirlTums?"


When she turns 25, will she be "On the Fast Path to SuccessTums?"


At 30, will we call her "MommyTums?"


At 60, will her name be "GrandmaTums?"


At 100, will she be called "DeadTums?"


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I'm just wondering as KidTums gets older, will she still be called KidTums?


At 16, will we call her "TeenageTums?"


When she is 20, will she be called "Sorority GirlTums?"


When she turns 25, will she be "On the Fast Path to SuccessTums?"


At 30, will we call her "MommyTums?"


At 60, will her name be "GrandmaTums?"


At 100, will she be called "DeadTums?"



I thought you guys had a restraining order on Barry posting in KidTums threads


Too bad I couldn't join you guys. Had to work!

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Nothing beats the floater air time on fire with the ice dragon doing the zero g roll right under your feet.

All of Ice beats it! . I always thought that floater air moment was WAAAY overrated. Kind of like that airtime moment on Riddler's!


We are at Magic Kingdom now (posting from the blackberry) and KidTums got to meet Chip n Dale!


Will post more photos and video later!



Ps. And I only condone standing on rides where it is allowed!

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I give Fire the slight edge because it has that extra "flip" at the end. Ice just rolls into the station. Still, I ride them both. I ride Fire in the back and Ice in the front. You just can't get enough of the wall!

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I just showed the KidTums video to my mum, and all she kept saying was "Doesn't she look like Robb?! She looks so much like Robb!!" interspersed with "I remember doing that with you! And now you're all grown up! *sob*"



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